Dr William Brooks

Conjoint Senior Lecturer

BA 1987

MBBS Syd 1978

MPH Syd 1995

Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine
+61-2-9399 1101
Neuroscience Research Australia
  • Book Chapters | 2012
    Brooks WS; Loy CT; Kwok JBJ; Schofield PR, 2012, 'Genetics of dementia', in Cognitive Neurology: A Clinical Textbook, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198569275.003.0016
    Book Chapters | 2008
    Brooks WS; Loy CT; Kwok JB; Schofield PR, 2008, 'Genetics of Dementia', in Gendelman HE (ed.), Cognitive Neurology: a clinical textbook, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 321 - 345
    Book Chapters | 2005
    Karlstrom H; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Kril J; Halliday GM; Schofield PR, 2005, 'Variable phenotype of Alzheimer's Disease with spastic paraparesis', in Cummings J; Hardy J; Poncet M ; Christen Y (ed.), Genotype-Proteotype-Phenotype Relationships in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 73 - 92
    Book Chapters | 1993
    Halliday GM; Brooks W; Harper C; Broe G; Creasey H, 1993, 'Neuropathological Correlates of Population-Based Studies of Neurodegenerative Diseases', in Beregi E; Gergely IA; Rajczi K (ed.), Recent Advances in Aging Science, Monduzzi, pp. 667 - 671
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Doering S; McCullough A; Gordon BA; Chen CD; McKay N; Hobbs D; Keefe S; Flores S; Scott J; Smith H; Jarman S; Jackson K; Hornbeck RC; Ances BM; Xiong C; Aschenbrenner AJ; Hassenstab J; Cruchaga C; Daniels A; Bateman RJ; Noble JM; Day GS; Graff-Radford NR; Voglein J; Levin J; Allegri RF; Mendez PC; Surace E; Berman SB; Ikonomovic S; Nadkarni NK; Lopera F; Ramirez L; Aguillon D; Leon Y; Ramos C; Alzate D; Baena A; Londono N; Moreno S; Jucker M; Laske C; Kuder-Buletta E; Graber-Sultan S; Preische O; Hofmann A; Ikeuchi T; Kasuga K; Niimi Y; Ishii K; Senda M; Sanchez-Valle R; Rosa-Neto P; Fox NC; Cash D; Lee JH; Roh JH; Salloway S; Riddle MC; Menard W; Bodge C; Surti M; Takada LT; Farlow M; Chhatwal JP; Sanchez-Gonzalez VJ; Orozco-Barajas M; Goate AM; Renton AE; Esposito BT; Karch CM; Marsh J; Fernanadez V; Fagan AM; Jerome G; Herries E; Llibre-Guerra J; Levey AI; Johnson ECB; Seyfried NT; Schofield PR; Brooks WS; Bechara JA; Bateman R; McDade E; Perrin RJ; Franklin EE; Benzinger T; Chen A; Chen C; Friedrichsen N; Hantler N; Jarman S; Koudelis D; Massoumzadeh P; Nicklaus J; Pulizos C; Wang Q; Mishall S, 2024, 'Deconstructing pathological tau by biological process in early stages of Alzheimer disease: a method for quantifying tau spatial spread in neuroimaging', eBioMedicine, 103, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ebiom.2024.105080
    Journal articles | 2024
    Hofmann A; Häsler LM; Lambert M; Kaeser SA; Gräber-Sultan S; Obermüller U; Kuder-Buletta E; la Fougere C; Laske C; Vöglein J; Levin J; Fox NC; Ryan NS; Zetterberg H; Llibre-Guerra JJ; Perrin RJ; Ibanez L; Schofield PR; Brooks WS; Day GS; Farlow M; Allegri RF; Chrem Mendez P; Ikeuchi T; Kasuga K; Lee JH; Roh JH; Mori H; Lopera F; Bateman RJ; McDade E; Gordon BA; Chhatwal JP; Jucker M; Schultz SA; Xu J; Xu X; Xiong C; Wang Q; Wang G; Vazquez S; Surace E; Supnet-Bell C; Stout S; Stauber J; Smith H; Smith J; Simmons A; Seyfried NT; Scott J; Sanchez-Valle R; Salloway S; Sabaredzovic E; Rosa-Neto P; Roedenbeck Y; Rizzo J; Ringman J; Renton AE; Ramirez L; Pulizos C; Picarello DM; Obermueller U; Noble JM; Niimi Y; Nicklaus J; Nadkarni NK; Morris JC; Minton M; McKay N; McCullough A; Masters C; Massoumzadeh P; Martins R; Marsh J; Lu R; Li Y; Levey AI; Leon YM; Koudelis D; Keefe S; Karch CM; Joseph-Mathurin N; Johnson ECB; Jerome G; Jarman S; Jackson K; Ikonomovic S; Huey ED; Hornbeck R; Holtzman DM; Herries E; Hassenstab J; Gremminger E; Graff-Radford NR; Goate AM; Franklin E; Flores S, 2024, 'Comparative neurofilament light chain trajectories in CSF and plasma in autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease', Nature Communications, 15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-52937-8
    Journal articles | 2024
    Joseph-Mathurin N; Feldman RL; Lu R; Shirzadi Z; Toomer C; Saint Clair JR; Ma Y; McKay NS; Strain JF; Kilgore C; Friedrichsen KA; Chen CD; Gordon BA; Chen G; Hornbeck RC; Massoumzadeh P; McCullough AA; Wang Q; Li Y; Wang G; Keefe SJ; Schultz SA; Cruchaga C; Preboske GM; Jack CR; Llibre-Guerra JJ; Allegri RF; Ances BM; Berman SB; Brooks WS; Cash DM; Day GS; Fox NC; Fulham M; Ghetti B; Johnson KA; Jucker M; Klunk WE; la Fougère C; Levin J; Niimi Y; Oh H; Perrin RJ; Reischl G; Ringman JM; Saykin AJ; Schofield PR; Su Y; Supnet-Bell C; Vöglein J; Yakushev I; Brickman AM; Morris JC; McDade E; Xiong C; Bateman RJ; Chhatwal JP; Benzinger TLS, 2024, 'Presenilin-1 mutation position influences amyloidosis, small vessel disease, and dementia with disease stage', Alzheimer's and Dementia, 20, pp. 2680 - 2697, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/alz.13729
    Journal articles | 2024
    Liu H; Li J; Ziegemeier E; Adams S; McDade E; Clifford DB; Cao Y; Wang G; Li Y; Mills SL; Santacruz AM; Belyew S; Grill JD; Snider BJ; Mummery CJ; Surti G; Hannequin D; Wallon D; Berman SB; Jimenez-Velazquez IZ; Roberson ED; van Dyck CH; Honig LS; Sanchez-Valle R; Brooks WS; Gauthier S; Galasko D; Masters CL; Brosch J; Hsiung GYR; Jayadev S; Formaglio M; Masellis M; Clarnette R; Pariente J; Dubois B; Pasquier F; Bateman RJ; Llibre-Guerra JJ, 2024, 'Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network Trials Unit (DIAN-TU): Trial Satisfaction and Attitudes towards Future Clinical Trials', Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, 11, pp. 558 - 566, http://dx.doi.org/10.14283/jpad.2024.61
    Journal articles | 2024
    Manzoni C; Kia DA; Ferrari R; Leonenko G; Costa B; Saba V; Jabbari E; Tan MM; Albani D; Alvarez V; Alvarez I; Andreassen OA; Angiolillo A; Arighi A; Baker M; Benussi L; Bessi V; Binetti G; Blackburn DJ; Boada M; Boeve BF; Borrego-Ecija S; Borroni B; Bråthen G; Brooks WS; Bruni AC; Caroppo P; Bandres-Ciga S; Clarimon J; Colao R; Cruchaga C; Danek A; de Boer SC; de Rojas I; di Costanzo A; Dickson DW; Diehl-Schmid J; Dobson-Stone C; Dols-Icardo O; Donizetti A; Dopper E; Durante E; Ferrari C; Forloni G; Frangipane F; Fratiglioni L; Kramberger MG; Galimberti D; Gallucci M; García-González P; Ghidoni R; Giaccone G; Graff C; Graff-Radford NR; Grafman J; Halliday GM; Hernandez DG; Hjermind LE; Hodges JR; Holloway G; Huey ED; Illán-Gala I; Josephs KA; Knopman DS; Kristiansen M; Kwok JB; Leber I; Leonard HL; Libri I; Lleo A; Mackenzie IR; Madhan GK; Maletta R; Marquié M; Maver A; Menendez-Gonzalez M; Milan G; Miller BL; Morris CM; Morris HR; Nacmias B; Newton J; Nielsen JE; Nilsson C; Novelli V; Padovani A; Pal S; Pasquier F; Pastor P; Perneczky R; Peterlin B; Petersen RC; Piguet O; Pijnenburg YA; Puca AA; Rademakers R; Rainero I; Reus LM; Richardson AM; Riemenschneider M, 2024, 'Genome-wide analyses reveal a potential role for the MAPT, MOBP, and APOE loci in sporadic frontotemporal dementia', American Journal of Human Genetics, 111, pp. 1316 - 1329, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajhg.2024.05.017
    Journal articles | 2024
    McDade E; Liu H; Bui Q; Hassenstab J; Gordon B; Benzinger T; Shen Y; Timsina J; Wang L; Sung YJ; Karch C; Renton A; Daniels A; Morris J; Xiong C; Ibanez L; Perrin R; Llibre-Guerra JJ; Day G; Supnet-Bell C; Xu X; Berman S; Chhatwal J; Ikeuchi T; Kasuga K; Niimi Y; Huey E; Schofield P; Brooks W; Ryan N; Jucker M; Laske C; Levin J; Vöglein J; Roh JH; Lopera F; Bateman R; Cruchaga C, 2024, 'Ubiquitin-Proteasome System in the Different Stages of Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer's Disease.', Res Sq, http://dx.doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4202125/v1
    Journal articles | 2024
    Schultz SA; Liu L; Schultz AP; Fitzpatrick CD; Levin R; Bellier JP; Shirzadi Z; Joseph-Mathurin N; Chen CD; Benzinger TLS; Day GS; Farlow MR; Gordon BA; Hassenstab JJ; Jack CR; Jucker M; Karch CM; Lee JH; Levin J; Perrin RJ; Schofield PR; Xiong C; Johnson KA; McDade E; Bateman RJ; Sperling RA; Selkoe DJ; Chhatwal JP; Aguillon D; Allegri RF; Aschenbrenner AJ; Baker B; Barthelemy N; Bechara JA; Berman SB; Brooks WS; Cash DM; Chen A; Chrem Mendez P; Courtney L; Cruchaga C; Daniels AJ; Fagan AM; Flores S; Fox NC; Franklin E; Goate AM; Graber-Sultan S; Graff-Radford NR; Gremminger E; Herries E; Hofmann A; Holtzman DM; Hornbeck R; Huey ED; Ibanez L; Ikeuchi T; Ikonomovic S; Jackson K; Jarman S; Jerome G; Johnson ECB; Kasuga K; Keefe S; Koudelis D; Kuder-Buletta E; Laske C; Leon YM; Levey AI; Li Y; Llibre-Guerra JJ; Lopera F; Lu R; Marsh J; Martins R; Massoumzadeh P; Masters C; McCullough A; McKay N; Minton M; Mori H; Morris JC; Nadkarni NK; Nicklaus J; Niimi Y; Noble JM; Obermueller U; Picarello DM; Pulizos C; Ramirez L; Renton AE; Ringman J; Rizzo J; Roedenbeck Y; Roh JH; Rosa-Neto P; Ryan NS; Sabaredzovic E; Salloway S; Sanchez-Valle R, 2024, 'γ-Secretase activity, clinical features, and biomarkers of autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis of the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network observational study (DIAN-OBS)', The Lancet Neurology, 23, pp. 913 - 924, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(24)00236-9
    Journal articles | 2024
    Shen Y; Timsina J; Heo G; Beric A; Ali M; Wang C; Yang C; Wang Y; Western D; Liu M; Gorijala P; Budde J; Do A; Liu H; Gordon B; Llibre-Guerra JJ; Joseph-Mathurin N; Perrin RJ; Maschi D; Wyss-Coray T; Pastor P; Renton AE; Surace EI; Johnson ECB; Levey AI; Alvarez I; Levin J; Ringman JM; Allegri RF; Seyfried N; Day GS; Wu Q; Fernández MV; Tarawneh R; McDade E; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Goate A; Noble JM; Graff-Radford NR; Voglein J; Mendez PC; Berman SB; Ikonomovic S; Nadkarni N; Lopera F; Ramirez L; Aguillon D; Leon Y; Ramos C; Alzate D; Baena A; Londono N; Mathias Jucker SM; Laske C; Kuder-Buletta E; Graber-Sultan S; Preische O; Hofmann A; Ikeuchi T; Kasuga K; Niimi Y; Ishii K; Senda M; Sanchez-Valle R; Rosa-Neto P; Fox N; Cash D; Lee JH; Roh JH; Riddle M; Menard W; Bodge C; Surti M; Takada LT; Farlow M; Chhatwal JP; Sanchez-Gonzalez VJ; Orozco-Barajas M; Esposito B; Karch CM; Marsh J; Cruchaga C; Fernandez V; Gordon BA; Fagan AM; Jerome G; Herries E; Llibre-Guerra J; Schofield PR; Brooks W; Bechara J; Hassenstab J; Franklin E; Benzinger TLS, 2024, 'CSF proteomics identifies early changes in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease', Cell, 187, pp. 6309 - 6326.e15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2024.08.049
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wagemann O; Liu H; Wang G; Shi X; Bittner T; Scelsi MA; Farlow MR; Clifford DB; Supnet-Bell C; Santacruz AM; Aschenbrenner AJ; Hassenstab JJ; Benzinger TLS; Gordon BA; Coalier KA; Cruchaga C; Ibanez L; Perrin RJ; Xiong C; Li Y; Morris JC; Lah JJ; Berman SB; Roberson ED; Van Dyck CH; Galasko D; Gauthier S; Hsiung GYR; Brooks WS; Pariente J; Mummery CJ; Day GS; Ringman JM; Mendez PC; St. George-Hyslop P; Fox NC; Suzuki K; Okhravi HR; Chhatwal J; Levin J; Jucker M; Sims JR; Holdridge KC; Proctor NK; Yaari R; Andersen SW; Mancini M; Llibre-Guerra J; Bateman RJ; McDade E, 2024, 'Downstream Biomarker Effects of Gantenerumab or Solanezumab in Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Disease: The DIAN-TU-001 Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA Neurology, 81, pp. 582 - 593, http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.0991
    Journal articles | 2024
    Wang G; Li Y; Xiong C; Benzinger TLS; Gordon BA; Hassenstab J; Aschenbrenner AJ; McDade E; Clifford DB; Libre-Guerra JJ; Shi X; Mummery CJ; van Dyck CH; Lah JJ; Honig LS; Day G; Ringman JM; Brooks WS; Fox NC; Suzuki K; Levin J; Jucker M; Delmar P; Bittner T; Bateman RJ, 2024, 'Examining amyloid reduction as a surrogate endpoint through latent class analysis using clinical trial data for dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease', Alzheimer's and Dementia, 20, pp. 2698 - 2706, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/alz.13735
    Journal articles | 2024
    Weickert TW; Jacomb I; Lenroot R; Lappin J; Weinberg D; Brooks WS; Brown D; Pellen D; Kindler J; Mohan A; Wakefield D; Lloyd AR; Stanton C; O'Donnell M; Liu D; Galletly C; Shannon Weickert C, 2024, 'Adjunctive canakinumab reduces peripheral inflammation markers and improves positive symptoms in people with schizophrenia and inflammation: A randomized control trial', Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 115, pp. 191 - 200, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbi.2023.10.012
