Phone: +61 2 9385 2864
After hours: +61 2 9348 0061
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Media and Corporate Communications services
Staffed by experienced journalists, the UNSW Corporate Communications and News & Content teams promote newsworthy research and other achievements of the University through external media, the UNSW Newsroom, key corporate publications and social media.
External media liaison
- The teams promote research and other key activities of the University through domestic and international media.
- The teams respond to media queries, including requests for expert comment and analysis.
- The teams also assist academics with media releases, media placement and opinion pieces.
Corporate publications
- The teams are responsible for various publications including the UNSW Sydney annual reports and the fortnightly newsletter for staff Inside UNSW, opens in a new window.

UNSW Newsroom
The News & Content team is responsible for the UNSW Newsroom as well as news content on the UNSW homepage.
Reproducing Newsroom articles
The text of UNSW Newsroom articles is free to reproduce if it is not edited to change meaning or presented out of context. When reproducing Newsroom articles, UNSW Sydney must be acknowledged as the author and a link provided to the original article. Images are not provided for reproduction without permission from UNSW Sydney. To enquire about image rights or reproducing Newsroom content please contact