UNSW spearheads list of Australia’s most influential women
Six high-achieving UNSW academics and four alumnae have been recognised in the '100 Women of Influence Awards for 2015’, the most of any institution in Australia.
Six high-achieving UNSW academics and four alumnae have been recognised in the '100 Women of Influence Awards for 2015’, the most of any institution in Australia.
Six high-achieving UNSW academics and four alumnae have been recognised in the '100 Women of Influence Awards for 2015’.
The prestigious annual awards, bestowed by The Australian Financial Review and Westpac, select 100 women across 10 categories: board/management, innovation, public policy, business enterprise, diversity, young leader, local/regional, global, culture and social enterprise/not-for-profit.
UNSW’s strength as an innovation hub has been acknowledged with three UNSW researchers named as women of influence in the innovation category.
The 500 entrants for 2015 were assessed by a panel of judges and have been recognised based on 'their outstanding ability to demonstrate vision, leadership, innovation and action in and beyond their fields’.
The UNSW women of influence for 2015 are:
The UNSW alumnae women of influence for 2015 are:
The overall winner and category winners will be announced on Thursday October 15, 2015.
Read more in the Australian Financial Review.
For more on UNSW's trailblazing women, see 15 women changing our world.