    Journal articles | 2023
    Boerwinkle AH; Gordon BA; Wisch J; Flores S; Henson RL; Butt OH; McKay N; Chen CD; Benzinger TLS; Fagan AM; Handen BL; Christian BT; Head E; Mapstone M; Rafii MS; O'Bryant S; Lai F; Rosas HD; Lee JH; Silverman W; Brickman AM; Chhatwal JP; Cruchaga C; Perrin RJ; Xiong C; Hassenstab J; McDade E; Bateman RJ; Ances BM; Aizenstein HJ; Andrews HF; Bell K; Birn RM; Bulova P; Cheema A; Chen K; Clare I; Clark L; Cohen AD; Constantino JN; Doran EW; Feingold E; Foroud TM; Hartley SL; Hom C; Honig L; Ikonomovic MD; Johnson SC; Jordan C; Kamboh MI; Keator D; Klunk MD WE; Kofler JK; Kreisl WC; Krinsky- McHale SJ; Lao P; Laymon C; Lott IT; Lupson V; Mathis CA; Minhas DS; Nadkarni N; Pang D; Petersen M; Price JC; Pulsifer M; Reiman E; Rizvi B; Sabbagh MN; Schupf N; Tudorascu DL; Tumuluru R; Tycko B; Varadarajan B; White DA; Yassa MA; Zaman S; Zhang F; Adams S; Allegri R; Araki A; Barthelemy N; Bechara J; Berman S; Bodge C; Brandon S; Brooks W; Brosch J; Buck J; Buckles V; Carter K; Cash L; Mendez PC; Chua J; Chui H; Courtney L; Day G; DeLaCruz C; Denner D; Diffenbacher A, 2023, 'Comparison of amyloid burden in individuals with Down syndrome versus autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease: a cross-sectional study', The Lancet Neurology, 22, pp. 55 - 65, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(22)00408-2
    Journal articles | 2023
    Chen CD; McCullough A; Gordon B; Joseph-Mathurin N; Flores S; McKay NS; Hobbs DA; Hornbeck R; Fagan AM; Cruchaga C; Goate AM; Perrin RJ; Wang G; Li Y; Shi X; Xiong C; Pontecorvo MJ; Klein G; Su Y; Klunk WE; Jack C; Koeppe R; Snider BJ; Berman SB; Roberson ED; Brosch J; Surti G; Jiménez-Velázquez IZ; Galasko D; Honig LS; Brooks WS; Clarnette R; Wallon D; Dubois B; Pariente J; Pasquier F; Sanchez-Valle R; Shcherbinin S; Higgins I; Tunali I; Masters CL; van Dyck CH; Masellis M; Hsiung R; Gauthier S; Salloway S; Clifford DB; Mills S; Supnet-Bell C; McDade E; Bateman RJ; Benzinger TLS, 2023, 'Longitudinal head-to-head comparison of 11C-PiB and 18F-florbetapir PET in a Phase 2/3 clinical trial of anti-amyloid-β monoclonal antibodies in dominantly inherited Alzheimer’s disease', European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 50, pp. 2669 - 2682, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00259-023-06209-0
    Journal articles | 2023
    Ge YJ; Ou YN; Deng YT; Wu BS; Yang L; Zhang YR; Chen SD; Huang YY; Dong Q; Tan L; Yu JT; Ferrari R; Hernandez DG; Nalls MA; Rohrer JD; Ramasamy A; Kwok JBJ; Dobson-Stone C; Brooks WS; Schofield PR; Halliday GM; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Bartley L; Thompson E; Haan E; Hernández I; Ruiz A; Boada M; Borroni B; Padovani A; Cruchaga C; Cairns NJ; Benussi L; Binetti G; Ghidoni R; Forloni G; Galimberti D; Fenoglio C; Serpente M; Scarpini E; Clarimón J; Lleó A; Blesa R; Waldö ML; Nilsson K; Nilsson C; Mackenzie IRA; Hsiung GYR; Mann DMA; Grafman J; Morris CM; Attems J; Griffiths TD; McKeith IG; Thomas AJ; Pietrini P; Huey ED; Wassermann EM; Baborie A; Jaros E; Tierney MC; Pastor P; Razquin C; Ortega-Cubero S; Alonso E; Perneczky R; Diehl-Schmid J; Alexopoulos P; Kurz A; Rainero I; Rubino E; Pinessi L; Rogaeva E; St. George-Hyslop P; Rossi G; Tagliavini F; Giaccone G; Rowe JB; Schlachetzki JCM; Uphill J; Collinge J; Mead S; Danek A; Van Deerlin VM; Grossman M; Trojanowski JQ; van der Zee J; Deschamps W; Van Langenhove T; Cruts M; Van Broeckhoven C; Cappa SF; Le Ber I; Hannequin D; Golfier V; Vercelletto M; Brice A; Nacmias B; Sorbi S, 2023, 'Prioritization of Drug Targets for Neurodegenerative Diseases by Integrating Genetic and Proteomic Data From Brain and Blood', Biological Psychiatry, 93, pp. 770 - 779, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.11.002
    Journal articles | 2023
    Johnson ECB; Bian S; Haque RU; Carter EK; Watson CM; Gordon BA; Ping L; Duong DM; Epstein MP; McDade E; Barthélemy NR; Karch CM; Xiong C; Cruchaga C; Perrin RJ; Wingo AP; Wingo TS; Chhatwal JP; Day GS; Noble JM; Berman SB; Martins R; Graff-Radford NR; Schofield PR; Ikeuchi T; Mori H; Levin J; Farlow M; Lah JJ; Haass C; Jucker M; Morris JC; Benzinger TLS; Roberts BR; Bateman RJ; Fagan AM; Seyfried NT; Levey AI; Graff-Radford NR; Voglein J; Allegri R; Mendez PC; Surace E; Ikonomovic S; Nadkarni N; Lopera F; Ramirez L; Aguillon D; Leon Y; Ramos C; Alzate D; Baena A; Londono N; Moreno S; Laske C; Kuder-Buletta E; Graber-Sultan S; Preische O; Hofmann A; Kasuga K; Niimi Y; Ishii K; Senda M; Sanchez-Valle R; Rosa-Neto P; Fox N; Cash D; Lee JH; Roh JH; Riddle M; Menard W; Bodge C; Surti M; Takada LT; Sanchez-Gonzalez VJ; Orozco-Barajas M; Goate A; Renton A; Esposito B; Karch CM; Marsh J; Cruchaga C; Fernandez V; Fagan AM; Jerome G; Herries E; Llibre-Guerra J; Brooks W; Bechara J; Bateman RJ; Hassenstab J; Perrin RJ; Franklin E, 2023, 'Cerebrospinal fluid proteomics define the natural history of autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease', Nature Medicine, 29, pp. 1979 - 1988, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41591-023-02476-4
    Journal articles | 2023
    Luckett PH; Chen C; Gordon BA; Wisch J; Berman SB; Chhatwal JP; Cruchaga C; Fagan AM; Farlow MR; Fox NC; Jucker M; Levin J; Masters CL; Mori H; Noble JM; Salloway S; Schofield PR; Brickman AM; Brooks WS; Cash DM; Fulham MJ; Ghetti B; Jack CR; Vöglein J; Klunk WE; Koeppe R; Su Y; Weiner M; Wang Q; Marcus D; Koudelis D; Joseph-Mathurin N; Cash L; Hornbeck R; Xiong C; Perrin RJ; Karch CM; Hassenstab J; McDade E; Morris JC; Benzinger TLS; Bateman RJ; Ances BM, 2023, 'Biomarker clustering in autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease', Alzheimer's and Dementia, 19, pp. 274 - 284, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/alz.12661
    Journal articles | 2023
    McKay NS; Gordon BA; Hornbeck RC; Dincer A; Flores S; Keefe SJ; Joseph-Mathurin N; Jack CR; Koeppe R; Millar PR; Ances BM; Chen CD; Daniels A; Hobbs DA; Jackson K; Koudelis D; Massoumzadeh P; McCullough A; Nickels ML; Rahmani F; Swisher L; Wang Q; Allegri RF; Berman SB; Brickman AM; Brooks WS; Cash DM; Chhatwal JP; Day GS; Farlow MR; la Fougère C; Fox NC; Fulham M; Ghetti B; Graff-Radford N; Ikeuchi T; Klunk W; Lee JH; Levin J; Martins R; Masters CL; McConathy J; Mori H; Noble JM; Reischl G; Rowe C; Salloway S; Sanchez-Valle R; Schofield PR; Shimada H; Shoji M; Su Y; Suzuki K; Vöglein J; Yakushev I; Cruchaga C; Hassenstab J; Karch C; McDade E; Perrin RJ; Xiong C; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Benzinger TLS, 2023, 'Positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging methods and datasets within the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN)', Nature Neuroscience, 26, pp. 1449 - 1460, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41593-023-01359-8
    Journal articles | 2023
    Shirzadi Z; Schultz SA; Yau WYW; Joseph-Mathurin N; Fitzpatrick CD; Levin R; Kantarci K; Preboske GM; Jack CR; Farlow MR; Hassenstab J; Jucker M; Morris JC; Xiong C; Karch CM; Levey AI; Gordon BA; Schofield PR; Salloway SP; Perrin RJ; McDade E; Levin J; Cruchaga C; Allegri RF; Fox NC; Goate A; Day GS; Koeppe R; Chui HC; Berman S; Mori H; Sanchez-Valle R; Lee JH; Rosa-Neto P; Ruthirakuhan M; Wu CY; Swardfager W; Benzinger TLS; Sohrabi HR; Martins RN; Bateman RJ; Johnson KA; Sperling RA; Greenberg SM; Schultz AP; Chhatwal JP, 2023, 'Etiology of White Matter Hyperintensities in Autosomal Dominant and Sporadic Alzheimer Disease', JAMA Neurology, 80, pp. 1353 - 1363, http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.3618
    Journal articles | 2023
    Wheelock MD; Strain JF; Mansfield P; Tu JC; Tanenbaum A; Preische O; Chhatwal JP; Cash DM; Cruchaga C; Fagan AM; Fox NC; Graff-Radford NR; Hassenstab J; Jack CR; Karch CM; Levin J; McDade EM; Perrin RJ; Schofield PR; Xiong C; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Jucker M; Benzinger TLS; Ances BM; Eggebrecht AT; Gordon BA; Adams S; Allegri R; Araki A; Barthelemy N; Bateman R; Bechara J; Benzinger T; Berman S; Bodge C; Brandon S; Brooks W; Brosch J; Buck J; Buckles V; Carter K; Cash D; Cash L; Chen C; Chrem P; Chua J; Chui H; Cruchaga C; Day GS; De La Cruz C; Denner D; Diffenbacher A; Dincer A; Donahue T; Douglas J; Duong D; Egido N; Esposito B; Fagan A; Farlow M; Feldman B; Fitzpatrick C; Flores S; Fox N; Franklin E; Friedrichsen N; Fujii H; Gardener S; Ghetti B; Goate A; Goldberg S; Goldman J; Gonzalez A; Gräber-Sultan S; Graff-Radford N; Graham M; Gray J; Gremminger E; Grilo M; Groves A; Haass C; Häsler L; Hassenstab J; Hellm C; Herries E; Hoechst-Swisher L; Hofmann A; Holtzman D; Hornbeck R; Igor Y; Ihara R; Ikeuchi T; Ikonomovic S; Ishii K; Jack C; Jerome G; Johnson E, 2023, 'Brain network decoupling with increased serum neurofilament and reduced cognitive function in Alzheimer’s disease', Brain, 146, pp. 2928 - 2943, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/brain/awac498
    Journal articles | 2023
    Xu Y; Aung HL; Bateman RJ; Brooks WS; Chhatwal J; Day GS; Fagan AM; Farlow MR; Gordon B; Kehoe PG; Levin J; Mori H; Morris JC; Wharton W; Humburg P; Schofield PR; Peters R, 2023, 'Higher systolic blood pressure in early-mid adulthood is associated with poorer cognitive performance in those with a dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease mutation but not in non-carriers. Results from the DIAN study', Alzheimer's and Dementia, 19, pp. 4999 - 5009, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/alz.13082
    Journal articles | 2022
    Aschenbrenner AJ; Hassenstab J; Wang G; Li Y; Xiong C; McDade E; Clifford DB; Salloway S; Farlow M; Yaari R; Cheng EYJ; Holdridge KC; Mummery CJ; Masters CL; Hsiung GY; Surti G; Day GS; Weintraub S; Honig LS; Galvin JE; Ringman JM; Brooks WS; Fox NC; Snyder PJ; Suzuki K; Shimada H; Gräber S; Bateman RJ, 2022, 'Avoid or Embrace? Practice Effects in Alzheimer’s Disease Prevention Trials', Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14, http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2022.883131
    Journal articles | 2022
    Drieu A; Du S; Storck SE; Rustenhoven J; Papadopoulos Z; Dykstra T; Zhong F; Kim K; Blackburn S; Mamuladze T; Harari O; Karch CM; Bateman RJ; Perrin R; Farlow M; Chhatwal J; Brosch J; Buck J; Ghetti B; Adams S; Barthelemy N; Benzinger T; Brandon S; Buckles V; Cash L; Chen C; Chua J; Cruchaga C; Denner D; Dincer A; Donahue T; Fagan A; Feldman B; Flores S; Franklin E; Joseph-Mathurin N; Gonzalez A; Gordon B; Gray J; Gremminger E; Groves A; Hassenstab J; Hellm C; Herries E; Hoechst-Swisher L; Holtzman D; Hornbeck R; Jerome G; Keefe S; Koudelis D; Li Y; Marsh J; Martinez R; Mawuenyega K; McCullough A; McDade E; Morris J; Norton J; Shady K; Sigurdson W; Smith J; Wang P; Wang Q; Xiong C; Xu J; Xu X; Allegri R; Mendez PC; Egido N; Araki A; Ikeuchi T; Ishii K; Kasuga K; Bechara J; Brooks W; Schofield P; Berman S; Goldberg S; Ikonomovic S; Klunk W; Lopez O; Mountz J; Nadkarni N; Patira R; Smith L; Snitz B; Thompson S; Weamer E; Bodge C; Salloway S; Carter K; Duong D; Johnson E; Levey A; Ping L; Seyfried NT; Fitzpatrick C; Chui H; Ringman J, 2022, 'Parenchymal border macrophages regulate the flow dynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid', Nature, 611, pp. 585 - 593, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-05397-3
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    Eger SJ; Le Guen Y; Khan RR; Hall JN; Kennedy G; Zaharchuk G; Couthouis J; Brooks WS; Velakoulis D; Napolioni V; Belloy ME; Dalgard CL; Mormino EC; Gitler AD; Greicius MD, 2022, 'Confirming Pathogenicity of the F386L PSEN1 Variant in a South Asian Family with Early-Onset Alzheimer Disease', Neurology: Genetics, 8, http://dx.doi.org/10.1212/NXG.0000000000000647
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    Joseph-Mathurin N; Llibre-Guerra JJ; Li Y; McCullough AA; Hofmann C; Wojtowicz J; Park E; Wang G; Preboske GM; Wang Q; Gordon BA; Chen CD; Flores S; Aggarwal NT; Berman SB; Bird TD; Black SE; Borowski B; Brooks WS; Chhatwal JP; Clarnette R; Cruchaga C; Fagan AM; Farlow M; Fox NC; Gauthier S; Hassenstab J; Hobbs DA; Holdridge KC; Honig LS; Hornbeck RC; Hsiung GYR; Jack CR; Jimenez-Velazquez IZ; Jucker M; Klein G; Levin J; Mancini M; Masellis M; McKay NS; Mummery CJ; Ringman JM; Shimada H; Snider BJ; Suzuki K; Wallon D; Xiong C; Yaari R; McDade E; Perrin RJ; Bateman RJ; Salloway SP; Benzinger TLS; Clifford DB, 2022, 'Amyloid-Related Imaging Abnormalities in the DIAN-TU-001 Trial of Gantenerumab and Solanezumab: Lessons from a Trial in Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Disease', Annals of Neurology, 92, pp. 729 - 744, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ana.26511
