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- Centre for Social Research in Health
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Centre for Social Research in Health
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Our projects
- Aboriginal patterns of cancer care
- Access and equity project
- Ageing and people living with HIV/viral hepatitis in the ACT
- Annual Report of Trends in Behaviour
- Asian gay men's community survey
- Barriers to HIV prevention and care among gay men in Tasmania
- Community-based study of undiagnosed HIV and testing (COUNT study)
- Community Reference Panel
- Comparing the role of takeaways in methadone maintenance treatment in New South Wales and Victoria
- Couples Who Inject Drugs (CUPID Project)
- COVID-19 vaccine acceptability in priority populations
- Crystal, Pleasures and Sex between Men
- Deadly Liver Mob
- Diverse experiences and understandings of immunity in the pandemic age
- e-male study: the role of the internet in building social capital for homosexually active men
- Evaluation of ACON’s Substance Support Service
- Evaluation of NSP service models in Sydney West
- Evaluation of the Stimulant Check-up Clinic
- Evaluation of the Ted Noffs Foundation Street University program
- Experiences of addiction, treatment and recovery: an online resource for members of the public, health professionals and policymakers
- GBQ+ Community Periodic Surveys
- Getting down to it: understanding barriers to STI testing among young people
- Health in Men (HIM) cohort study of HIV-negative gay men
- Health Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the Decriminalisation of Sex Work
- Identifying factors that improve the health of people newly released from prison who inject drugs
- Improving antiretroviral treatment (ART) initiation for people living with HIV in Australia: a realistic and feasible approach?
- Investigating the capacity of the general practitioner workforce to meet ongoing HIV primary care needs in Australia
- It’s Your Love Life periodic survey
- My health, our family
- National MSM Study
- NSW Sexual health promotion monitoring and evaluation framework
- PrEP in practice: clinician perspectives on prescribing PrEP in Australia
- Project 1626: condom use and hepatitis C knowledge among young people
- Queer generations
- Rapid qualitative assessments of COVID-19 health needs in three Aboriginal communities in NSW
- Reimagining Menopause
- Responding to monkeypox virus among gay and bisexual men in Australia (RE:MPXV)
- Social Research Conference on HIV, Viral Hepatitis & Related Diseases
- SpeakEasy in Practice
- SpeakEasy podcast
- Stigma Research Stream
- STIPU Music Festivals Project
- STIPU Play Safe Digital Marketing Program
- StraightMSM study: heterosexually-identified men who have sex with men
- The Goanna Project
- The Observe Study
- The PrEPARE project
- Trans Community Consultation and Recommendations on a Menopause Toolkit
- Trust in Digital Health
- What we do well: stories of love, sex and relationships
- YouMe&HIV
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- Tackling Stigma