Work health & safety

Woman in safety glasses

At the School of Materials Science & Engineering, the aim is to provide a safe, healthy and secure learning and working environment for all students, staff, contractors and visitors. To achieve this goal everyone has a responsibility for ensuring their actions do not adversely affect the health, safety and welfare of themselves or others. The University has laid out these goals in its WHS policy. The policy applies to all staff, students, visitors and contractors of UNSW.

The University has in place a work Health and Safety Management System (HSMS). An HSMS is a set of plans, actions and procedures to manage health and safety in the workplace. All staff, students, visitors and contractors with the School of Materials Science & Engineering are required to work within this HSMS. The system has six key elements, which can be found at the following link:

Health & Safety Management System (HSMS) (link is external)

UNSW School of Materials Science & Engineering WHS Committee

The School’s WHS Committee operates in accordance with the University’s WHS guidelines.  

The Committee consists of the Head of School, Deputy Head of School, School Safety Officer and two additional members of staff and a postgraduate representative. 

The School has 1 first aid warden and 2 fire wardens for each occupied floor of the building.

UNSW WHS policy, procedures and guidelines

UNSW policy, procedures and guidelines for work health and safety can be found on the Health & Safety website (link is external)

MSE training/ UNSW training 

Staff and students can register for WHS training and view their training history via myUNSW/ local data base.  

School Training 

  • SUPA GAS Gas Training
  • UNSW ADFA Laser Training
  • MSE Info Session (School Inductions New Staff and Students)/ SafeSys Training
  • ARGYLE Spill Kit Training
  • MSE HF Training

UNSW Training

Hazard reporting

To report a hazard, incident, injury or illness, log on to myUNSW and fill out the online report form.  To log onto the online system follow these steps:

  • Log onto myUNSW
  • Click on ‘My Staff profile’ or the 'My Student profile’ (as appropriate) and go to ‘My Staff Services’ section
  • Click on the ‘Harm to Zero’ logo
  • You will now be at the ‘OHS&E Reporting System’ screen.


The contact number for UNSW Security is x56666 or 02-9385-6666

First aid kits are located on each floor in the service corridor and on southern side of E10. 

Automatic defibrilator is located on ground floor of the building. 


Upon hearing a continuous alarm or a request to evacuate the building, all occupants of the building must leave in an orderly manner by the nearest exit. The fire stairs in Building E10 are located on the north side of the building. DO NOT USE THE LIFTS.

Building power shut down

There will be, on occasion, power outages and when these occur it is imperative that all persons obey the directions of the appropriate Floor Wardens in the building. In the case of an evacuation of the building, all personnel should evacuate the building and move to the closest assembly point outside the building.

Assembly Point

The Assembly Area for the School is the lawn area on the University Mall, opposite the Law Building F8.  There are also emergency notices on each floor (located near the lifts).


WHS Staff

Anthony Zhang

Safety Officer

Room 119.01, Hilmer Building E10

+61 2 9385 5109

Jianqiang Zhang


Room 348, Hilmer Building (E10), School of Materials Science & Engineering

+61 2 9385 5025