Mr Yu Wu

Mr Yu Wu

Casual Academic
  • Ph.D. in Organisational Behaviour (in progress), UNSW Sydney
  • MPhil in Organisational Behaviour, UNSW Sydney
  • Master of International Business, UNSW Sydney
Business School
SDD (Academic)

Yu Wu (John) is a Ph.D. candidate in Organisational Behaviour in the School of Management and Governance at the UNSW Business School, UNSW Sydney. His primary research focuses on the role of emotions in the workplace, including interpersonal emotional regulation, emotional labour, customer mistreatment, customer service and service management, and leadership.

His research in emotional regulation and customer service focuses on behavioural and emotional components of service interactions. Most of his current research in the service context focuses on answering the following overarching questions:

  • How frontline employee's emotions shape their service behaviours towards customers (i.e., employee's emotional labour, employee's organizational citizenship behaviours, employee's counterproductive behaviours, etc.).
  • How customers respond to frontline employees' service behaviours (i.e., customer satisfaction, customer word of mouth, customer mistreatment, etc.).
  • How contextual and individual factors influence service interactions between frontline employees and customers (i.e., service climate, service type, service environment, employee's and customer's personality, etc.)

Yu's research in leadership focuses on the influence of leader’s affective display on leadership outcomes, and positive leadership styles (i.e., humble leadership, authentic leadership, ethical leadership, and servant leadership). Specifically, his research in leadership focuses on answering the following overarching questions:

  • Whether the effect size between leader’s emotions and leadership effectiveness/performance/outcomes would vary across contextual level factors such as different national cultures (oriental culture vs. western culture, or specific culture dimensions), percentage of females, mean sample age etc.?
  • Whether the effect size between leader’s emotions and leadership effectiveness/performance/outcomes would vary across personality-related factors (i.e., big five), environmental-related factors (i.e., organizational culture, industry culture), task-related factors (creative task vs. others), study-design related factors (non-experimental study vs. experimental study, self-reported vs. other-reported).
  • Whether bottom-up leadership styles (i.e., humble leadership, servant leadership) are different from top-down leadership styles (i.e., transformational leadership, ethical leadership) on leadership outcomes?

Yu is interested in teaching courses in many different areas, such as Organisational Behaviour, Management and Leadership, Human Resource Management, as well as Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Yu's research uses various research methods to unravel complexities of emotions in workplace, such as experience sampling method (ESM), field experiment, lab study, meta-analysis, bibliographic mapping, literature review, etc.

He also serves as a reviewer for academic conferences (i.e., AoM) and ad hoc reviewer for peer-reviewed academic journals, where he reviews quantitative submissions in several research areas, such as emotional regulation, customer mistreatment, customer service, service management, and organizational behaviour in general.


UNSW Business School, Level 5
  • Journal articles | 2023
    Wu Y; Groth M; Zhang K; Minbashian A, 2023, 'A meta-analysis of the impact of customer mistreatment on service employees' affective, attitudinal and behavioral outcomes', Journal of Service Management, 34, pp. 896 - 940,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhan S; Zhang L; Li X; Wu Y, 2023, 'There's no going back? The influence of prior entrepreneurial experience timing on voluntary turnover in post‐entrepreneurship wage employment', Personnel Psychology: the study of people at work, 77, pp. 131 - 164,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Subramony M; Groth M; Hu X; Wu Y, 2021, 'Four Decades of Frontline Service Employee Research: An Integrative Bibliometric Review', Journal of Service Research, 24, pp. 230 - 248,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Groth M; Wu Y; Nguyen H; Johnson A, 2019, 'The Moment of Truth: A Review, Synthesis, and Research Agenda for the Customer Service Experience', Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6,

  • UNSW Business School BizLab Small Project Grant

  • Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship
  • UNSW Business School Supplementary Scholarship


Groth, M., Wu, Y., Nguyen, H., & Johnson, A. (2019). The moment of truth: A review, synthesis, and research agenda for the customer service experience. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 6, 89-113.

Subramony, M., Groth, M., Hu, X. J., & Wu, Y. (2021). Four decades of frontline service employee research: An integrative bibliometric review. Journal of Service Research, 24(2), 230-248.


Zhan, S., Zhang, L., & Wu, Y. (2022, August). Antecedents and Consequences of Entrepreneurial Careers: Integrate Micro and Macro Perspectives. Symposium presentation at the 82th Academy of Management Meetings, Seattle, WA.

Subramony, M., Groth, M., Hu, J., & Wu, Y. (2021, August). Frontline service employees in a changing world: Interdisciplinary perspective and research directions. Symposium presentation at the 81th Academy of Management Meetings, 7-11, Virtual Meeting.

Subramony, M., Groth, M., Wu, Y., & Hu, J. (2020, February). Frontline service employees across research streams: An integrative bibliometric review. Symposium presentation at the 6th annual Symposium of Organizational Frontline Research. San Diego, CA.

Johnson, A., Groth, M., Wu, Y., & Nguyen, H. (2019, August). Interpersonal interactions on the frontline: Review and recommendations. Symposium presentation at the Academy of Management Meetings, Boston, MA.

Wu Y, Groth M & Mertens DP (2018, August). Customers’ expectations for emotional labour: The effects of service provider type and store busyness. Paper Presented at EMONET XI, Chicago, IL.