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    Millar PR; Luckett PH; Gordon BA; Benzinger TLS; Schindler SE; Fagan AM; Cruchaga C; Bateman RJ; Allegri R; Jucker M; Lee JH; Mori H; Salloway SP; Yakushev I; Morris JC; Ances BM; Adams S; Araki A; Barthelemy N; Bechara J; Berman S; Bodge C; Brandon S; Brooks W; Brosch J; Buck J; Buckles V; Carter K; Cash L; Chen C; Chhatwal J; Mendez PC; Chua J; Chui H; Courtney L; Day GS; DeLaCruz C; Denner D; Diffenbacher A; Dincer A; Donahue T; Douglas J; Duong D; Egido N; Esposito B; Farlow M; Feldman B; Fitzpatrick C; Flores S; Fox N; Franklin E; Joseph-Mathurin N; Fujii H; Gardener S; Ghetti B; Goate A; Goldberg S; Goldman J; Gonzalez A; Gräber-Sultan S; Graff-Radford N; Graham M; Gray J; Gremminger E; Grilo M; Groves A; Haass C; Häsler L; Hassenstab J; Hellm C; Herries E; Hoechst-Swisher L; Hofmann A; Holtzman D; Hornbeck R; Igor Y; Ihara R; Ikeuchi T; Ikonomovic S; Ishii K; Jack C; Jerome G; Johnson E; Karch C; Käser S; Kasuga K; Keefe S; Klunk W; Koeppe R; Koudelis D; Kuder-Buletta E; Laske C; Levey A; Levin J; Li Y; Lopez O; Marsh J; Martins R; Mason NS; Masters C, 2022, 'Predicting brain age from functional connectivity in symptomatic and preclinical Alzheimer disease', NeuroImage, 256, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119228
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    Morenas-Rodríguez E; Li Y; Nuscher B; Franzmeier N; Xiong C; Suárez-Calvet M; Fagan AM; Schultz S; Gordon BA; Benzinger TLS; Hassenstab J; McDade E; Feederle R; Karch CM; Schlepckow K; Morris JC; Kleinberger G; Nellgard B; Vöglein J; Blennow K; Zetterberg H; Ewers M; Jucker M; Levin J; Bateman RJ; Haass C; Adams S; Allegri R; Araki A; Barthelemy N; Bechara J; Berman S; Bodge C; Brandon S; Brooks W; Brosch J; Buck J; Buckles V; Carter K; Cash L; Chen C; Chhatwal J; Chrem P; Chua J; Chui H; Cruchaga C; Day GS; De La Cruz C; Denner D; Diffenbacher A; Dincer A; Donahue T; Douglas J; Duong D; Egido N; Esposito B; Farlow M; Feldman B; Fitzpatrick C; Flores S; Fox N; Franklin E; Friedrichsen N; Fujii H; Gardener S; Ghetti B; Goate A; Goldberg S; Goldman J; Gonzalez A; Gräber-Sultan S; Graff-Radford N; Graham M; Gray J; Gremminger E; Grilo M; Groves A; Häsler L; Hellm C; Herries E; Hoechst-Swisher L; Hofmann A; Holtzman D; Hornbeck R; Igor Y; Ihara R; Ikeuchi T; Ikonomovic S; Ishii K; Jack C; Jerome G; Johnson E; Käser S; Kasuga K; Keefe S; Klunk W; Koeppe R; Koudelis D; Kuder-Buletta E; Laske C, 2022, 'Soluble TREM2 in CSF and its association with other biomarkers and cognition in autosomal-dominant Alzheimer's disease: a longitudinal observational study', The Lancet Neurology, 21, pp. 329 - 341, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(22)00027-8
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    Barbier M; Camuzat A; El Hachimi K; Guegan J; Rinaldi D; Lattante S; Houot M; Sánchez-Valle R; Sabatelli M; Antonell A; Molina-Porcel L; Clot F; Couratier P; van der Ende E; van der Zee J; Manzoni C; Camu W; Cazeneuve C; Sellal F; Didic M; Golfier V; Pasquier F; Duyckaerts C; Rossi G; Bruni AC; Alvarez V; Gómez-Tortosa E; de Mendonça A; Graff C; Masellis M; Nacmias B; Oumoussa BM; Jornea L; Forlani S; van Deerlin V; Rohrer JD; Gelpi E; Rademakers R; van Swieten J; Le Guern E; van Broeckhoven C; Ferrari R; Génin E; Brice A; Le Ber I; Auriacombe S; Belliard S; Bertrand A; Bissery A; Blanc F; Boncoeur MP; Bombois S; Boutoleau-Bretonnière C; Ceccaldi M; Chupin M; Colliot O; Deramecourt V; Dubois B; Etcharry-Bouyx F; Guignebert-Funkiewiez A; Formaglio M; Habert MO; Hannequin D; Lacomblez L; Lagarde J; Lautrette G; Le Toullec B; Levy R; Mackowiak MA; Michel BF; Lebouvier T; Roué-Jagot C; Thauvin-Robinet C; Thomas-Anterion C; Pariente J; Salachas F; Sayah S; Oya AH; Rollin-Sillaire A; Vercelletto M; Wallon D; Rametti-Lacroux A; Hernandez DG; Nalls MA; Ramasamy A; Kwok JBJ; Dobson-Stone C; Brooks WS; Schofield PR; Halliday GM; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Bartley L; Thompson E; Hernández I; Ruiz A; Boada M; Borroni B; Padovani A; Cruchaga C, 2021, 'SLITRK2, an X-linked modifier of the age at onset in C9orf72 frontotemporal lobar degeneration', Brain, 144, pp. 2798 - 2811, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/brain/awab171
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    Gonneaud J; Baria AT; Pichet Binette A; Gordon BA; Chhatwal JP; Cruchaga C; Jucker M; Levin J; Salloway S; Farlow M; Gauthier S; Benzinger TLS; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Breitner JCS; Poirier J; Vachon-Presseau E; Villeneuve S; Weiner M; Rosen HJ; Miller BL; Aisen P; Thomas RG; Donohue M; Walter S; Gessert D; Sather T; Jiminez G; Petersen R; Jack CR; Bernstein M; Borowski B; Gunter J; Senjem M; Vemuri P; Jones D; Kantarci K; Ward C; Mason SS; Albers CS; Knopman D; Johnson K; Jagust W; Landau S; Trojanowki JQ; Toga AW; Crawford K; Neu S; Beckett L; Harvey D; DeCarli C; Green RC; Saykin AJ; Foroud TM; Shen L; Kelley F; Kim S; Nho K; Hake AM; Matthews BR; Herring S; Hunt C; Cairns NJ; Householder E; Reinwald LT; Shaw LM; Arnold SE; Karlawish JH; Wolk D; Liu E; Montine T; Fox N; Thompson P; Schuff N; Koeppe RA; Heidebrink JL; Lord JL; Foster N; Reiman EM; Chen K; Fleisher A; Tariot P; Reeder S; Mathis C; Lopez OL; Oakley MA; Simpson DM; Lee V; Korecka M; Figurski M; Potkin S; Kachaturian Z; Frank R; Snyder PJ; Molchan S; Kaye J; Quinn J; Lind B; Carter R, 2021, 'Accelerated functional brain aging in pre-clinical familial Alzheimer’s disease', Nature Communications, 12, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-25492-9
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    Joseph-Mathurin N; Wang G; Kantarci K; Jack CR; Mcdade E; Hassenstab J; Blazey TM; Gordon BA; Su Y; Chen G; Massoumzadeh P; Hornbeck RC; Allegri RF; Ances BM; Berman SB; Brickman AM; Brooks WS; Cash DM; Chhatwal JP; Chui HC; Correia S; Cruchaga C; Farlow MR; Fox NC; Fulham M; Ghetti B; Graff-Radford NR; Johnson KA; Karch CM; Laske C; Lee AKW; Levin J; Masters CL; Noble JM; O'connor A; Perrin RJ; Preboske GM; Ringman JM; Rowe CC; Salloway S; Saykin AJ; Schofield PR; Shimada H; Shoji M; Suzuki K; Villemagne VL; Xiong C; Yakushev I; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Benzinger TLS, 2021, 'Longitudinal Accumulation of Cerebral Microhemorrhages in Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Disease', Neurology, 96, pp. E1632 - E1645, http://dx.doi.org/10.1212/WNL.0000000000011542
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    Keret O; Staffaroni AM; Ringman JM; Cobigo Y; Goh SYM; Wolf A; Allen IE; Salloway S; Chhatwal J; Brickman AM; Reyes-Dumeyer D; Bateman RJ; Benzinger TLS; Morris JC; Ances BM; Joseph-Mathurin N; Perrin RJ; Gordon BA; Levin J; Vöglein J; Jucker M; la Fougère C; Martins RN; Sohrabi HR; Taddei K; Villemagne VL; Schofield PR; Brooks WS; Fulham M; Masters CL; Ghetti B; Saykin AJ; Jack CR; Graff-Radford NR; Weiner M; Cash DM; Allegri RF; Chrem P; Yi S; Miller BL; Rabinovici GD; Rosen HJ, 2021, 'Pattern and degree of individual brain atrophy predicts dementia onset in dominantly inherited Alzheimer's disease', Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 13, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/dad2.12197
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    Luckett PH; McCullough A; Gordon BA; Strain J; Flores S; Dincer A; McCarthy J; Kuffner T; Stern A; Meeker KL; Berman SB; Chhatwal JP; Cruchaga C; Fagan AM; Farlow MR; Fox NC; Jucker M; Levin J; Masters CL; Mori H; Noble JM; Salloway S; Schofield PR; Brickman AM; Brooks WS; Cash DM; Fulham MJ; Ghetti B; Jack CR; Vöglein J; Klunk W; Koeppe R; Oh H; Su Y; Weiner M; Wang Q; Swisher L; Marcus D; Koudelis D; Joseph-Mathurin N; Cash L; Hornbeck R; Xiong C; Perrin RJ; Karch CM; Hassenstab J; McDade E; Morris JC; Benzinger TLS; Bateman RJ; Ances BM, 2021, 'Modeling autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease with machine learning', Alzheimer's and Dementia, 17, pp. 1005 - 1016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/alz.12259
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    Pichet Binette A; Vachon-Presseau É; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Benzinger T; Collins DL; Poirier J; Breitner JCS; Villeneuve S; Allegri R; Amtashar F; Berman S; Bodge C; Brandon S; Brooks W; Buck J; Buckles V; Chea S; Chhatwal J; Chrem P; Chui H; Cinco J; Clifford J; Cruchaga C; D‘Mello M; Donahue T; Douglas J; Edigo N; Erekin-Taner N; Fagan A; Farlow M; Farrar A; Feldman H; Flynn G; Fox N; Franklin E; Fujii H; Gant C; Gardener S; Ghetti B; Goate A; Goldman J; Gordon B; Graff-Radford N; Gray J; Gurney J; Hassenstab J; Hirohara M; Holtzman D; Hornbeck R; DiBari SH; Ikeuchi T; Ikonomovic S; Jerome G; Jucker M; Karch C; Kasuga K; Kawarabayashi T; Klunk W; Koeppe R; Kuder-Buletta E; Laske C; Lee JH; Levin J; Marcus D; Martins R; Mason NS; Masters C; Maue-Dreyfus D; McDade E; Montoya L; Mori H; Nagamatsu A; Neimeyer K; Noble J; Norton J; Perrin R; Raichle M; Ringman J; Roh JH; Salloway S; Schofield P; Shimada H; Shiroto T; Shoji M; Sigurdson W; Sohrabi H; Sparks P; Suzuki K; Swisher L; Taddei K; Wang J; Wang P; Weiner M; Wolfsberger M; Xiong C; Xu X; Tam A; Labonté A; Faubert AM, 2021, 'Amyloid and Tau Pathology Associations With Personality Traits, Neuropsychiatric Symptoms, and Cognitive Lifestyle in the Preclinical Phases of Sporadic and Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer's Disease', Biological Psychiatry, 89, pp. 776 - 785, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.01.023
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    Reus LM; Pasaniuc B; Posthuma D; Boltz T; Ferrari R; Hernandez DG; Nalls MA; Rohrer JD; Ramasamy A; Kwok JBJ; Dobson-Stone C; Brooks WS; Schofield PR; Halliday GM; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Bartley L; Thompson E; Hernández I; Ruiz A; Boada M; Borroni B; Padovani A; Cruchaga C; Cairns NJ; Benussi L; Binetti G; Ghidoni R; Forloni G; Galimberti D; Fenoglio C; Serpente M; Scarpini E; Clarimón J; Lleó A; Blesa R; Waldö ML; Nilsson K; Nilsson C; Mackenzie IRA; Hsiung GYR; Mann DMA; Grafman J; Morris CM; Attems J; Griffiths TD; McKeith IG; Thomas AJ; Pietrini P; Huey ED; Wassermann EM; Baborie A; Jaros E; Tierney MC; Pastor P; Razquin C; Ortega-Cubero S; Alonso E; Perneczky R; Diehl-Schmid J; Alexopoulos P; Kurz A; Rainero I; Rubino E; Pinessi L; Rogaeva E; St. George-Hyslop P; Rossi G; Tagliavini F; Giaccone G; Rowe JB; Schlachetzki JCM; Uphill J; Collinge J; Mead S; Danek A; Van Deerlin VM; Grossman M; Trojanowski JQ; van der Zee J; Van Broeckhoven C; Cappa SF; Le Ber I; Hannequin D; Golfier V; Vercelletto M; Brice A; Nacmias B; Sorbi S; Bagnoli S; Piaceri I; Nielsen JE; Hjermind LE; Riemenschneider M; Mayhaus M; Ibach B; Gasparoni G; Pichler S; Gu W; Rossor MN, 2021, 'Gene Expression Imputation Across Multiple Tissue Types Provides Insight Into the Genetic Architecture of Frontotemporal Dementia and Its Clinical Subtypes', Biological Psychiatry, 89, pp. 825 - 835, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.12.023
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    Salloway S; Farlow M; McDade E; Clifford DB; Wang G; Llibre-Guerra JJ; Hitchcock JM; Mills SL; Santacruz AM; Aschenbrenner AJ; Hassenstab J; Benzinger TLS; Gordon BA; Fagan AM; Coalier KA; Cruchaga C; Goate AA; Perrin RJ; Xiong C; Li Y; Morris JC; Snider BJ; Mummery C; Surti GM; Hannequin D; Wallon D; Berman SB; Lah JJ; Jimenez-Velazquez IZ; Roberson ED; van Dyck CH; Honig LS; Sánchez-Valle R; Brooks WS; Gauthier S; Galasko DR; Masters CL; Brosch JR; Hsiung GYR; Jayadev S; Formaglio M; Masellis M; Clarnette R; Pariente J; Dubois B; Pasquier F; Jack CR; Koeppe R; Snyder PJ; Aisen PS; Thomas RG; Berry SM; Wendelberger BA; Andersen SW; Holdridge KC; Mintun MA; Yaari R; Sims JR; Baudler M; Delmar P; Doody RS; Fontoura P; Giacobino C; Kerchner GA; Bateman RJ, 2021, 'A trial of gantenerumab or solanezumab in dominantly inherited Alzheimer’s disease', Nature Medicine, 27, pp. 1187 - 1196, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41591-021-01369-8
