Professor Waite and his team are involved in a range of research activities focussed on use of oxidation and reduction technologies for both the degradation of contaminants and the recovery of resources including nutrients and high value elements that are present in wastewaters. Research activities involve both studies to improve understanding of the mechanism underpinning the technology as well as approaches to optimising the process when used at full scale.


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Area

Water treatment | Contaminant removal | Resource recovery

The Waite Group is made up of research students, Research Associates and process engineers at both UNSW Sydney and at the UNSW Centre for Transformational Environmental Technologies in Yixing, Jiangsu Province in China. This research team undertake studies at both laboratory scale but also interact with industry partners in investigations at pilot and full-scale. The research team undertake both experimental and computational studies and apply the results of these studies to the development and application of innovative treatment and resource recovery technologies.

The ToR student will contribute to the collection of experimental and/or computational results that will form the basis of research output that will be published either in high quality, peer-reviewed international journals or in commercial-in-confidence reports to industry partners.