Your exam timetable is available through myUNSW, opens in a new window.

For general information on exams at UNSW, please see UNSW Examinations, opens in a new window.

Please check the School of Mathematics and Statistics Student Noticeboard for recent news and updates.

IMPORTANT NOTICE - action required by 1st August 2022

Please ensure that you are up to date with the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) requirements to access UNSW single sign-on (SSO) applications. Please note that this includes exam scenarios. For up-to-date information, please refer to MFA website, opens in a new window.

School policies

Undergraduate students

Additional assessment exams can only be sat by students who are permitted to do so under the School's Policy on Additional Assessment.

Additional assessment exams must be sat at the announced time provided to you byt the Exam Branch.

Postgraduate coursework students

Students requiring assistance, or with long-term problems, should contact Student Services Manager or the Director of Postgratuate Coursework Studies. These can be found on the School's Contacts page.