Our course outlines are designed to clearly articulate the objectives, organisation and assessment activities of the course. They can help you understand the connection between your courses, our desired graduate attributes and your future work in industry. Course outlines may contain the following information:

  • course staff and contact details
  • summary, aims and learning outcomes
  • rationale and teaching strategies
  • course schedule
  • class times and locations
  • assessment information
  • relevant resources
  • common school expectations, policies and procedures.

Course outlines are usually posted on Moodle a week before each term commences. If the current course outlines are not available, you can consult the previous year's outlines or visit the appropriate UNSW Handbook page. If you still require further information, please contact the relevant course coordinators.

Please note: all course outlines are subject to approval by the Head of School. Information provided about courses and programs and any arrangements for courses, including staffing, are an expression of intent only and are not to be taken as a firm offer or undertaking. At UNSW Engineering, we reserve the right to discontinue or vary such courses or programs or arrangements at any time without notice and to impose limitations on enrolment in any course.

School course outlines

Engineering faculty course outlines