Ilizel’s research focuses on fabrication and storage optimization of a novel porous solid-state hydrogen storage material in fuel cell integrated systems to reduce the hydrogen storage pressure to only 10MPa, six times less than current market technology.

About us

Hydrogen Storage and Energy Group (HSEG) works on development of nano/microstructure novel materials for energy storage applications. We are working on energy storage systems including:

  • Hydrogen storage materials for solid-state hydrogen storage application 
  • Hydrogen storage and production technology for on-board and stationary remote area power supply (RAPS) systems
  • Materials for batteries technology, thermal management, EMI shielding, and 2D electrical conduction

Hydrogen is the fuel of the future, but a bottleneck to the realisation of hydrogen economy is its storage. The development of a safe and effective hydrogen storage material is key to hydrogen-based energy systems in a wide range of applications.  

Hydrogen storage and battery technology group
Figure 1. Advantages of hydrogen storage technology at Hydrogen Storage & Energy Group


Projects & grants

Hydrogen Storage Materials (HSMs) developed in our laboratories, are used in zero carbon emission hydrogen-powered vehicles and microgrid integrated with the hydrogen production and low-pressure hydrogen storage technology. The  environmental-friendly on-board and remote area power supply (RAPS) prototypes provide a revolutionary means of efficient energy storage which is safe, reliable, and cost-effective. The projects aim to set up two systems:  1. a hydrogen storage subsystem equipped with a fuel cell for on-board application; 2. a zero-emission RAPS prototype consisting of an electrolyser, fuel cell and hydrogen storage in conjunction with PV systems for stationary off-grid power supply, as a stand-alone and reliable alternative to diesel generators and batteries, to meet the electricity consumption in remote areas.

Current projects

National & International Collaborators

We have national and international collaborators at research institutes, universities and industries, including:

J.A. Andrews, RMIT

E. Gray, Griffith University

B. Pollet, University of Birmingham

V. Basiuk, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

C. Chen, National Taiwan University

KS Lin, Yuan Ze University

JS Chen and KL Lin, National Cheng Kung University

J.Ma, University of South Australia 

M Zhu, South China University of Technology 

S. Saion, University of New Haven

C. Cazorla Silva, Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Hydrogen storage and battery technology group


Hydrogen storage and battery technology group
Hydrogen storage and battery technology group
Hydrogen storage and battery technology group
Hydrogen storage and battery technology group
Hydrogen storage and battery technology group
Hydrogen storage and battery technology group
Hydrogen storage and battery technology group
Hydrogen storage and battery technology group

Our team

 Sammy Chan

Sammy’s research interests are in the areas of energy-materials, hydrogen storage and metal matrix composites (MMCs).