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    Barthélemy NR; Li Y; Joseph-Mathurin N; Gordon BA; Hassenstab J; Benzinger TLS; Buckles V; Fagan AM; Perrin RJ; Goate AM; Morris JC; Karch CM; Xiong C; Allegri R; Mendez PC; Berman SB; Ikeuchi T; Mori H; Shimada H; Shoji M; Suzuki K; Noble J; Farlow M; Chhatwal J; Graff-Radford NR; Salloway S; Schofield PR; Masters CL; Martins RN; O’Connor A; Fox NC; Levin J; Jucker M; Gabelle A; Lehmann S; Sato C; Bateman RJ; McDade EM; Bechara J; Bodge C; Brandon S; Brooks W; Buck J; Buckles V; Chea S; Chrem Mendez P; Chui H; Cinco J; Clifford J; Cruchaga C; Donahue T; Douglas J; Edigo N; Erekin-Taner N; Farlow M; Fitzpatrick C; Flynn G; Franklin E; Fujii H; Gant C; Gardener S; Ghetti B; Goldman J; Graff-Radford N; Gray J; Groves A; Hassenstab J; Hoechst-Swisher L; Holtzman D; Hornbeck R; DiBari SH; Ikonomovic S; Jerome G; Kasuga K; Kawarabayashi T; Klunk W; Koeppe R; Kuder-Buletta E; Laske C; Lee JH; Mason NS; Maue-Dreyfus D; Nagamatsu A; Neimeyer K; Norton J; Raichle M; Renton A; Ringman J; Roh JH; Sigurdson W; Sohrabi H, 2020, 'A soluble phosphorylated tau signature links tau, amyloid and the evolution of stages of dominantly inherited Alzheimer’s disease', Nature Medicine, 26, pp. 398 - 407, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0781-z
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    Bechara JA; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Halliday GM; Schofield PR, 2020, 'Familial Alzheimer’s disease in Australia', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 16, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/alz.040062
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    Dincer A; Gordon BA; Hari-Raj A; Keefe SJ; Flores S; McKay NS; Paulick AM; Shady Lewis KE; Feldman RL; Hornbeck RC; Allegri R; Ances BM; Berman SB; Brickman AM; Brooks WS; Cash DM; Chhatwal JP; Farlow MR; la Fougère C; Fox NC; Fulham MJ; Jack CR; Joseph-Mathurin N; Karch CM; Lee A; Levin J; Masters CL; McDade EM; Oh H; Perrin RJ; Raji C; Salloway SP; Schofield PR; Su Y; Villemagne VL; Wang Q; Weiner MW; Xiong C; Yakushev I; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; L.S. Benzinger T, 2020, 'Comparing cortical signatures of atrophy between late-onset and autosomal dominant Alzheimer disease', NeuroImage: Clinical, 28, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nicl.2020.102491
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    Dobson-Stone C; Hallupp M; Shahheydari H; Ragagnin AMG; Chatterton Z; Carew-Jones F; Shepherd CE; Stefen H; Paric E; Fath T; Thompson EM; Blumbergs P; Short CL; Field CD; Panegyres PK; Hecker J; Nicholson G; Shaw AD; Fullerton JM; Luty AA; Schofield PR; Brooks WS; Rajan N; Bennett MF; Bahlo M; Shankaracharya ; Landers JE; Piguet O; Hodges JR; Halliday GM; Topp SD; Smith BN; Shaw CE; McCann E; Fifita JA; Williams KL; Atkin JD; Blair IP; Kwok JB, 2020, 'CYLD is a causative gene for frontotemporal dementia - Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis', Brain, 143, pp. 783 - 799, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/brain/awaa039
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    Gao Y; Wang T; Yu X; Ferrari R; Hernandez DG; Nalls MA; Rohrer JD; Ramasamy A; Kwok JBJ; Dobson-Stone C; Brooks WS; Schofield PR; Halliday GM; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Bartley L; Thompson E; Haan E; Hernández I; Ruiz A; Boada M; Borroni B; Padovani A; Cruchaga C; Cairns NJ; Benussi L; Binetti G; Ghidoni R; Forloni G; Albani D; Galimberti D; Fenoglio C; Serpente M; Scarpini E; Clarimón J; Lleó A; Blesa R; Waldö ML; Nilsson K; Nilsson C; Mackenzie IRA; Hsiung GYR; Mann DMA; Grafman J; Morris CM; Attems J; Griffiths TD; McKeith IG; Thomas AJ; Pietrini P; Huey ED; Wassermann EM; Baborie A; Jaros E; Tierney MC; Pastor P; Razquin C; Ortega-Cubero S; Alonso E; Perneczky R; Diehl-Schmid J; Alexopoulos P; Kurz A; Rainero I; Rubino E; Pinessi L; Rogaeva E; George-Hyslop PS; Rossi G; Tagliavini F; Giaccone G; Rowe JB; Schlachetzki JCM; Uphill J; Collinge J; Mead S; Danek A; Van Deerlin VM; Grossman M; Trojanowski JQ; van der Zee J; Cruts M; Van Broeckhoven C; Cappa SF; Leber I; Hannequin D; Golfier V; Vercelletto M; Brice A; Nacmias B; Sorbi S; Bagnoli S; Piaceri I; Nielsen JE; Hjermind LE; Riemenschneider M; Mayhaus M; Ibach B; Gasparoni G; Pichler S, 2020, 'Mendelian randomization implies no direct causal association between leukocyte telomere length and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis', Scientific Reports, 10, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-68848-9
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    Vermunt L; Dicks E; Wang G; Dincer A; Flores S; Keefe SJ; Berman SB; Cash DM; Chhatwal JP; Cruchaga C; Fox NC; Ghetti B; Graff-Radford NR; Hassenstab J; Karch CM; Laske C; Levin J; Masters CL; McDade E; Mori H; Morris JC; Noble JM; Perrin RJ; Schofield PR; Xiong C; Scheltens P; Visser PJ; Bateman RJ; Benzinger TLS; Tijms BM; Gordon BA; Allegri R; Amtashar F; Bodge C; Brandon S; Brooks W; Buck J; Buckles V; Chea S; Chrem P; Chui H; Cinco J; Jack C; D'Mello M; Donahue T; Douglas J; Edigo N; Erekin-Taner N; Fagan A; Farlow M; Farrar A; Feldman H; Flynn G; Fox N; Franklin E; Fujii H; Gant C; Gardener S; Goate A; Goldman J; Gray J; Gurney J; Hassenstab J; Hirohara M; Holtzman D; Hornbeck R; Dibari SH; Ikeuchi T; Ikonomovic S; Jerome G; Jucker M; Kasuga K; Kawarabayashi T; Klunk W; Koeppe R; Kuder-Buletta E; Marcus D; Martins R; Mason NS; Maue-Dreyfus D; Montoya L; Nagamatsu A; Neimeyer K; Noble J; Norton J; Perrin R; Raichle M; Ringman J; Roh JH; Schofield P; Shimada H; Shiroto T; Shoji M; Sigurdson W; Sohrabi H; Sparks P, 2020, 'Single-subject grey matter network trajectories over the disease course of autosomal dominant Alzheimer's disease', Brain Communications, 2, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/braincomms/fcaa102
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    Dube U; Del-Aguila JL; Li Z; Budde JP; Jiang S; Hsu S; Ibanez L; Fernandez MV; Farias F; Norton J; Gentsch J; Wang F; Allegri R; Amtashar F; Benzinger T; Berman S; Bodge C; Brandon S; Brooks W; Buck J; Buckles V; Chea S; Chrem P; Chui H; Cinco J; Clifford J; D’Mello M; Donahue T; Douglas J; Edigo N; Erekin-Taner N; Fagan A; Farlow M; Farrar A; Feldman H; Flynn G; Fox N; Franklin E; Fujii H; Gant C; Gardener S; Ghetti B; Goate A; Goldman J; Gordon B; Gray J; Gurney J; Hassenstab J; Hirohara M; Holtzman D; Hornbeck R; DiBari SH; Ikeuchi T; Ikonomovic S; Jerome G; Jucker M; Kasuga K; Kawarabayashi T; Klunk W; Koeppe R; Kuder-Buletta E; Laske C; Levin J; Marcus D; Martins R; Mason NS; Maue-Dreyfus D; McDade E; Montoya L; Mori H; Nagamatsu A; Neimeyer K; Noble J; Perrin R; Raichle M; Ringman J; Roh JH; Schofield P; Shimada H; Shiroto T; Shoji M; Sigurdson W; Sohrabi H; Sparks P; Suzuki K; Swisher L; Taddei K; Wang J; Wang P; Weiner M; Wolfsberger M; Xiong C; Xu X; Salloway S; Masters CL; Lee JH; Graff-Radford NR; Chhatwal JP; Bateman RJ, 2019, 'An atlas of cortical circular RNA expression in Alzheimer disease brains demonstrates clinical and pathological associations', Nature Neuroscience, 22, pp. 1903 - 1912, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41593-019-0501-5
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    Flores S; Su Y; Gordon BA; Adedokun A; Marple LM; Wang Q; Chen G; Hornbeck RC; Jack CR; Roberson ED; Soucy J-P; Noto RB; Brooks WS; Jiménez-Velázquez IZ; Gauthier S; Robin Hsiung G-Y; Surti GM; Farlow MR; Salloway S; McDade E; Bateman R; Benzinger TLS, 2019, 'IC‐P‐189: REGIONAL AND VOXEL‐WISE SPATIAL RELATIONSHIPS AMONG FLUORINE‐18 AMYLOID PET TRACERS AND PITTSBURGH COMPOUND B', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2019.06.4304
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    Flores S; Su Y; Gordon BA; Adedokun A; Marple LM; Wang Q; Chen G; Hornbeck RC; Jack CR; Roberson ED; Soucy J-P; Noto RB; Brooks WS; Jiménez-Velázquez IZ; Gauthier S; Robin Hsiung G-Y; Surti GM; Farlow MR; Salloway S; McDade E; Bateman R; Benzinger TLS, 2019, 'P3‐426: REGIONAL AND VOXEL‐WISE SPATIAL RELATIONSHIPS AMONG FLUORINE‐18 AMYLOID PET TRACERS AND PITTSBURGH COMPOUND B', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2019.06.3460
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    Preische O; Schultz SA; Apel A; Kuhle J; Kaeser SA; Barro C; Gräber S; Kuder-Buletta E; LaFougere C; Laske C; Vöglein J; Levin J; Masters CL; Martins R; Schofield PR; Rossor MN; Graff-Radford NR; Salloway S; Ghetti B; Ringman JM; Noble JM; Chhatwal J; Goate AM; Benzinger TLS; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Wang G; Fagan AM; McDade EM; Gordon BA; Jucker M; Allegri R; Amtashar F; Berman S; Bodge C; Brandon S; Brooks W; Buck J; Buckles V; Chea S; Chrem P; Chui H; Cinco J; Clifford J; Cruchaga C; D’Mello M; Donahue T; Douglas J; Edigo N; Erekin-Taner N; Farlow M; Farrar A; Feldman H; Flynn G; Fox N; Franklin E; Fujii H; Gant C; Gardener S; Goldman J; Gray J; Gurney J; Hassenstab J; Hirohara M; Holtzman D; Hornbeck R; DiBari SH; Ikeuchi T; Ikonomovic S; Jerome G; Karch C; Kasuga K; Kawarabayashi T; Klunk W; Koeppe R; Lee JH; Marcus D; Mason NS; Maue-Dreyfus D; Montoya L; Mori H; Nagamatsu A; Neimeyer K; Norton J; Perrin R; Raichle M; Roh JH; Shimada H; Shiroto T; Shoji M; Sigurdson W; Sohrabi H; Sparks P; Suzuki K; Swisher L; Taddei K; Wang J; Wang P; Weiner M; Wolfsberger M, 2019, 'Serum neurofilament dynamics predicts neurodegeneration and clinical progression in presymptomatic Alzheimer’s disease', Nature Medicine, 25, pp. 277 - 283, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41591-018-0304-3
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    Su Y; Flores S; Wang G; Hornbeck RC; Speidel B; Joseph-Mathurin N; Vlassenko AG; Gordon BA; Koeppe RA; Klunk WE; Jack CR; Farlow MR; Salloway S; Snider BJ; Berman SB; Roberson ED; Brosch J; Jimenez-Velazques I; van Dyck CH; Galasko D; Yuan SH; Jayadev S; Honig LS; Gauthier S; Hsiung GYR; Masellis M; Brooks WS; Fulham M; Clarnette R; Masters CL; Wallon D; Hannequin D; Dubois B; Pariente J; Sanchez-Valle R; Mummery C; Ringman JM; Bottlaender M; Klein G; Milosavljevic-Ristic S; McDade E; Xiong C; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Benzinger TLS, 2019, 'Comparison of Pittsburgh compound B and florbetapir in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies', Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 11, pp. 180 - 190, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dadm.2018.12.008
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    Swarup V; Hinz FI; Rexach JE; Noguchi KI; Toyoshiba H; Oda A; Hirai K; Sarkar A; Seyfried NT; Cheng C; Haggarty SJ; Ferrari R; Rohrer JD; Ramasamy A; Hardy J; Hernandez DG; Nalls MA; Singleton AB; Kwok JBJ; Dobson-Stone C; Brooks WS; Schofield PR; Halliday GM; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Bartley L; Thompson E; Haan E; Hernández I; Ruiz A; Boada M; Borroni B; Padovani A; Cairns NJ; Cruchaga C; Binetti G; Ghidoni R; Benussi L; Forloni G; Albani D; Galimberti D; Fenoglio C; Serpente M; Scarpini E; Clarimón J; Lleó A; Blesa R; Waldö ML; Nilsson K; Nilsson C; Mackenzie IRA; Hsiung GYR; Mann DMA; Grafman J; Morris CM; Attems J; Griffiths TD; McKeith IG; Thomas AJ; Jaros E; Pietrini P; Huey ED; Wassermann EM; Tierney MC; Baborie A; Pastor P; Ortega-Cubero S; Razquin C; Alonso E; Perneczky R; Diehl-Schmid J; Alexopoulos P; Kurz A; Rainero I; Rubino E; Pinessi L; Rogaeva E; George-Hyslop PS; Rossi G; Tagliavini F; Giaccone G; Rowe JB; Schlachetzki JCM; Uphill J; Collinge J; Mead S; Danek A; Van Deerlin VM; Grossman M; Trojanowski JQ; Pickering-Brown S; Momeni P; van der Zee J; Cruts M; Van Broeckhoven C; Cappa SF; Leber I; Brice A; Hannequin D; Golfier V, 2019, 'Identification of evolutionarily conserved gene networks mediating neurodegenerative dementia', Nature Medicine, 25, pp. 152 - 164, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41591-018-0223-3
