International Day of Mathematics 2023 Public Lectures at UNSW Sydney

Join us for these special lectures by two Applied Mathematicians at UNSW Sydney. We will hear presentations from:

Michael Denes, who won the 2022 TM Cherry Prize for the best student talk at the ANZIAM Annual Conference, recently completed his PhD in Applied Mathematics at UNSW.

Frances Kuo is a Professor in Applied Mathematics at UNSW who has won prestigious awards for her research, and has delivered several invited plenary talks at conferences across the globe.

From ocean waves to mesoscale eddies, Michael Denes

The global ocean isn't a stagnant pond, rather, it's a big bowl of turbulent soup! It's in constant motion, distributing heat, salt, carbon, and other climate-relevant properties around the world. It's strongly influenced by stratification and rotation, and is organised by a number of dynamical features on a range of spatial and temporal scales, from rip currents at the human scale to the great ocean conveyer belt at the planetary scale. At each scale, the corresponding features organise the turbulence and provide a schematic for the general ocean flow. Many of these features are transient in nature, so identifying and tracking these features, and ultimately quantifying their contribution to ocean mixing and climate processes, is challenging. I'll begin this talk by describing my journey in maths and approach to mathematical research. I will then discuss some of my exciting results from recent studies on transport and mixing problems related to ocean eddies and Southern Ocean fronts.

Lifting the curse of dimensionality, Frances Kuo

High dimensional computation with very many or even infinitely many variables is a new frontier in scientific computing, with applications ranging from financial mathematics to groundwater flow, neutron transport, wave propagation and more. Often the dimensionality arises from uncertainty or randomness in the data. High dimensional problems pose immense challenges because of a nearly inevitable tendency for the cost of computation to grow exponentially with dimension. This talk is a tale on how “Quasi-Monte Carlo” methods can be used to lift this curse of dimensionality.

The lectures will be presented in Room 4082 in the Red Centre building (ref: H13 on UNSW campus map, opens in a new window).
Drinks and finger food will be hosted following the talks, in Red Centre Room 3082 (ref: H13 on UNSW campus map, opens in a new window). 
Michael Denes Frances Kuo
Wednesday 15 March
6:00-6:30pm: Michael Denes 6:30-7:00pm: Professor Frances Kuo 7:00-8:00pm: Finger food/drinks.
Lectures: Red Centre Room 4082, UNSW Post-event drinks: Red Centre Room 3082, UNSW
Now closed.
About the speakers

Michael Denes is a recent PhD graduate in Applied Mathematics at UNSW. He holds a BSc. (Honours 1) in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Sydney. His current research interests include mathematical oceanography, geophysical fluid dynamics, and dynamical systems. He won the 2022 TM Cherry Prize for the best student talk at the ANZIAM Annual Conference.

Frances Kuo joined UNSW in 2003. Starting as a Research Fellow, Frances went on to hold a UNSW Vice-Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship, an ARC QEII Fellowship, and an ARC Future Fellowship. She was appointed Professor in 2019. Among her awards, Frances was the recipient of the Information-Based Complexity Prize in 2014. She works in the exciting area of high dimensional numerical integration and approximation, especially “Quasi-Monte Carlo” methods. She has been invited to give 15 plenary lectures at major conferences worldwide.