High-Order Finite Elements have been deeply researched since their inception in the 1970s. The main advantage of these methods is their fast convergence to accurate solutions.
ASR is more ubiquitously and generally known as concrete cancer. It deleteriously affects many cement structures and even though it was first recognised in the 1930s, it remains difficult to avoid or mitigate.
an timber as a lightweight and sustainable construction material – albeit with inherent shortcomings- be efficiently used in conjunction with steel and concrete to develop robust and environmentally friendly structures?
One of the greatest challenges of the 21st century is how to secure global prosperity without placing excessive demand on the Earth’s natural resources and without jeopardising the climate system.
Precast concrete is commonly used in modern construction techniques. The benefits offered by precast concrete walling, along with the growing availability of mobile cranes and the rising cost of bricklaying, have seen precast wall panels becoming the product of choice
Construction standards are so woven into the physical fabric of society that most people give little thought to the incredible amount of research and expertise that goes into our human-created landscapes.
Off-site modular manufacture is regarded by some experts as the future of construction and it is materials like cross-laminated timber (CLT) and steel-timber composites (STC) that are making that future possible.
Virtual reality is increasingly being used in applications including entertainment, personnel training, architecture, design integration and construction to name a few.