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    Broce I; Karch CM; Wen N; Fan CC; Wang Y; Hong Tan C; Kouri N; Ross OA; Höglinger GU; Muller U; Hardy J; Momeni P; Hess CP; Dillon WP; Miller ZA; Bonham LW; Rabinovici GD; Rosen HJ; Schellenberg GD; Franke A; Karlsen TH; Veldink JH; Ferrari R; Yokoyama JS; Miller BL; Andreassen OA; Dale AM; Desikan RS; Sugrue LP; Hernandez DG; Nalls MA; Rohrer JD; Ramasamy A; Kwok JBJ; Dobson-Stone C; Brooks WS; Schofield PR; Halliday GM; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Bartley L; Thompson E; Haan E; Hernández I; Ruiz A; Boada M; Borroni B; Padovani A; Cruchaga C; Cairns NJ; Benussi L; Binetti G; Ghidoni R; Forloni G; Albani D; Galimberti D; Fenoglio C; Serpente M; Scarpini E; Clarimón J; Lleó A; Blesa R; Landqvist Waldö M; Nilsson K; Nilsson C; Mackenzie IRA; Hsiung GYR; Mann DMA; Grafman J; Morris CM; Attems J; Griffiths TD; G McKeith I; Thomas AJ; Pietrini P; Huey ED; Wassermann EM; Baborie A; Jaros E; Tierney MC; Pastor P; Razquin C; Ortega-Cubero S; Alonso E; Perneczky R; Diehl-Schmid J; Alexopoulos P; Kurz A; Rainero I; Rubino E; Pinessi L; Rogaeva E; St George-Hyslop P; Rossi G; Tagliavini F; Giaccone G; Rowe JB; Schlachetzki JCM; Uphill J; Schofield P, 2018, 'Immune-related genetic enrichment in frontotemporal dementia: An analysis of genome-wide association studies', PLoS Medicine, 15, pp. e1002487, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pmed.1002487
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    Pottier C; Zhou X; Perkerson RB; Baker M; Jenkins GD; Serie DJ; Ghidoni R; Benussi L; Binetti G; López de Munain A; Zulaica M; Moreno F; Le Ber I; Pasquier F; Hannequin D; Sánchez-Valle R; Antonell A; Lladó A; Parsons TM; Finch NCA; Finger EC; Lippa CF; Huey ED; Neumann M; Heutink P; Synofzik M; Wilke C; Rissman RA; Slawek J; Sitek E; Johannsen P; Nielsen JE; Ren Y; van Blitterswijk M; DeJesus-Hernandez M; Christopher E; Murray ME; Bieniek KF; Evers BM; Ferrari C; Rollinson S; Richardson A; Scarpini E; Fumagalli GG; Padovani A; Hardy J; Momeni P; Ferrari R; Frangipane F; Maletta R; Anfossi M; Gallo M; Petrucelli L; Suh ER; Lopez OL; Wong TH; van Rooij JGJ; Seelaar H; Mead S; Caselli RJ; Reiman EM; Noel Sabbagh M; Kjolby M; Nykjaer A; Karydas AM; Boxer AL; Grinberg LT; Grafman J; Spina S; Oblak A; Mesulam MM; Weintraub S; Geula C; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Brooks WS; Irwin DJ; Trojanowski JQ; Lee EB; Josephs KA; Parisi JE; Ertekin-Taner N; Knopman DS; Nacmias B; Piaceri I; Bagnoli S; Sorbi S; Gearing M; Glass J; Beach TG; Black SE; Masellis M; Rogaeva E; Vonsattel JP; Honig LS; Kofler J; Bruni AC; Snowden J; Mann D; Pickering-Brown S, 2018, 'Potential genetic modifiers of disease risk and age at onset in patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration and GRN mutations: a genome-wide association study', The Lancet Neurology, 17, pp. 548 - 558, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30126-1
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    Zhang M; Ferrari R; Tartaglia MC; Keith J; Surace EI; Wolf U; Sato C; Grinberg M; Liang Y; Xi Z; Dupont K; McGoldrick P; Weichert A; McKeever PM; Schneider R; McCorkindale MD; Manzoni C; Rademakers R; Graff-Radford NR; Dickson DW; Parisi JE; Boeve BF; Petersen RC; Miller BL; Seeley WW; van Swieten JC; van Rooij J; Pijnenburg YAL; van der Zee J; van Broeckhoven C; Le Ber I; van Deerlin V; Suh ER; Rohrer JD; Mead S; Graff C; Öijerstedt L; Pickering-Brown S; Rollinson S; Rossi G; Tagliavini F; Brooks WS; Dobson-Stone C; Halliday GM; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Binetti G; Benussi L; Ghidoni R; Nacmias B; Sorbi S; Bruni AC; Galimberti D; Scarpini E; Rainero I; Rubino E; Clarimon J; Lleó A; Ruiz A; Hernández I; Pastor P; Diez-Fairen M; Borroni B; Pasquier F; Deramecourt V; Lebouvier T; Perneczky R; Diehl-Schmid J; Grafman J; Huey ED; Mayeux R; Nalls MA; Hernandez D; Singleton A; Momeni P; Zeng Z; Hardy J; Robertson J; Zinman L; Rogaeva E; Ramasamy A; Kwok JBJ; Schofield PR; Bartley L; Thompson E; Boada M; Padovani A; Cruchaga C; Cairns NJ; Albani D, 2018, 'A C6orf10/LOC101929163 locus is associated with age of onset in C9orf72 carriers', Brain, 141, pp. 2895 - 2907, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/brain/awy238
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    Williams KL; Topp S; Yang S; Smith B; Fifita JA; Warraich ST; Zhang KY; Farrawell N; Vance C; Hu X; Chesi A; Leblond CS; Lee A; Rayner SL; Sundaramoorthy V; Dobson-Stone C; Molloy MP; Van Blitterswijk M; Dickson DW; Petersen RC; Graff-Radford NR; Boeve BF; Murray ME; Pottier C; Don E; Winnick C; McCann EP; Hogan A; Daoud H; Levert A; Dion PA; Mitsui J; Ishiura H; Takahashi Y; Goto J; Kost J; Gellera C; Gkazi AS; Miller J; Stockton J; Brooks WS; Boundy K; Polak M; Muñoz-Blanco JL; Esteban-Pérez J; Rábano A; Hardiman O; Morrison KE; Ticozzi N; Silani V; De Belleroche J; Glass JD; Kwok JBJ; Guillemin GJ; Chung RS; Tsuji S; Brown RH; García-Redondo A; Rademakers R; Landers JE; Gitler AD; Rouleau GA; Cole NJ; Yerbury JJ; Atkin JD; Shaw CE; Nicholson GA; Blair IP, 2016, 'CCNF mutations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia', Nature Communications, 7, pp. 11253, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms11253
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    Cairns NJ; Perrin RJ; Franklin EE; Carter D; Vincent B; Xie M; Bateman RJ; Benzinger T; Friedrichsen K; Brooks WS; Halliday GM; Mclean C; Ghetti B; Morris JC, 2015, 'Neuropathologic assessment of participants in two multi-center longitudinal observational studies: The Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN)', Neuropathology, 35, pp. 390 - 400, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/neup.12205
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    Dobson-Stone C; Shaw AD; Hallupp M; Bartley L; McCann H; Brooks WS; Loy CT; Schofield PR; Mather KA; Kochan NA; Sachdev PS; Halliday GM; Piguet O; Hodges JR; Kwok JBJ; Schofield P, 2015, 'Is CHCHD10 Pro34Ser pathogenic for frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?', Brain, 138, pp. e385, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/brain/awv115
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    Monserrate AE; Ryman DC; Ma S; Xiong C; Noble JM; Ringman JM; Morris JC; Danek A; Müller-Sarnowski F; Clifford DB; McDade EM; Brooks WS; Darby DG; Masters CL; Weston PSJ; Farlow MR; Graff-Radford NR; Salloway SP; Fagan AM; Oliver A; Bateman RJ; Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network , 2015, 'Factors associated with the onset and persistence of post-lumbar puncture headache', JAMA Neurology, 72, pp. 325 - 332, http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.3974
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    Ferrari R; Hernandez DG; Nalls MA; Rohrer JD; Ramasamy A; Kwok JBJ; Dobson-Stone C; Brooks WS; Eld PRS; Halliday GM; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Bartley L; Thompson E; Haan E; Hernandez I; Ruiz A; Boada M; Borroni B; Padovani A; Cruchaga C; Cairns NJ; Benussi L; Binetti G; Ghidoni R; Forloni G; Galimberti D; Fenoglio C; Serpente M; Scarpini E; Clarimon J; Lleo A; Blesa R; Waldoe ML; Nilsson K; Nilsson C; Mackenzie IRA; Hsiung G; Mann DMA; Grafman J; Morris CM; Attems J; Ths TDG; McKeith IG; Thomas AJ; Pietrini P; Huey ED; Wassermann EM; Baborie A; Jaros E; Tierney MC; Pastor P; Razquin C; Ortega-Cubero S; Alonso E; Perneczky R; Diehl-Schmid J; Alexopoulos P; Kurz A; Rubino IRE; Pinessi L; Rogaeva E; St George-Hyslop P; Rossi G; Tagliavini F; Giaccone G; Rowe JB; Schlachetzki JCM; Uphill J; Collinge J; Mead S; Danek A; Van Deerlin VM; Grossman M; Trojanowski JQ; van der Zee J; Deschamps W; Van Langenhove T; Cruts M; Van Broeckhoven C; Cappa SF; Le Ber I; Hannequin D; Golfier V; Vercelletto M; Brice A; Nacmias B; Sorbi S; Bagnoli S; Piaceri I; Nielsen JE; Hjermind LE; Riemenschneider M; Mayhaus M; Ibach B; Gasparoni G; Pichler S; Gu W; Rossor MN; Fox NC; Warren JD; Spillantini MG; Morris HR; Rizzu P; Heutink P; Snowden JS; Rollinson S; Richardson A; Gerhard A; Bruni AC; Maletta R; Frangipane F; Cupidi C; Bernardi L; Anfossi M; Gallo M; Conidi ME; Smirne N; Rademakers R; Baker M; Dickson DW; Graff-Radford NR; Petersen RC; Knopman D; Josephs KA; Boeve BF; Parisi JE; Seeley WW; Miller BL; Karydas AM; Rosen H; van Swieten JC; Dopper EGP; Seelaar H; Pijnenburg YA; Scheltens P; Logroscino G; Capozzo R; Novelli V; Puca AA; Franceschi M; Postiglione A; Milan G; Sorrentino P; Kristiansen M; Chiang HH; Graff C; Pasquier F; Rollin A; Deramecourt V; Lebert F; Kapogiannis D; Ferrucci L; Pickering-Brown S; Hardy J; Momeni P; Singleton AB, 2014, 'Genetic analysis suggests lysosomal and immune system involvement in frontotemporal dementia', JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE, 41, pp. S25 - S26, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000337049200051&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
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    Ferrari R; Hernandez DG; Nalls MA; Rohrer JD; Ramasamy A; Kwok JBJ; Dobson-Stone C; Brooks William S BS; Schofield PR; Halliday GM; Hodges JR; Piguet O; Bartley L; Thompson E; Haan E; Hernández I; Ruiz A; Boada M; Borroni B; Padovani A; Cruchaga C; Cairns NJ; Benussi L; Binetti G; Ghidoni R; Forloni G; Galimberti D; Fenoglio C; Serpente M; Scarpini E; Clarimón J; Lleó A; Blesa R; Waldö ML; Nilsson K; Nilsson C; Mackenzie IRA; Hsiung GYR; Mann DMA; Grafman J; Morris CM; Attems J; Griffiths TD; McKeith IG; Thomas AJ; Pietrini P; Huey ED; Wassermann EM; Baborie A; Jaros E; Tierney MC; Pastor P; Razquin C; Ortega-Cubero S; Alonso E; Perneczky R; Diehl-Schmid J; Alexopoulos P; Kurz A; Rainero I; Rubino E; Pinessi L; Rogaeva E; St George-Hyslop P; Rossi G; Tagliavini F; Giaccone G; Rowe JB; Schlachetzki JCM; Uphill J; Collinge J; Mead S; Danek A; Van Deerlin VM; Grossman M; Trojanowski JQ; Van der Zee J; Deschamps W; Van Langenhove T; Cruts M; Van Broeckhoven C; Cappa SF; Le Ber I; Hannequin D; Golfier V; Vercelletto M; Brice A; Nacmias B; Sorbi S; Bagnoli S; Piaceri I; Nielsen JE; Hjermind LE; Riemenschneider M; Mayhaus M; Ibach B; Gasparoni G; Pichler S; Gu W; Rossor MN; Brooks W; Schofield P, 2014, 'Frontotemporal dementia and its subtypes: A genome-wide association study', The Lancet Neurology, 13, pp. 686 - 699, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(14)70065-1
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    Gallagher MD; Suh E; Grossman M; Elman L; McCluskey L; Van Swieten JC; Al-Sarraj S; Neumann M; Gelpi E; Ghetti B; Rohrer JD; Halliday G; Van Broeckhoven C; Seilhean D; Shaw PJ; Frosch MP; Alafuzoff I; Antonell A; Bogdanovic N; Brooks W; Cairns NJ; Cooper-Knock J; Cotman C; Cras P; Cruts M; De Deyn PP; Decarli C; Dobson-Stone C; Engelborghs S; Fox N; Galasko D; Gearing M; Gijselinck I; Grafman J; Hartikainen P; Hatanpaa KJ; Highley JR; Hodges J; Hulette C; Ince PG; Jin LW; Kirby J; Kofler J; Kril J; Kwok JBJ; Levey A; Lieberman A; Llado A; Martin JJ; Masliah E; McDermott CJ; McKee A; McLean C; Mead S; Miller CA; Miller J; Munoz DG; Murrell J; Paulson H; Piguet O; Rossor M; Sanchez-Valle R; Sano M; Schneider J; Silbert LC; Spina S; Van Der Zee J; Van Langenhove T; Warren J; Wharton SB; White CL; Woltjer RL; Trojanowski JQ; Lee VMY; Van Deerlin V; Chen-Plotkin AS, 2014, 'TMEM106B is a genetic modifier of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with C9orf72 hexanucleotide repeat expansions', Acta Neuropathologica, 127, pp. 407 - 418, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00401-013-1239-x
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    Dobson-Stone C; Hallupp M; Loy CT; Thompson EJ; Haan E; Sue C; Panegyres P; Razquin C; Seijo-Martínez M; Rene R; Gascon J; Campdelacreu J; Schmoll B; Volk AE; Brooks WS; Schofield PR; Pastor P; Kwok J; Schofield P, 2013, 'C9ORF72 Repeat Expansion in Australian and Spanish Frontotemporal Dementia Patients', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e56899, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0056899
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    Dobson-Stone C; Luty A; Thompson EM; Blumbergs P; Brooks WS; Short CL; Field C; Panegyres P; Hecker J; Solski JA; Blair I; Fullerton JM; Halliday GM; Schofield PR; Kwok J; Schofield P, 2013, 'Frontotemporal dementia-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis syndrome locus on chromosome 16p12.1-q12.2: Genetic, clinical and neuropathological analysis', ACTA Neuropathologica, 125, pp. 523 - 533, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00401-013-1078-9
