
Women chatting

We offer a variety of scholarships to UNSW Engineering undergraduate students. These include government, industry, and faculty funded schemes and scholarships for domestic and international students.

Students on walking down steps on campus

UNSW Funded Scholarships

Our undergraduate and postgraduate (coursework and research) students have access to multiple UNSW funded and administered scholarships. Find out more about scholarships for specific programs or research areas, their conditions and eligibility criteria.

LEAP Engineering Ambassador Scholarship

The Engineering Research Ambassador Award supports highly motivated HDR students who are keen to promote the Faculty’s research throughout UNSW and the wider community with a particular focus on the undergraduate student community. They will have opportunities to establish themselves as leaders within their cohort and develop excellent communication skills.

Students sitting and standing with laptops at outdoor courtyard
Photo of engineering student

Engineering HDR Sanctuary Scholarship

Value: A stipend for living allowances at the UNSW Scholarship rate plus $10,000 per annum top-up for a maximum of 3.5 years

The Engineering HDR Sanctuary Scholarship supports passionate students who are an asylum seeker or refugee and experiencing financial hardship complete their HDR studies.

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Home Country Scholarships

For international students, some countries offer scholarships for their citizens to undertake research degrees abroad. For more information, enquire with your home university.

We also have UNSW/Home Country Joint Scholarships, established to promote international collaboration with five other countries.

Students sitting at desk with water bottles and tablets in classroom

Engineering Postgraduate Research Scholarships

We offer a variety of scholarships to UNSW Engineering postgraduate research students. These include government, industry, and faculty funded schemes starting at $35,000 pa (2023 rate) and top-up scholarships starting at $10,000 pa.

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Find a scholarship that rewards your ambition and supports your future. Whether you're a domestic or international student, we're likely to have a scholarship that will help you reach your full potential.