Dr Thomas Oliver
Dr Thomas Oliver studied at the University of Wollongong and completed Bachelor of Marine Science Advanced Honours (Class 1) supervised by Dr Kerrylee Rogers and Prof. Colin Woodroffe. He then completed a PhD under the supervision of Professor Colin Woodroffe reconstructing the depositional history of three prograded coastal barrier systems in southern NSW using OSL dating, Ground Penetrating Radar and airborne LiDAR. Dr Oliver continued and expanded this work as a post-doctoral research fe...
- Publications
- Grants
- Teaching and Supervision
Local Government Contract, Bega Valley Shire Council - Understanding sediment movements within the lower Bega River estuary
Research Infrastructure Scheme: Real Time Kinematic (RTK) Global Positioning System (GPS) instruments for environmental geospatial research
My Research Supervision
Md Ashraful Islam - Recently completed.
Thesis topic: Assessing Resilience to a Tropical Cyclone in Coastal Bangladesh: a Synthesis of Geo-spatial Techniques and Social Responses
Gang Yang - Recently completed
Thesis topic: Modelling study on hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics in coastal areas: three case studies in Yalu River Estuary, Darwin Harbour and Batemans Bay in China and Australia
Le Anh
Thesis topic: Estimating tropical forest above-ground biomass at the local scale using multi-source space-borne remote sensing data
Sanzida Murshed
Thesis topic: ConDRI: A Systematic Approach towards Assessing Contemporary Disaster Risk in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh
My Teaching
I teach at UNSW Canberra contributing to subjects of the Geography major:
- Geography 1A
- Geography 1B
- The Art and Science of Doing Geography (the spatial science and remote sensing component)
- Coastal Geography
- Geographic Research Methods