Mr Zhi Li

Mr Zhi Li

Postdoctoral Fellow
Centre for Marine Science & Innovation

A major challenge confronting the climate research community is that despite the dramatic acceleration in global ocean warming, it remains unclear how this heat uptake is distributed by basin and across water masses, and the associated physics of the processes regulating formation of, and heat uptake in, distinct water masses. Two particular water masses of note in this challenge are mode and intermediate waters in the subtropical and Southern Ocean, given their key role in the uptake and r...

Climate Change Research Centre Level 4, Mathews Building The University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052

My current activities within UNSW are to investigate Southern Ocean ventilation and water-mass formation, as well as the heat uptake and redistribution by Subantarctic Mode Water (SAMW) and Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) in driving Southern Ocean warming and global ocean heat uptake. I have been looking at the formation and variability of SAMW and AAIW in the Southern Ocean, by reconciling their volume changes with formation mechanisms of subduction and water-mass transformation. I am currently working at investigating the ocean heat uptake and redistribution by the formation of SAMW and AAIW, for understanding Southern Ocean warming, and more broadly, global ocean warming.