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    Mills SM; Mallmann J; Santacruz AM; Fuqua A; Carril M; Aisen PS; Althage MC; Belyew S; Benzinger TL; Brooks WS; Buckles VD; Cairns NJ; Clifford D; Danek A; Fagan AM; Farlow M; Fox N; Ghetti B; Goate AM; Heinrichs D; Hornbeck R; Jack C; Jucker M; Klunk WE; Marcus DS; Martins RN; Masters CM; Mayeux R; McDade E; Morris JC; Oliver A; Ringman JM; Rossor MN; Salloway S; Schofield PR; Snider J; Snyder P; Sperling RA; Stewart C; Thomas RG; Xiong C; Bateman RJ, 2013, 'Erratum: Preclinical trials in autosomal dominant AD: Implementation of the DIAN-TU trial (Rev. Neurol. (2013) 169 (10) (737-743))', Revue Neurologique, 169, pp. 1018, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neurol.2013.10.005
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    Mills SM; Mallmann J; Santacruz AM; Fuqua A; Carril M; Aisen PS; Althage MC; Belyew S; Benzinger TL; Brooks WS; Buckles VD; Cairns NJ; Clifford D; Danek A; Fagan AM; Farlow M; Fox N; Ghetti B; Goate AM; Heinrichs D; Hornbeck R; Jack C; Jucker M; Klunk WE; Marcus DS; Martins RN; Masters CM; Mayeux R; McDade E; Morris JC; Oliver A; Ringman JM; Rossor MN; Salloway S; Schofield PR; Snider J; Snyder P; Sperling RA; Stewart C; Thomas RG; Xiong C; Bateman RJ, 2013, 'Preclinical trials in autosomal dominant AD: Implementation of the DIAN-TU trial', Revue Neurologique, 169, pp. 737 - 743, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neurol.2013.07.017
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    Chen-Plotkin A; Martinez-Lage M; Sleiman PMA; Hu W; Greene R; Wood EF; Bing S; Grossman M; Schellenberg GD; Hatanpaa K; Weiner M; White III CL; Brooks WS; Halliday GM; Kril JJ; Gearing M; Beach T; Graff-radford N; Dickson D; Rademakers R; Boeve B; Pickering-Brown SM; Snowden J; Van Swieten JC; Heutink P; Seelaar H; Murrell J; Ghetti B; Spina S; Grafman J; Kaye JA; Woltjer RL; Mesulam M; Bigio EH; Llado A; Miller B; Alzualde A; Moreno FS; Rohrer JD; Mackenzie IRA; Feldman H; Hamilton RL; Cruts M; Engelborghs ; De Deyn PP; Van Broeckhoven C; Bird T; Cairns NJ; Goate A; Frosch MP; Riederer PF; Bogdanovic N; Lee VM; Trojanowski JQ; Van deerlin VM, 2011, 'Genetic and clinical features of progranulin-associated frontotemporal lobar degeneration', Archives of Neurology, 68, pp. 488 - 497
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    Dobson‐Stone C; Luty A; Hallupp M; Coupland K; Brooks W; Panegyres P; Piguet O; Broe GA; Sobow T; Zekanowski C; Halliday G; Schofield P; Kwok J, 2011, 'P1‐285: Sigma non‐opioid intracellular receptor 1 and neurodegeneration: prevalence of mutations and therapeutic implications', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 7, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2011.05.566
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    Kwok J; Luty A; Dobson‐Stone C; Loy C; Brooks W; Karlström H; Halliday G; Schofield P, 2011, 'P1‐287: Positional cloning identifies SIGMAR1 gene as a causative locus for FTLD‐MND in a large Australian pedigree', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 7, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2011.05.568
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    Loy C; McCusker E; Kril J; Kwok J; Brooks WS; Mccann H; Isaacs A; Halliday GM, 2010, 'Very early onset frontotemporal dementia with no family history preducts underlying fused in sarcoma pathology', Brain, 133, pp. e158, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/brain/awq186
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    Schofield PR; Kwok JBJ; Brooks WS; Loy CT, 2009, 'The genetics of familial dementias', Pathology, 41, pp. 30 - 30, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/01268031-200941001-00064
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    Brooks WS; Helton ES; Banerjee S; Venable M; Johnson L; Schoeb TR; Kesterson RA; Crawford DF, 2008, 'G2E3 is a dual function ubiquitin ligase required for early embryonic development', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283, pp. 22304 - 22315, http://dx.doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M803238200
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    Luty A; Kwok JB; Thompson E; Blumbergs PC; Brooks WS; Loy CT; Dobson-Stone C; Panegyres P; Hecker J; Nicholson GA; Halliday GM; Schofield PR, 2008, 'Pedigree with frontotemporal lobar degeneration - motor neuron disease and Tar DNA binding protein-43 positive neuropathology: genetic linkage to chromosome 9', BMC NEUROLOGY, 8
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    Banerjee S; Brooks WS; Crawford DF, 2007, 'Inactivation of the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme UBE2Q2 causes a prophase arrest and enhanced apoptosis in response to microtubule inhibiting agents', Oncogene, 26, pp. 6509 - 6517, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sj.onc.1210471
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    Brooks WS; Banerjee S; Crawford DF, 2007, 'G2E3 is a nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling protein with DNA damage responsive localization', Experimental Cell Research, 313, pp. 665 - 676, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.yexcr.2006.11.020
    Journal articles | 2007
    Karlstrom H; Kwok JB; Gregory GC; Hallupp M; Brooks WS; Schofield PR, 2007, 'No association of spastic paraparesis genes in PSENI Alzheimer`s disease with spastic paraparesis', Neuroreport, 18, pp. 1267 - 1269
    Journal articles | 2007
    Rademakers R; Baker M; Gass J; Adamson J; Huey ED; Momeni P; Spina S; Coppola G; Karydas AM; Stewart H; Johnson N; Hsiung G-Y; Kelley B; Kuntz K; Steinbart E; Wood EM; Yu C-E; Josephs K; Sorenson E; Womack KB; Weintraub S; Pickering-Brown SM; Schopeld PR; Brooks WS; van Deerlin VM; Snowden J; Clark CM; Kertesz A; Boylan K; Ghetti B; Neary D; Schellenberg GD; Beach TG; Mesulam M; Mann D; Grafman J; Mackenzie IR; Feldman H; Bird T; Petersen R; Knopman D; Boeve B; Geschwind DH; Miller B; Wszolek Z; Lippa C; Bigio EH; Dickson D; Graff-Radford N; Hutton M, 2007, 'Phenotypic variability associated with progranulin haploinsufficiency in patients with the common 1477C -> T (Arg493X) mutation: an international initiative', LANCET NEUROLOGY, 6, pp. 857 - 868, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S1474-4422(07)70221-1
    Journal articles | 2007
    Rademakers R; Baker M; Gass J; adamson J; Huey ED; Momeni P; Spina S; Coppola G; Karydas AM; Stewart H; Johnson NA; Hsiung G; Kelley B; Kuntz K; Steinbart E; Wood EF; Yu C; Josephs K; Sorenson E; Womack KB; Weintraub S; Pickering-Brown S; Schofield PR; Brooks WS; Van Deerlin VM; Snowden J; Clark C; Kertesz A; boylan K; Ghetti B; Neary D; Schellenberg G; Beach T; Mesulam M; Mann D; Grafman J; McKenzie IR; Feldman H; Bird T; Petersen RC; Knopman D; Boeve B; Geschwind DH; Miller B; Wszolek Z; Lippa C; Bigio E; Dickson D; Graff-radford N; Hutton M, 2007, 'Phenotypic variability associated with progranulin haploinsufficiency in patients with the common 1477C-T (Arg493X) mutation: an international initiative', Lancet Neurology, 6, pp. 857 - 868
    Journal articles | 2006
    Halliday GM; Song YC; Creasey H; Morris JC; Brooks WS; Kril J, 2006, 'Neuropathology in the S305S tau gene mutation', Brain, 129, pp. E40 - E40
    Journal articles | 2006
    Huang Y; Hayes M; Harding AJ; Brooks WS; Fung VS; Rowe DB; Joffe R; Crimmins D; Hely MA; Halliday GM, 2006, 'Anticipation of onset age in familial Parkinson`s disease without SCA gene mutations', Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 12, pp. 309 - 313
    Journal articles | 2006
    Luty AA; Kwok JB; Thompson E; Blumbergs PC; Brooks W; Schofield PR, 2006, 'P1–318: A novel Alzheimer's disease locus associated with atypical ‘plaque–predominant’ neuropathology', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalz.2006.05.696
    Journal articles | 2006
    Pickering-Brown S; Baker M; Gass J; Boeve B; Loy CT; Brooks WS; Mackenzie IR; Martins RN; Kwok JB; Halliday GM; Kril J; Schofield PR; Mann DM; Hutton M, 2006, 'Mutations in progranulin explain atypical phenotypes with variants in MAPT', Brain, 129, pp. 3124 - 3126
    Journal articles | 2005
    Halliday GM; Song YC; Lepar GS; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Kersaitis C; Gregory GC; Shepherd CE; Rahimi F; Schofield PR; Kril J, 2005, 'Pick bodies in a family with presenilin-1 Alzheimer's disease', Annals of Neurology, 57, pp. 139 - 143
    Journal articles | 2005
    Piguet O; Grayson DA; Tate RL; Bennett HP; Lye TC; Creasey H; Brooks WS; Broe T, 2005, 'A model of executive functions in very old community dwellers: Evidence from the Sydney older persons study', Cortex, 41, pp. 27 - 37
    Journal articles | 2004
    Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Halliday GM; Godbolt AK; Rossor MN; Creasey H; Jones A; Schofield PR, 2004, 'Hemorrhage is uncommon in new Alzheimer family with Flemish amyloid precursor protein mutation', Neurology, 63, pp. 1613 - 1617
    Journal articles | 2004
    Harding AJ; Das A; Kril J; Brooks WS; Duffy DL; Halliday GM, 2004, 'Identification of families with cortical Lewy body disease', American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 128B, pp. 118 - 122
    Journal articles | 2004
    Piguet O; Brooks WS; Halliday GM; Schofield PR; Stanford PM; Kwok JB; Spillantini M; Yancopoulou D; Nestor PJ; Broe G; Hodges JR, 2004, 'Similar early clinical presentations in familial and non-familial frontotemporal dementia', Journal of Neurosurgery, 75, pp. 1743 - 1745
    Journal articles | 2004
    Shepherd CE; Gregory GC; Vickers J; Brooks WS; Kwok J; Schofield PR; Kril J; Halliday GM, 2004, 'Positional effects of presenilin-1 mutations on tau phosphorylation in cortical plaques', Neurobiology of Disease, 15, pp. 115 - 119
    Journal articles | 2004
    Shepherd CE; Piguet O; Broe G; Creasey H; Waite LM; Brooks WS; Kril J, 2004, 'Histocompatibility antigens, aspirin use and cognitive performance in non-demented elderly subjects', Journal of Neuroimmunology, 148, pp. 178 - 182
    Journal articles | 2004
    Stanford PM; Brooks WS; Teber E; Hallupp M; McLean CA; Halliday GM; Martins RN; Kwok JB; Schofield PR, 2004, 'Frequency of tau mutations in familial and sporadic frontotemporal dementia and other tauopathies', Journal of Neurology, 251, pp. 1098 - 1104
    Journal articles | 2003
    Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Kril J; Broe T; Blumbergs P; Tannenberg T; Lamont P; Hedges P; Schofield PR, 2003, 'Alzheimer`s disease with spastic paraparesis and `cotton wool` plaques: two pedigrees with PS-1 exon 9 deletions', Brain, 126, pp. 783 - 791
    Journal articles | 2003
    Janu MR; Creasey H; Grayson DA; Cullen J; Whyte S; Brooks WS; Waite LM; Broe T, 2003, 'Laboratory results in the elderly: the Sydney Older Persons Study', Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 40, pp. 273 - 279
    Journal articles | 2003
    Janu MR; Creasey H; Grayson DA; Cullen JS; Whyte S; Brooks WS; Waite LM; Broe GA, 2003, 'Laboratory results in the elderly: The Sydney older persons study', Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 40, pp. 274 - 279, http://dx.doi.org/10.1258/000456303321610600
    Journal articles | 2003
    Kwok JB; Halliday GM; Brooks WS; Dolios G; Laudon H; Murayama O; Hallupp M; Vickers J; Wang R; Naslund J; Takashima A; Gandy SE; Badenhop RF; Schofield PR, 2003, 'Presenilin-1 mutation L271V results in altered exon 8 splicing and Alzheimer's disease with non-cored plaques and no neuritic dystrophy', The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, pp. 6748 - 6754
    Journal articles | 2003
    Miklossy J; Taddei K; Suva D; Verdile G; Fonte J; Fisher C; Ghika JA; Suard F; Mehta PD; McLean CA; Masters CL; Brooks WS; Martins RN, 2003, 'Two novel presenilin-1 mutations (Y256S and Q222H) are associated with early-onset Alzheimer`s disease', Neurobiology of Aging, 24, pp. 655 - 662
    Journal articles | 2003
    Piguet O; Grayson DA; Creasey H; Bennett HP; Brooks WS; Waite LM; Broe T, 2003, 'Vascular risk factors, cognition and dementia incidence over 6 years in the Sydney Older Persons Study', Neuroepidemiology, 22, pp. 165 - 171
    Journal articles | 2003
    Stanford PM; Shepherd CE; Halliday GM; Brooks WS; Schofield PR, 2003, 'Mutations in the tau gene that cause an increase in three repeat tau and frontotemporal dementia', Brain, 126, pp. 814 - 826
    Journal articles | 2002
    Broe T; Grayson DA; Waite LM; Creasey H; Edelbrock D; Bennett HP; Brooks WS, 2002, 'Determinants of service use among the elderly:the Sydney older persons study', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 21, pp. 61 - 66
    Journal articles | 2002
    Brooks WS; Broe GA; Kwok JBJ; Schofield PR; Kril JJ, 2002, 'Familial Alzheimer's disease with spastic paraparesis: Two pedigrees with PS-1 exon 9 deletion due to splice acceptor mutations', NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING, 23, pp. S313 - S313, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000177465301145&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Journal articles | 2002
    Hedley R; Hallmayer J; Groth DM; Brooks WS; Gandy SE; Martins RN, 2002, 'Association of interleukin-1 polymorphisms with Alzheimer's disease in Australia [3]', Annals of Neurology, 51, pp. 795 - 797, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ana.10196
    Journal articles | 2002
    Kwok J; Hallupp M; Badenhop RF; Schofield PR; Halliday GM; Brooks WS; Dolois G; Wang R; Murayama O; Takashima A; Vickers J; Gandy SE, 2002, 'Presenilin-1 mutation (L271V) results in altered exon 8 splicing and Alzheimer's disease with non-cored plaques and no neuritic dystrophy', NEUROBIOLOGY OF AGING, 23, pp. S277 - S277, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000177465301016&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Journal articles | 2002
    Munch G; Shepherd CE; Mccann H; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Arendt T; Hallupp M; Schofield PR; Martins RN; Halliday GM, 2002, 'Intraneuronal advanced glycation endproducts in presenilin-l Alzheimer's disease', Neuroreport, 13, pp. 601 - 604
    Journal articles | 2002
    Taddei K; Fisher C; Laws SM; Martins G; Paton A; Clarnette RM; Chung C; Brooks WS; Hallmayer J; Miklossy J; Relkin N; St George-Hyslop PH; Gandy SE; Martins RN, 2002, 'Association between presenilin-1 Glu318Gly mutation and familial Alzheimer's disease in the Australian population', Molecular Psychiatry, 7, pp. 776 - 781, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/sj.mp.4001072
    Journal articles | 2001
    Kwok JB; Mclean C; Kril J; Broe T; Nicholson GA; Cappai R; Hallupp M; Cotton R; Schofield PR; Brooks WS; Smith MJ, 2001, 'Variable phenotypes of Alzheimer`s disease with spastic paraparesis', Annals of Neurology, pp. 125 - 129
    Journal articles | 2001
    Mann DMA; Pickering-Brown SM; Takeuchi A; Iwatsubo T; Arango J; Bird T; Van Broeckhoven C; Brooks W; Brown R; Cairns N; Cras P; Ellison D; Haltia M; Ii K; Jorgensen A; Krill J; Lantos P; Lippa C; Martins R; Nochlin D; Pollen D; Rosenberg C; Rossor M; Tabira T, 2001, 'Amyloid angiopathy and variability in amyloid β deposition is determined by mutation position in presenilin-1-linked Alzheimer's disease', American Journal of Pathology, 158, pp. 2165 - 2175, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0002-9440(10)64688-3
    Journal articles | 2001
    Piguet O; Grayson DA; Ridley L; Bennett HP; Lye TC; Brooks WS; Creasey H; Broe GA, 2001, 'Executive functions in very old individuals and MRI white matter lesions: Do they matter? Evidence from the Sydney Older Persons Study', AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY, 53, pp. 198 - 198, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000202876001407&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Journal articles | 2001
    Stanford PM; Halliday GM; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Schofield PR, 2001, 'Progressive supranuclear palsy, frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 and familial tauopathies.', Brain, 124, pp. 1668 - 1670
    Journal articles | 2001
    Waite LM; Creasey H; Grayson DA; Edelbrock D; Cullen J; Brooks WS; Casey B; Bennett HP; Broe T, 2001, 'Clinical diagnosis and disability among community dwellers aged 75 and over: The Sydney older persons study.', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 20, pp. 67 - 72
    Journal articles | 2000
    Broe T; Grayson DA; Creasey H; Waite LM; Casey B; Bennett HP; Brooks WS; Halliday GM, 2000, 'Anti-inflammatory drugs protect against Alzheimer's disease at low doses', Archives of Neurology, pp. 1586 - 1591
    Journal articles | 2000
    Kwok JBJ; Smith MJ; Brooks WS; Kril J; Mclean C; Hallupp M; Schofield PR, 2000, 'Variable presentation of Alzheimer's disease and/or spastic paraparesis phenotypes in pedigrees with a novel PS-1 exon 9 gene deletion or exon 9 splice acceptor mutations', Neurobiology of Aging, 21, pp. 25 - 25, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0197-4580(00)82789-x
    Journal articles | 2000
    Milward E; Grayson D; Creasey H; Kyngdon B; Janu M; Brooks W; Broe GA, 2000, 'Clinical issues - Anaemia and dementia in community-dwelling Australian elderly', AUSTRALASIAN JOURNAL ON AGEING, 19, pp. 25 - 25, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000086449500094&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Journal articles | 2000
    Stanford PM; Halliday GM; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Storey CE; Creasey H; Morris J; Fulham MJ; Schofield PR, 2000, 'Progressive supranuclear palsy pathology caused by a novel silent mutation in exon 10 of the tau gene. Expansion of the disease phenotype caused by tau gene mutations', Brain, 123, pp. 880 - 893
    Journal articles | 2000
    Stanford PM; Halliday GM; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Storey CE; Creasey H; Morris JG; Fulham MJ, 2000, 'Tau gene mutations are pleiotropic: Identification of two novel mutations in the tau gene', Neurobiology of Aging, 21, pp. 36 - 36, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0197-4580(00)82837-7
    Journal articles | 1999
    Laws SM; Taddei K; Fisher C; Small D; Clarnette R; Hallmayer J; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Schofield PR; Gandy SE; Martins RN, 1999, 'Evidence that the butyrylcholinesterase K variant can protect against late-onset Alzheimer`s disease', Alzheimers Reports, 2, pp. 219 - 223
    Journal articles | 1999
    Laws SM; Taddei K; Martins G; Paton A; Fisher C; Clarnette R; Hallmayer J; Brooks WS; Gandy SE; Martins RN, 1999, 'The -491AA polymorphism in the APOE gene is associated with increased plasma apoE levels in Alzheimer's disease', NeuroReport, 10, pp. 879 - 882, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00001756-199903170-00038
    Journal articles | 1999
    Mcritchie DA; Reid WG; Halliday GM; Hely MA; Brooks WS; Morris J, 1999, 'Neuropathology of three clinical cases prospectively diagnosed with diffuse Lewy body disease', Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, pp. 149 - 154
    Journal articles | 1999
    Milward EA; Grayson DA; Creasey H; Janu MR; Brooks WS; Broe GA, 1999, 'Evidence for association of anaemia with vascular dementia', NeuroReport, 10, pp. 2377 - 2381, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00001756-199908020-00029
    Journal articles | 1998
    Taddei K; Kwok JB; Kril J; Halliday GM; Creasey H; Hallupp M; Fisher C; Brooks WS; Chung C; Andrews C; Masters C; Schofield PR; Martins RN, 1998, 'Two novel presenilin-1 mutations (Ser169Leu and Pro436Gln) associated with very early onset Alzheimer's disease.', Neuroreport, pp. 3335 - 3339
    Journal articles | 1998
    Taddei K; Yang D; Fisher C; Clarnette R; Hallmayer J; Barnetson R; Maller R; Brooks WS; Whyte S; Nicholson GA; Masters CL; Broe GA; Gandy SE; Martins RN, 1998, 'No association of presenilin-1 intronic polymorphism and Alzheimer's disease in Australia', Neuroscience Letters, 246, pp. 178 - 180, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0304-3940(98)00248-1
    Journal articles | 1997
    Cullen K; Halliday GM; Double KL; Brooks WS; Creasey H; Broe T, 1997, 'Nucleus basalis cell loss is related to regional volumetric brain changes in Alzheimer's disease', Neuroscience, pp. 641 - 652
    Journal articles | 1997
    Cullen KM; Halliday GM; Double KL; Brooks WS; Creasey H; Broe GA, 1997, 'Cell loss in the nucleus basalis is related to regional cortical atrophy in Alzheimer's disease', Neuroscience, 78, pp. 641 - 652, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0306-4522(96)00569-6
    Journal articles | 1997
    Halliday GM; Brooks WS; Arthur HA; Creasey H; Broe T, 1997, 'Further evidence for an association between a mutation in the APP gene and Lewy body formation', Neuroscience Letters, pp. 49 - 52
    Journal articles | 1997
    Kwok JB; Taddei K; Hallupp M; Fisher C; Brooks WS; Broe T; Hardy J; Fulham MJ; Nicholson GA; Stell R; St George-Hyslop PH; Fraser PE; Kakulas B; Clarnette R; Relkin N; Gandy SE; Schofield PR; Martins RN, 1997, 'Two novel (M233T and R278T) presenilin-1 mutations in early-onset Alzheimer`s disease pedigrees and preliminary evidence for association of presenilin-1 mutations with a novel phenotype', Neuroreport, pp. 1537 - 1542
    Journal articles | 1996
    Double KL; Halliday GM; Kril J; Harasty JA; Cullen K; Brooks WS; Creasey H; Broe T, 1996, 'Topography of brain atrophy during normal aging and Alzheimer's disease', Neurobiology of Aging, 17, pp. 513 - 521
    Journal articles | 1996
    Harasty JA; Halliday GM; Code C; Brooks WS, 1996, 'Quantification of cortical atrophy in a case of progressive fluent asphsia', Brain, 119, pp. 181 - 190
    Journal articles | 1996
    Hely MA; Reid WG; Halliday GM; Mcritchie DA; Leicester J; Joffe R; Brooks WS; Broe T; Morris J, 1996, 'Diffuse Lewy body disease: Clinical features in nine cases without co-existent Alzheimer's disease', Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, pp. 532 - 538
    Journal articles | 1996
    Yang JG; Poropat RA; Brooks WS; Broe GA; Nicholson GA, 1996, 'Apolipoprotein E genotyping in Alzheimer's disease in an Australian sample', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Medicine, 26, pp. 658 - 661, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1445-5994.1996.tb02936.x
    Journal articles | 1995
    Brooks WS; Martins RN; De Voecht J; Nicholson GA; Schofield PR; Kwok JBJ; Fisher C; Yeung LU; Van Broeckhoven C, 1995, 'A mutation in codon 717 of the amyloid precursor protein gene in an Australian family with Alzheimer's disease', Neuroscience Letters, 199, pp. 183 - 186, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0304-3940(95)12046-7
    Journal articles | 1995
    Martins RN; Clarnette R; Fisher C; Broe GA; Brooks WS; Montgomery P; Gandy SE, 1995, 'ApoE genotypes in australia: Roles in early and late onset alzheimer’s disease and down’s syndrome', NeuroReport, 6, pp. 1513 - 1516, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00001756-199507310-00012
    Journal articles | 1994
    Maltby N; Broe GA; Creasey H; Jorm AF; Christensen H; Brooks WS, 1994, 'Efficacy of tacrine and lecithin in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease: Double blind trial', BMJ, 308, pp. 879, http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.308.6933.879
    Journal articles | 1993
    Martins RN; Muir J; Brooks WS; Creasey H; Montgomery P; Sellers P; Broe GA, 1993, 'Plasma amyloid precursor protein is decreased in alzheimer’s disease', NeuroReport, 4, pp. 757 - 759, http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00001756-199306000-00040
    Journal articles | 1992
    Halliday GM; McCann HL; Pamphlett R; Brooks WS; Creasey H; McCusker E; Cotton RGH; Broe GA; Harper CG, 1992, 'Brain stem serotonin-synthesizing neurons in Alzheimer's disease: a clinicopathological correlation', Acta Neuropathologica, 84, pp. 638 - 650, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF00227741
  • Preprints | 2024
    Bateman RJ; Li Y; McDade EM; Llibre-Guerra JJ; Clifford DB; Atri A; Mills SL; Santacruz AM; Wang G; Supnet C; Benzinger TLS; Gordon BA; Ibanez L; Klein G; Baudler M; Doody RS; Delmar P; Kerchner GA; Bittner T; Wojtowicz J; Bonni A; Fontoura P; Hofmann C; Kulic L; Hassenstab J; Aschenbrenner AJ; Perrin RJ; Cruchaga C; Renton AE; Xiong C; Goate AM; Morris JC; Holtzman DM; Snider BJ; Mummery C; Brooks WS; Wallon D; Berman SB; Roberson E; Masters CL; Galasko DR; Jayadev S; Sanchez Valle R; Pariente J; Kinsella J; van Dyck CH; Gauthier S; Hsiung G-YR; Masellis M; Dubois B; Honig LS; Jack CR; Daniels A; Allegri R; Chhatwal J; Day G; Fox N; Huey E; Ikeuchi T; Jucker M; Lee J-H; Levey AI; Levin J; Lopera F; Roh J; Rosa-Neto P; Schofield PR, 2024, Amyloid Reduction and Dementia Progression in Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Disease after Long-Term Gantenerumab Treatment: Results from the DIAN-TU Trial, http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2024.10.29.24316289
    Preprints | 2022
    McKay NS; Gordon BA; Hornbeck RC; Jack CR; Koeppe R; Flores S; Keefe S; Hobbs DA; Joseph-Mathurin N; Wang Q; Rahmani F; Chen CD; McCullough A; Koudelis D; Chua J; Ances BM; Millar PR; Nickels M; Perrin RJ; Allegri RF; Berman SB; Brooks WS; Cash DM; Chhatwal JP; Farlow MR; Fox NC; Fulham M; Ghetti B; Graff-Radford N; Ikeuchi T; Day G; Klunk W; Levin J; Lee J-H; Martins R; Masters CL; McConathy J; Mori H; Noble JM; Rowe C; Salloway S; Sanchez-Valle R; Schofield PR; Shimada H; Shoji M; Su Y; Suzuki K; Vöglein J; Yakushev I; Swisher L; Cruchaga C; Hassenstab J; Karch C; McDade E; Xiong C; Morris JC; Bateman RJ; Benzinger TLS, 2022, Neuroimaging within the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer’s Network (DIAN): PET and MRI, http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.25.485799
    Conference Abstracts | 2020
    Bateman R; Aschenbrenner A; Benzinger T; Clifford D; Cruchaga C; Fagan A; Farlow M; Goate A; Gordon B; Hassenstab J; Jack C; Koeppe R; McDade E; Mills S; Morris JC; Salloway S; Santacruz A; Snyder P; Wang G; Xiong C; Snider BJ; Mummery C; Surti G; Didier H; Wallon D; Berman S; Lah J; Jimenez-Velazquez IZ; Roberson E; Van Dyck C; Honig LS; Valle RS; Brooks WS; Gauthier S; Masters C; Galasko D; Brosch J; Hsiung R; Jayadev S; Formaglio M; Masellis M; Clarnette R; Pariente J; Dubois B; Pasquier F; Andersen S; Holdridge K; Mintun M; Sims J; Yaari R; Baudler M; Delmar P; Doody R; Fountouro P; Kerchner G, 2020, 'DIAN-TU Alzheimer's Disease Prevention Trial of Solanezumab and Gantenerumab: Amyloid, Tau and Neurodegeneration Outcomes', in ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY, WILEY, ELECTR NETWORK, Vol. 88, pp. S103 - S103, presented at 145th Annual Meeting American-Neurological-Association, ELECTR NETWORK, 04 October 2020 - 09 October 2020, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000572509100139&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Weickert T; Jacomb I; Lenroot R; Lappin J; Weinberg D; Brooks W; Brown D; Pellen D; Kindler J; Mohan A; Wakefield D; Lloyd A; Stanton C; O'Donnell M; Liu D; Galletly C; Weickert CS, 2019, 'REDUCTION IN PERIPHERAL C-REACTIVE PROTEIN LEVELS WITH CANAKINUMAB ADMINISTRATION IS RELATED TO REDUCED POSITIVE SYMPTOM SEVERITY IN PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA AND INFLAMMATION', in SCHIZOPHRENIA BULLETIN, OXFORD UNIV PRESS, FL, Orlando, Vol. 45, pp. S318 - S318, presented at Congress of the Schizophrenia-International-Research-Society (SRIS), FL, Orlando, 10 April 2019 - 14 April 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/schbul/sbz020.578
    Conference Abstracts | 2019
    Weickert T; Jacomb I; Lenroot R; Lappin J; Weinberg D; Brooks W; Brown D; Pellen D; Kindler J; Mohan A; Wakefield D; Lloyd A; Stanton C; O'Donnell M; Liu D; Galletly C; Weickert CS, 2019, 'Reduction in Peripheral C-Reactive Protein Levels With Canakinumab Administration is Related to Reduced Positive Symptom Severity in Patients With Schizophrenia and Inflammation', in BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, IL, Chicago, Vol. 85, pp. S44 - S45, presented at 74th Annual Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry (SOBP), IL, Chicago, 16 May 2019 - 18 May 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.03.121
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Dobson-Stone C; Luty A; Thompson E; Blumbergs P; Brooks W; Shepherd C; Yerbury J; Halliday G; Schofield P; Kwok J, 2016, 'Identification Of A novel FTD-MND gene on chromosome 16', in JOURNAL OF NEUROCHEMISTRY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, GERMANY, Munich, pp. 230 - 230, presented at 10th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias, GERMANY, Munich, 31 August 2016 - 02 September 2016, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000382568400030&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Abstracts | 2015
    Dobson-Stone C; Shaw A; Brooks W; Loy C; Schofield P; Mather K; Kochan N; Sachdev P; Halliday G; Piguet O; Hodges J; Kwok J; Ittner L; Fath T; Housley G, 2015, 'Utility and challenges of whole-exome sequencing in the hunt for neurodegeneration genes [Abstract MTU02-05]', in Journal of Neurochemistry, Wiley: 12 months, Cairns, Australia, Vol. 134, pp. 111 - 111, presented at 25th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Neurochemistry Jointly with the 13th Meeting of the Asian Pacific Society for Neurochemistry in Conjunction with the 35th Meeting of the Australasian Neuroscience Society, Cairns, Australia, 23 August 2015 - 27 August 2015, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jnc.13188
    Conference Papers | 2012
    Dobson-Stone C; Luty AA; Thompson EM; Blumbergs P; Brooks WS; Halliday GM; Schofield PR; Kwok JBJ, 2012, 'Identification Of A Locus For Frontotemporal Dementia - Motor Neuron Disease On Chromosome 16p12.1-q12.2', in DEMENTIA AND GERIATRIC COGNITIVE DISORDERS, KARGER, ENGLAND, Manchester, pp. 82 - 82, presented at 8th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias, ENGLAND, Manchester, 05 September 2012 - 07 September 2012, https://www.webofscience.com/api/gateway?GWVersion=2&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&KeyUT=WOS:000308612400120&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=ALL_WOS&UsrCustomerID=891bb5ab6ba270e68a29b250adbe88d1
    Conference Papers | 2008
    Schofield PR; Luty A; Kwok JB; Thompson E; Blumbergs P; Brooks WS; Loy CT; Dobson-Stone C; Panegyres P; Hecker J; Nicholson GA; Halliday GM, 2008, 'Linkage to chromosome 9 and examination of candidate genes in a pedigree with FTLD-MND and TDP-43 positive neuropathology', in Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, Karger, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 9 - 9, presented at 6th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 03 September 2008 - 05 September 2008
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Huang Y; Hayes M; Harding AJ; Brooks WS; Fung VS; Rowe DB; Hely MA; Halliday GM, 2005, 'Genetic anticipation in familial Lewy body disease', in Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, Elsevier Sci Ltd, Kidlington, Oxford, England, pp. 254 - 254, presented at 16th International Congress on Parkinson`s Disease and Related Disorders, Berlin, Germany, 05 June 2005 - 09 June 2005
    Conference Papers | 2005
    Song YC; Halliday GM; Creasey H; Morris JG; Brooks WS; Kril J, 2005, 'Neuropathology in the S305S tau gene mutation', in Journal of the Neurological Sciences, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. S302 - S302, presented at XVIIIth World Congress of Neurology, Sydney, 05 November 2005 - 11 November 2005
    Conference Posters | 2005
    Song YE; Halliday GM; Creasey H; Morris J; Brooks WS; Kril J, 2005, 'Neuropathology in the S305S Tau gene mutation', Vol. 238, pp. S302 - S302
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Halliday GM; Godbolt AK; Rossor MN; Creasey H; Jones A; Schofield PR, 2004, 'Familial Alzheimer's disease and cerebral haemorrhage: A second family with the Flemish APP ALA692GLY mutation', in Neurobiology of Aging, Elsevier Science Inc, New York, NY, USA, pp. S499 - S499, presented at 9th International Conference on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 17 July 2004 - 22 July 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Brooks WS; Stanford PM; Teber ET; Hallupp M; Mclean C; Halliday GM; Martins RN; Kwok JB; Schofield PR, 2004, 'Screening for tau mutations: an Australian series', in Internal Medicine Journal, Blackwell Publishing Asia, Carlton, VIC, pp. A59 - A59, presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian Society for Geriatric Medicine, Fremantle, WA, 27 April 2004 - 30 April 2004
    Conference Papers | 2004
    Gregory GC; Kwok JB; Shepherd CE; Brooks WS; Xuereb J; Schofield PR; Halliday GM, 2004, 'Beta-amyloid toxicity in Alzheimer's disease', in Proceedings of Aust Neuroscience Society, Melbourne Convention Centre, pp. 42 - 42, presented at 24th Annual Meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Melbourne Convention Centre, 27 January 2004 - 30 January 2004
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Gregory GC; Kril J; Macdonald V; Png F; Patel S; Brooks WS; Schofield PR; Halliday GM, 2003, 'Familial Alzheimer's disease differs from sporadic in the severity of degeneration', in Proceedings of Aust Neuroscience Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, pp. 376 - 376, presented at 23rd Annual Meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 28 January 2003 - 31 January 2003
    Conference Papers | 2003
    Shepherd CE; Stanford PM; Brooks WS; Kwok JB; Schofield PR; Brodaty H; Martins RN; Halliday GM, 2003, 'Absence of tau pathology in a familial frontotemporal dementia case with a mutation in the tau gene', in Proceedings of Aust Neuroscience Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, pp. 375 - 375, presented at 23rd Annual Meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 28 January 2003 - 31 January 2003
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Harding AJ; Das A; Kril J; Brooks WS; Halliday GM, 2002, 'Frequency of familial Lewy body diseases', in Australian New Zealand Society of Neuropathology Annual General Meeting, presented at Australian New Zealand Society of Neuropathology Annual General Meeting
    Conference Papers | 2002
    Harding AJ; Das A; Kril J; Brooks WS; Halliday GM, 2002, 'The frequency of familial lewy body diseases', in Proceedings of Aust Neuroscience Society, Darling Harbour, Sydney, pp. 134 - 134, presented at 22nd Annual meeting of the Australian Neuroscience Society, Darling Harbour, Sydney, 04 February 2002 - 06 February 2002
    Conference Papers | 1998
    Broe T; Corbett AD; Bennett HP; Brooks WS; Kril J; Halliday GM; Grayson DA, 1998, 'White matter lesions, cognitive decline and dementia: A 6 year follow-up', in Neurobiology of Aging, Elsevier Science Inc, New York, NY, USA, pp. S243, presented at 6th International Conference on Alzheimer`s Disease and Related Disorders, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 18 July 1998 - 23 July 1998
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Aguzzi A; Barbara J; Brown P; Budka H; Diringer H; Dormont D; Flanagan P; Heeschen W; Hope J; Hornlimann B; Kenney K; Masters C; Macnaughton MR; Pocchiari M; Rohwer RG; Safar J; Somogyi A; Tateishi J; Taylor D; Van Duijn CM; Wilesmith JW; Will R; Wisher M; Asher D; De Pedro J; Feek C; Hasebe K; Horaud F; Lower J; Minor P; Nandapalan P; Pavlov A; Perez AC; Ricketts M; Vicari G; Van Aken WG; Beal R; Menache-Aronson D; Bradley R; Bailey A; Chalumeau HP; Garland A; Brooks W; Schrieber R; Sprengers E; Andjaparidze AG; Bolis CL; Emmanuel JC; Griffiths E; Heymann DL; Kaboyo W; Meslin FX; Miyagawa S; Marroquin AP; Schudel A; Zeidler M, 1997, 'Medicinal and other products and human and animal transmissible spongiform encephalopathies: Memorandum from a WHO meeting', in Bulletin of the World Health Organization, pp. 505 - 513
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Halliday GM; Brooks WS; Arthur HA; Creasey H; Broe T, 1997, 'Familial Alzheimer's disease, chromosome 21 and Parkinson's disease', in Brain Pathology, Int Society Neuropathology, Los Angeles, CA, USA, pp. 1369 - 1369, presented at XIIIth International Congress of Neuropathology, Perth, WA, 07 September 1997 - 12 September 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Halliday GM; Brooks WS; Arthur HA; Nicholson GA; Yeung LM, 1997, 'Familial Alzheimer's disease, chromosome 21 and Parkinson's disease', in Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, pp. 386 - 387, presented at Australian Association of Neurologists Annual Scientific Meeting 1997, Sydney, 30 April 1997 - 02 May 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Halliday GM; Mccann H; Brooks WS; Broe T, 1997, 'Inflammation in Alzheimer's disease: anti-inflammatory medications increase post-mortem neuropathology', in Brain Pathology, Int Society Neuropathology, Los Angeles, CA, USA, pp. 1054 - 1054, presented at XIIIth International Congress of Neuropathology, Perth, WA, 07 September 1997 - 12 September 1997
    Conference Papers | 1997
    Halliday GM; Mccann H; Brooks WS; Broe T, 1997, 'Inflammation in Alzheimer's disease: anti-inflammatory medications increase post-mortem neuropathology', in Andrews GR; Mykyta LJ; Andrews MM; Pearson SA; Gregory AJ; Hagger JC (eds.), 16th Congress of the International Association of Gerontology, Adelaide, Sth Aust, pp. 398 - 398, presented at 16th Congress of the International Association of Gerontology, Adelaide, Sth Aust, 19 August 1997 - 23 August 1997