What is recognition of prior learning (RPL)

We understand that life, interests, opportunities and a myriad of other factors can influence the study you undertake. When those factors change, you may need to refocus your study program. This is where Recognition of Prior Learning (also referred to as 'credit', ‘credit transfer’ or ‘advanced standing’) comes in.  

Recognition of Prior Learning is the transfer of credit towards your program from another institution. It can be granted when the courses passed at another institution are deemed equivalent to those studied at UNSW and are required for your program. You can be granted credit from more than one institution, provided that the courses studied are recognised by UNSW as being equivalent. 

Recognition of Prior Learning is available in the form of Credit Transfer/Advanced Standing. For more information, please see the Glossary below.

Eligibility requirements

You may receive Recognition of Prior Learning with the approval of the Program Authority, opens in a new window if you satisfy the UNSW Credit Transfer Rules, opens in a new window and Faculty Enrolment Rules.
Please note that:

  • It is essential that students submit their application for Recognition of Prior Learning prior to the start of their first term. Credit cannot be granted after the census date of your first term. 
  • Block Credit will be granted based on entry with a cognate degree. Students must opt to either accept all awarded RPL or forfeit the entire RPL.
  • RPL assessments are based on the completion date of the course used for credit. 
  • Courses with a successful completion date of up to 10 years can be used for credit transfer. Credit won’t be granted where the completion date exceeds 10 years.
  • Approved RPL units of credit must not exceed 50% of the minimum unit of credit required for the enrolled degree.
  • It’s not possible to apply for credit if a student has previously attempted or remained enrolled beyond the census date in the course while studying at UNSW.
  • Students enrolled in a program that consists of 24 UOC or less are not eligible for recognition of prior learning. 
  • The Faculty does not give recognition of prior learning on the basis of work experience.
  • The Faculty does not provide recognition of prior learning for Thesis courses under any circumstances.

How do I submit an application?

To apply, submit an application for Recognition of Prior Learning by completing the ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ webform, opens in a new window. You will need to submit a copy of your official transcript and (English) course outlines of the studies you have undertaken at another university.

How is my application assessed?

Recognition of Prior Learning is assessed based on transcripts and course outlines. Applications can be assessed at two stages; during Admissions (when applying for a degree) or after accepting an offer from UNSW.

During the Admissions stage, recognition of prior learning is assessed by the UNSW Engineering Admissions Team (in consultation with the Program Authority). This assessment is based on your academic transcript(s), and you will be notified of your credit in your official letter of offer. If further information is required you will be asked to provide full course outlines (course outline requirements can be found below).

Students who have accepted an offer need to submit an application for Recognition of Prior Learning by completing the ‘Recognition of prior learning’ webform. You will need to submit a copy of your official transcript and (English) course outlines of the studies you have undertaken at another university. Recognition of Prior Learning will be assessed by the Nucleus: Student Hub (in consultation with the Program Director).

Please contact the Nucleus: Student Hub if you have any further questions.

Program information

Up to 48 UOC of advanced standing may be granted to candidates with degrees from cognate programs.

If you are entering with an AQF level 7 qualification, you may be eligible for a maximum of 24 UoC.

All courses completed towards the Graduate Certificate, or the Graduate Diploma of Engineering Science at UNSW will be recognised for the purpose of advanced standing for the Master of Engineering Science.

Up to 48 UOC of advanced standing may be granted to candidates with degrees from cognate programs.

If you are entering with an AQF level 7 qualification, you may be eligible for a maximum of 24 UoC.

All courses completed towards the Graduate Certificate, or the Graduate Diploma of Information Technology at UNSW will be recognised for the purpose of advanced standing for the Master of Engineering Science.

No advanced standing (recognition of prior learning) will be allowed in the Master of Engineering.

Frequently asked questions


Contact us

Please contact the Nucleus: Student Hub, opens in a new window for all enquiries regarding recognition of prior learning.