Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Water Research Laboratory
Dr William Glamore is a Professor and Principal Research Fellow at the Water Research Laboratory, opens in a new window in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. William has a Bachelor degree from the University of Colorado (Boulder) and a Doctorate in Civil/Environmental Engineering. William has been with WRL since 2003 and has managed and undertaken many large studies both domestically and overseas dur...
Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the Water Research Laboratory
Dr William Glamore is a Professor and Principal Research Fellow at the Water Research Laboratory, opens in a new window in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. William has a Bachelor degree from the University of Colorado (Boulder) and a Doctorate in Civil/Environmental Engineering. William has been with WRL since 2003 and has managed and undertaken many large studies both domestically and overseas during this time.
His primary fields of interest are related to estuarine hydrodynamics and water quality including restoration of estuarine environments, acid sulphate soils, coastal wetlands, boat wake waves, outfall hydraulics and field testing, and related physical and numerical models.
William is particularly interested in restoring large wetland and riverine systems. His PhD (1999-2003) was the first long-term doctoral study to investigate the implications of restoring tidal flows to wetlands impacted by acid sulphate soils (awarded PhD of the Year at UoW). In 2005, William was awarded a Churchill Fellowship on “International Wetland Restoration Practices”. In 2007, William was awarded both the PIANC Authors Award and the Kevin Stark Medal for Excellence in Coastal and Ocean Engineering. In 2008, William was the first Australian to be awarded the International De Paepe-Willems Award. In 2009, William was a selected invitee to the 6th China-Australia Symposium on Sustainable Coastal Wetlands Ecosystem. From 2010, William has been the course director of "Wetland Hydrology: Restoring the Basics". In 2013, William received the National Trust of Australia’s Natural Heritage Award as part of a long-term collaborative wetland restoration project (with Parks and Fisheries). William was also awarded a Peter Cullen Fellowship in 2013 and completed the Science to Policy Leadership Program. In 2014, William was awarded the National Trust of Australia's Heritage Award and Engineers Australia Engineering Excellence Award. In 2015, William was awarded the Green Globe Award. William currently supervises 15 research projects and was appointed to the EPA's Expert Panel on PFAs Contamination (Williamtown RAAF Base; Chair of the Water Working Group).
Professional Organisations and Industry Panels
Coastal Council - NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, member (2017 - current)
Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel - Marine Estate Management Authority, member (2017 - current)
PIANC Australia and New Zealand - Chair (2017 - current)
NSW Expert Panel on PFAS - member (2018 - 2019)
Technical Advisory Group on PFAS Contaminants - member (2019 - current)
Beneficial Reuse of Dredge Sediments - NQBP Technical Panel (2018 - current)
Engineers Australia’s Sydney Water Panel – Board member (2003-2013)
PIANC Australia – Board Member (2005 - present)
Co-Chair of PIANC International's Young Professional Commission (2014 - 2017)
Chair of PIANC Australia's YPCom (2013 - 2017)
Queensland Nickel Independent Science Panel – Committee member (2011-2013)
ASCE’s Wetland and Sediment Management – (2005 - 2008)
Society of Wetland Scientists - member
Commonwealth Review Panels - (multiple panels since 2006)
EPA's PFAS Contamination Expert Panel (Williamtown) and Chair of Water Working Group (2015 - 2018)
PhD of the Year – University of Wollongong 2004
Churchill Fellowship – 2005
Engineers Australia’s Kevin Stark Medal for Excellence in Coastal and Ocean Engineering – 2007
PIANC Young Authours Award – 2007
International Willems - De Paepe Award – 2008
National Trust of Australia’s Heritage Award – 2013
Peter Cullen Trust Fellow – 2013
Engineers Australia's Engineering Excellence Award (NSW) - 2014
National Engineers Australia's Engineering Excellence Finalists - 2014
Green Globe Award - 2015
William has secured over $12 million dollars of Catergory 1, 2, and 3 research funding. A detailed project list can be provided upon request.
- Publications
- Media
- Teaching and Supervision
My Research Supervision
I am currently joint supervisor of 7 PhD students. I am also co-supervisor on several non-UNSW students. I am also supervising several honour and master students not listed below.
Jamie Ruprecht - Linking microbial processes with estuarine hydrodynamics
Danial Khojasteh - Climate change processes in estuaries
Shuang Li - Improving the design of shallow waterbodies
Song Thao - PFAS surficial properties in the environment
Brad Henderson - Cost benefit assessment of tidal wetland restoration
Kate Waddington - Implications of climate change in estuaries
Jan Kreibich - Hydrologic restoration processes of Nimmie-Carrie Wetlands
I also have three active Research Associates (post docs) underway:
Dr Valentine Heimhuber: Climate change processes in estuaries
Dr Mahmood Sadat-Noori: Groundwater processes in restored wetlands
Dr Chris Chen: The water balance of shallow (connected) waterbodies
My Teaching
I currently teach:
CVEN 9620 - Estuaries, River and Channels
CVEN 9625 - Principles of Water Engineering
CVEN 4503 - Groundwater Hydrology and Resources