Explore our broad catalogue of blogs for news and engineering insights. These include student and professional profiles to give you a taste of life as an engineer, Q+A’s, study tips, tricks and general life inspo!
Discover what 'A Week in the Life' of an engineering student looks like as we profile different engineering streams.
Have a question about what it's like to be an engineer? Check out these interviews with inspiring female engineers leading the way in their fields, as well as UNSW engineering students.
Whether you have an exam coming up, you need help with your subject selection, or you're considering applying for a scholarship, check out these helpful tips and tricks to set you up for success!
Third year UNSW software and biomedical engineering student Esther, is learning how to develop an AI-based patient monitoring system as part of her Vertically Integrated Project. See what kind of impact this project will have in the healthcare industry!