Dr Trish Hill

Dr Trish Hill

Honorary Senior Lecturer

BA (Hons) Murdoch, PhD UNSW

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
Social Policy Research Centre

Trish's research employs a feminist economic and social policy lens to examine issues in the fields of poverty and inequality, informal care across the lifecourse and ageing and aged care.

Recent projects include:

  • research on poverty and inequality in Australia as part of the Poverty and Inequality Partnership between UNSW Sydney and ACOSS (the Australian Council of Social Services)
  • a review of existing ABS datasets to explore what can be known about the abuse of older people with the ...
+61 2 9385 5293
209 Goodsell Building

  • 2017 Dean’s Award for Social Impact in 2017, UNSW Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Awarded for research on Investing in care: recognising and valuing those who care for the Australian Human Rights Commission (with Dr Myra Hamilton, Cathy Thomson and Emeritus Professor Bettina Cass)
  • 2013 University of Leeds Care Connect: The Social Care Innovation Hub International Visiting Scholarship (hosted by Dr Lisa Buckner)
  • 2007-08 British Academy Visiting Fellowship  on Within Household Inequalities and Time Use with Professor Susan Himmelweit (Open University, UK)
  • 2004-05 Australian Government Office for the Status of Women Time Use Fellowship Valuing time for a full income measure


Member, Australian Bureau of Statistics Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers Reference Group

Member, Editorial Advisory Board, International Journal of Care and Caring

My Research Supervision

Recent completions include: Cathy Thomson (with Peter Saunders) and Sherman Chan (with Bruce Bradbury).