The Bachelor of Engineering Science (3706) is a 3-year non-accredited pass degree that also serves as an exit degree for the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) (3707) program. As such, students cannot generally request a transfer into this exit degree. It provides graduates with a grounding in a specific engineering discipline, as well as foundational knowledge in the underlying theories and sciences that provides the basis for engineering. It provides graduates with technical skills and confidence to analyse and apply their knowledge to solve engineering problems. Graduates will also be able to think in terms of systems and complex interactions and be capable of contributing effectively in teams. Additional exit dual degree combinations are available with Arts, Science, Computer Science and Commerce. The Bachelor of Engineering Science can also be used to provide a second, complementary area of Engineering Specialisation in the dual Materials Science and Engineering (Honours) / Engineering Science, opens in a new window, and Engineering (Honours) / Engineering Science, opens in a new window degrees.

The Bachelor of Engineering Science program structure consists of 144 UOC:

The 96 UOC major consists of Engineering courses from a specific BE (Hons) discipline stream, with a minimum of:

  • 18 UOC (minimum) – Level 1 Prescribed Electives
  • 18 UOC (minimum) – Level 2 Prescribed Electives
  • 24 UOC (minimum) – Level 3 or higher Prescribed Electives
  • Any remaining UOC is taken from the above three lists

There are no Industrial Training Requirements for this degree.

BEng (Hons) progression rules and the appeals process

Students enrolled in a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) program must satisfy progression requirements to remain in their program, in line with UNSW’s Program Design Procedure. Students must show cause not to be excluded from the program (i.e. transferred out of the degree and blocked from returning) if they have any of the following:

  • 2 fails in any given core course
  • Failed more than 50% of the BE courses after attempting at least half of the BE Stream (min. 84 UOC)
  • Have a WAM below 50 with 48 UOC or more of the BE Stream remaining.

Students who do not meet these progression rules are transferred into the Bachelor of Engineering Science degree. Students in dual Engineering (Hons) degrees are transferred into the matching dual exit degree. The Faculty of Engineering checks students against their progression requirements on a yearly basis, after the release of Term 3 results. Students who are not meeting requirements are contacted by their UNSW email address.

Re-admission to the BE(Hons)

Students who are transferred to the Bachelor of Engineering Science, and can demonstrate sustained improvement in their academic performance, can apply to return to the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons).