Associate Professor Wengui Li

Associate Professor Wengui Li

Associate Professor

PhD in Structural Engineering (2009 - 2013), Tongji University, China; Northwestern University, USA

Civil and Environmental Engineering

ARC Future Fellow, Scientia Associate Professor in Construction Materials and Structural Engineering

Wengui Li is a Scientia Associate Professor in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) in Australia. He has earned international recognition for his pioneering research in the fields of intelligent/smart concrete and sustainable construction materials. Wengui received his Joint Doctoral Degree from Tongji University and Northweste...

+61 2 9065 2473
Civil Engineering Building (H20), Room 615, UNSW Sydney, Kensington, NSW 2052, Australia

Wengui has gained research funding from ARC scheme, local government, industry partners, and other international funding sources.
Active grants
(1) "Robust cement-based sensors for smart automation in future infrastructure", funded by ARC Future Fellowship Grant (FT220100177), 2023-2028.
(2) "Novel hydrophobic concrete for durable and resilient mining infrastructure", funded by ARC Linkage Project (LP230100288), 2024-2027.
(3) "Maximising the use of waste glass in sustainable composite columns", funded by ARC Discovery Project (DP220100036), 2022-2024.
(4) “Next-generation coastal concrete: Recycling marine clay solid waste for decarbonization and enhanced waste management”, funded by HKUST-UNSW Global Research Impact Program & Global Knowledge Network Awards (UNSW Sydney and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), 2025-2026.
(5) "Seawater and sea sand concrete for navy military-use offshore infrastructure", funded by Security & Defence PLuS Seed Grant (UNSW Sydney and Arizona State University), 2024-2025.
(6) "Development of green phase change concrete with enhanced energy efficiency and fire resistance", funded by UNSW-CAS Collaborative Research Seed Program (UNSW Sydney and University of Science and Technology of China), 2024-2025.

Completed grants
(1) "Self-healing concrete for mitigation of chloride induced steel corrosion", funded by ARC Discovery Project (DP220101051), 2022-2024.
(2) "Nanofiller reinforced concrete for high performance thermal energy storage", funded by ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) Grant (DE150101751), 2015-2018.
(3) "Deterioration of recycled concrete under coupled loading and aggressive environmental actions", funded by ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub "Reclaimed waste resources to engineered materials and solutions for a circular economy" Component Project with Wuhan Geoyuan Geotechnical Engineering Co Ltd. (IH200100010), 2021-2023.
(4) "Nano-geopolymer composites for underground prefabricated structures", funded by ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub "Nanoscience-based construction material manufacturing" Component Project with Wuhan Zhihe Geotechnical Engineering Co., Ltd (IH150100006), 2017-2020.
(5) "Enhanced durability of concrete materials and structures under harsh mining environments", funded by Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (Innovation Connections) Grant with Y.A.T. Capital Group Pty Ltd. (ICG002073), 2022-2023.

(1) Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme for Experienced Researchers (Technische Universität Berlin), 2025
(2) Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (The University of Tokyo), 2024
(3) DEAN’S LIST (Supervisor), UTS Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology, 2024
(4) The University of New South Wales Scientia Fellowship, 2023 
(5) International Excellence Fellowship of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany, 2023
(6) World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University for career-long and single recent year impact, 2022, 2023.
(7) Best International Collaboration Award, SynerCrete'23 - International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete, Greece, 2023
(8) Fellow of Engineers Australia (FIEAust), 2023
(9) 2022 Most Downloaded Paper Award "Resour. Conserv. Recycl.: X, 2020, 6: 100036", Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, 2023
(10) 2022 Most Cited Paper Award "Resour. Conserv. Recycl.: X, 2020, 6: 100036", Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, 2023
(11) College of Assessors, New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE), 2022
(12) Best Paper Award, 3rd International Conference on Structural Engineering Research (iCSER2022) and 6th GCSTMR World Congress, Australia, 2022
(13) Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT Level 2), 2022
(14) Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (Principal supervisor), 2022
(15) Outstanding Early Career Researcher, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UTS, 2017
(16) Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA), ARC, 2014

Wengui's research interests are in the field of connecting materials property of concrete to structural response, specifically including:

(1) Intelligent/functional concrete (self-sensing, self-healing, self-powering, hydrophobicity, photocatalysis, energy-saving)
(2) Recycled aggregate concrete materials and structures
(3) Solid waste recovery for sustainable construction materials
(4) Carbon-neutral concrete and CO2 mineralized concrete
(5) Concrete nanotechnology (nanomodification, nanocharacterization)
(6) Concrete durability (chloride transport, reinforcing corrosion)
(7) Seawater sea sand concrete materials and structures
(8) Fire resistance of concrete
(9) Pavement materials and technology

Wengui’s research is focused on advancing intelligent/smart concrete, which has integrated self-healing and self-sensing capacities, to develop sustainable and intelligent infrastructure that is more serviceable and easier to maintain. When concrete is subjected to stress from carrying-on and environmental factors, microscopic defects can form, allowing water, salts, and chemicals to penetrate the concrete. These defects can develop into cracks, which are the major cause of concrete deterioration, including early age cracking due to restrained shrinkage and chloride-induced corrosion of reinforcing steel. To overcome this issue, Wengui has used a permeability-reducing admixture to create self-healing concrete. This type of concrete has an intrinsic ability to rapidly heal restrain shrinkage-induced cracks, thereby preventing early chloride-induced corrosion and significantly reducing maintenance costs. 

Meanwhile, Wengui has developed a cement-based sensor that has integrated self-sensing and hydrophobic abilities, making it more robust and resilient for use in future infrastructure. Compared to conventional sensors, this new sensor can provide more accurate diagnosis and prognosis of the presence, location, and severity of cracks in concrete assets. Through his research, Wengui aims to improve the serviceability and resilience of concrete, as well as its overall performance and safety. By making concrete assets more efficient to operate and maintain, he anticipates major reductions in asset management costs. 

Journal Editorial Board

(1) Special Issues Editor, Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier) (JCR Q1; IF: 7.693)
(2) Associate Editor, Sustainable Materials and Technologies (Elsevier) (JCR Q1; IF: 10.681)
(3) Associate Editor (Cementitious/Brittle Mix), Editorial Board Member, ASCE's Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (JCR Q2; IF: 3.651)
(4) Editorial Board Member, Case Studies in Construction Materials (Elsevier) (JCR Q1; IF: 4.934)
(5) Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Mining Science and Technology (JCR Q1; IF: 11.7)
(6) Editorial Board Member, npj Materials Sustainability (published by Nature)
(7)  Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials (Taylor & Francis) (JCR Q1; IF: 4.0)
(8) Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Construction Management (Taylor & Francis) (JCR Q2)
(9) Editorial Board Member, Journal of Green Building (Allen Press) (JCR Q1)
(10) Editorial Board Member, Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience (Springer Nature)
(11) Guest Editor for Concrete Institute of Australia (CIA): Smart Concrete Issue

Professional Affiliation
(1) Member in NSW State Committee of the Concrete Institute of Australia (CIA), 2023-2025
(2) International Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures (RILEM)
RILEM 273-RAC (Structural behaviour and innovation of recycled aggregate concrete)
RILEM 278-CHA (Crack-healing of asphalt pavement materials)
RILEM 283-CAM (Chloride transport in alkali-activated materials)
RILEM 302- CNC (Carbon-based nanomaterials for multifunctional cementitious matrices)
(3) American Concrete Institute (ACI)
ACI-555 (Concrete with recycled materials)
ACI-241 (Nanotechnology of concrete)
(4) fib (International Federation for Structural Concrete)
TG4.7 (Structural Applications of Recycled Aggregate Concrete – Properties, Modelling, and Design)
(5) Fellow and Professional Member in Engineers Australia (EA)
(6) Member in American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
(7) Member in The Australian Network of Structural Health Monitoring (ANSHM)
(8) Member of the Royal Society of New South Wales

Driven by a passion to generate a positive impact from his research, Wengui has collaborated industry partners to develop the latest guidance for assessing the impact of climate change on infrastructure in Queensland. He also has effectively improved the durability of concrete under harsh mining environments in Western Australia, creating 10 new jobs, and improving the safety and maintenance of operational mine sites. Working with BMT Commercial, Wengui developed a methodology and guidance for asset managers to assess the impact of climate change on the service life of infrastructure. His currently work on hydrophobic concrete is aimed at extending the service life of concrete infrastructure, estimating to save $7.8 billion in annual maintenance costs in Australia. 

Additionally, he actively engages with the community through lectures and workshops to promote the use of smart concrete and sustainable construction materials, inspiring the next generation of researchers and engineers to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact on society.

My Research Supervision

PhD opportunities are available at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney (Kensington Campus).

Several scholarships of $38,438 per annum, including tuition fee waiver for a duration of 3-3.5 years will be provided to strong PhD candidates. 

My Teaching

Teaching Interests

Civil and Environmental Engineering Design Practice (Postgraduate), Coordination and Lecture

Construction Materials (Undergraduate), Coordination and Lecture

Concrete Technology and Practice (Postgraduate), Coordination and Lecture

Design for Durability (Postgraduate), Lecture

Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering (Undergraduate), Lecture

Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures (Undergraduate), Lecture