Water Research Laboratory
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Our research
- Australian coastal observation network
- Big Swamp restoration project
- Cars in floods: Vehicle stability testing for flood flows
- Caseys Beach seawall upgrade
- Climate change in NSW estuaries
- Clybucca monitoring
- Clybucca Wetlands management options study
- Coastal adaptation needs for extreme events and climate change, Avarua, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
- CoastSat
- CoastSnap
- Cold water pollution: A review
- Eurobodalla Shire Council coastal hazard assessment
- Hunter River water quality model
- Hunter scoping study
- Kingscliff seawall design
- Manly coastal hazard assessment
- NSW coastal floodplain prioritisation project
- Oceanlinx wave energy system physical modelling
- Oyster reef restoration project
- Physical modelling of Bounty Bay breakwater, Pitcairn Island
- Port Fairy coastal hazard assessment
- Scrivener Dam physical model
- The mystery of Thirlmere Lakes
- Tomago Wetland monitoring
- Tomago Wetland restoration project
- Tube fishway project
- Tuckean Swamp drainage options study
- Yeramba Lagoon restoration
- Facilities & equipment
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