June challenge
Your challenge: Design a water capture and reuse system you could place in your backyard, a park, at school or maybe even on your window? It can be a device or a landscape plan.
Water – waste not, want not! Youtube Link
When designing your water capture and reuse system, consider…
- Where will you collect your water from? It could be from a runoff from a hill, road, roof or just rain?
- How you will capture and store the water efficiency?
- What could you use it for? We can’t use stormwater for drinking, cooking or showering because it might have pollutants and must be processed. Be creative with how you can use water!
- How much volume do you wish to capture in your system? Large water ways or parklands can be designed to capture water and smaller outdoor installations or handheld devices can be helpful
- Will your design have other uses?
Upload a sketch of your design or landscape plan and tell us about how your design works?
Submit: Make sure you upload it to the Girls in Engineering Club Facebook group or Submit your sketch here by the 19th of June 2020, and you’ll have a chance to win prizes for participating!
Top two designs will get a kit to make your own limited edition UNSW leather notepad! Check out this simple object we whipped up in 2 minutes! I bet you could do better.
Need some inspo? Check out these websites and videos:
Read about the glacier towers in the Himalayans, which store excess water in winter! Watch the video and see how they are made. Watch the video that models its water flow.
Read about the interesting case studies across the world.
See this DIY rainwater collector, which could also act as rain cover.