Dr Yee Shih Phua

Dr Yee Shih Phua

Senior Lecturer
Business School
School of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation

Dr Yee Shih Phua

Senior Lecturer, Student Ethics/Misconduct Officer, Research Seminar Co-ordinator

School of Accounting - BCom (Hons), Sydney | PhD, Melbourne | CA

About Yee

Yee joined the school in 2007. Prior to joining the school, she worked as an auditor in Arthur Anderson Singapore. Yee teaches second and third year management accounting courses.

Her research interests include examining both static and dynamic issues associated with the management of inter-organizational relationships, management control systems, and trust and control in both intra- and interfirm contexts.

Teaching and Supervision
Current Courses Taught

  • ACCT2522 Management Accounting 1

Media Releases

UNSW Business School profile: https://www.business.unsw.edu.au/our-people/yeeshihphua

+61 2 9385 5812
Room 3062 Quadrangle building - Ref E15
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Anderson SW; Cheng MM; Phua YS, 2022, 'Influence of Control Precision and Prior Collaboration Experience on Trust and Cooperation in Inter-Organizational Relationships', Accounting Review, 97, pp. 1 - 22, http://dx.doi.org/10.2308/TAR-2019-0514
    Journal articles | 2017
    Anderson SW; Chang HF; Cheng MM; Phua YS, 2017, 'Getting to Know You: Trust Formation in New Buyer-Supplier Relationships and the Investment Consequences for Management Control and Collaboration', Contemporary Accounting Research, 34, pp. 940 - 965, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1911-3846.12282
    Journal articles | 2011
    Phua YS; Abernethy MA; Lillis A, 2011, 'Controls as exit barriers in multi-period outsourcing arrangements', Accounting Review, 86, pp. 1795 - 1834
  • Conference Presentations | 2018
    Anderson S; Cheng M; Phua YS, 2018, 'The Influence of Control Choice and Partner’s Prior Transactional Experience on Partner’s Trust and Cooperativeness in New Collaborations', presented at 11th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting, Brussels, 12 December 2018 - 14 December 2018, http://www.eiasm.org/frontoffice/event_announcement.asp?event_id=1281
    Conference Presentations | 2016
    Bai S; Kang HELENH; Phua YS, 2016, 'Examining Board Processes and Mechanisms: A Management Control Perspective', presented at 2016 ABO Research Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 06 October 2016 - 08 October 2016, http://aaahq.org/Meetings/2016/ABO-Research-Conference/Program
    Conference Presentations | 2016
    Phua YS; Lillis AM, 2016, 'The Adaptive Capacity of Controls in Collaborative Inter-Organizational Relationships', presented at Joint International Conference of the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) and Accounting, Organizations and Society (AOS), Augsburg, Germany, 07 July 2016 - 09 July 2016, https://www.wiwi.uni-augsburg.de/konferenzen/jiar2016/program/
    Conference Papers | 2013
    Anderson SW; Chang F; Cheng M; Phua YS, 2013, 'The Impact of Supplier Selection and Suppliers' Information Sharing Behaviour on Initial Trust, Controls and Collaboration', in American Accounting Association - Management Section Mid-Year Conference 2013, New Orleans, USA, presented at American Accounting Association 2013 Management Accounting Section Mid-Year Conference, New Orleans, USA, 10 January 2013 - 12 January 2013, http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssm.2132423
    Conference Papers | 2009
    Phua YS, 2009, 'Exploring the Influence Controls on the Modification of Outsourcing relationship', in Exploring the Influence Controls on the Modification of Outsourcing relationship, Accounting & Finance Australia and New Zealand Conference, 2009., Adelaide, Australia, presented at Accounting & Finance Australia and New Zealand Conference, 2009., Adelaide, Australia, 05 July 2009 - 07 July 2009
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Lillis A; Phua YS; Abernethy MA, 2008, 'Control System Investments as Exit Barriers in Multi-Period Outsourcing Arrangements', in Programme & Proceedings American Accounting Association Conference 2008, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2008, Anaheim, California, presented at American Accounting Association Annual Meeting 2008, Anaheim, California, 03 August 2008 - 06 August 2008
    Preprints |
    Anderson SW; Chang F; Cheng MM; Phua YS, Getting to Know You: Trust Formation in New Interfirm Relationships and the Consequences for Investments in Management Control and the Collaboration, , http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2694788
    Preprints |
    Phua YS; Lillis AM; Abernethy MA, Influence of Control Choices on Multi-period Outsourcing Arrangements, , http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1194062
    Preprints |
    Phua YS; Lillis AM, Modifying Outsourcing Relationships Post-Formation: The Role of Controls, , http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2645095
    Preprints |
    Phua YS, Exploring the Influence of Controls on the Modification of Outsourcing Relationships, , http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1456305