Dr Tanya Kwee
Doctor of Philosophy (UNSW)
Master of Arts, Master of Philosophy,
Postgraduate Diploma of Education, Bachelor of Arts (Hon.)
Dr. Tanya Kwee is a Sessional Lecturer at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. She is a registered teacher in both Hong Kong and New South Wales, Australia. Her research interests include mentoring, vocational motivations and behaviours, training and professional development, online and remote learning, STEM education and education for sustainable development. Her publications can be seen in various journals and conference proceedings. She has also received grants and fundi...
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Funded projects:
- Developing and Implementing a Mentoring Model for Doctoral Students (2023 - )
- Developing and Implementing an Online Mentoring Model for Female Immigrant Teachers (2022 - )
- Virtual Mentoring Programme for First-year Higher-degree Research Students (2021 - )
International Awards:
- Best Paper in Track, 4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration, Springer (2022)
- Universitas 21 (U21) Graduate Collaborative Research Award (2021)
National Award and Scholarship:
- Australian Government Research Training Programme Scholarship (2021- present)
- Australian Graduate Women Centenary Scholar (2023)
University Awards:
- Arc PGC Research Candidate Award (Honourable Mention), UNSW Postgraduate Council (2022)
- HDR Research Output Award, Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, UNSW (2022)
- Student Experience Award, Faculty of Arts, Design & Architecture, UNSW (2022)
Tanya's thesis title is "Career Progression of Immigrant Teachers in Australia: A Phenomenological Study of their Decisions and Actions under Social Cognitive Career Theory". Her supervisors are A/Prof. Hoa Nguyen and Dr. Sally Baker.
Journal Articles
- Kwee, C. T. T. (2023). Chinese Immigrant Teachers’ Motivation for Teaching Heritage Language in Australia: A qualitative study. International Journal of Instruction, 16(1), 333-356. doi:10.29333/iji.2023.16119a
- Kwee, C. T. T., & Santos, L. M. D. (2023). An international study of high school teachers’ experience of incorporating water resources in their teaching. Frontiers in Education, 7.https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2022.1065228
- Kwee C.T.T. and Dos Santos L.M. (2022). How can blended learning English-as-a-second-language courses incorporate with cultural heritage, building, and sense of sustainable development goals?: A case study. Frontiers in Education, 7:966803. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.966803
- Dos Santos L.M. and Kwee C.T.T. (2022) “I want to learn English after retirement”: The blended learning experiences of senior citizens. Frontiers in Education, 7:899848. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.899848
- Kwee C.T.T. (2022). To Teach or Not to Teach: An International Study of Language Teachers’ Experiences of Online Teaching during the COVID-19 Pandemic. SN Computer Science, 3, 416. Doi:10.1007/s42979-022-01323-6
- Kwee C.T.T. (2021). I Want to Teach about Sustainable Development in my English classroom: A Case Study of Incorporating Sustainable Development Goals in English Teaching. Sustainability, 13, 4195. doi:10.3390/su13084195.
- Kwee, C.T.T. (2020). Self-efficacy of Immigrant Teachers in Australia: A Literature Review. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(10), pp. 4440-4448. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2020.081011
- Kwee, C.T.T. (2020). The Application of Career Theories in Teachers' Professional Development and Career Decision: A Literature Review. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(9), pp. 3997-4008. doi: 10.13189/ujer.2020.080925
Selected Conference Proceedings and Presentations
- Kwee, C.T.T., Nguyen, H.T.M. & Baker, S. (2023, July). Enhancing Immigrant Teachers’ Career Advancement: A Qualitative Study on the Benefits of Partnership with Local Communities. Paper presented at Australian Teacher Education Association Conference. Sydney, Australia.
- Kwee C.T.T., Dos Santos L.M., Lo H.F., Chen Y., She X., Zhao H., Fan P., Wu J., XZhou Y. & Guo T (2023, July). The Self-Efficacy of Hybrid Learning of International Undergraduate Students in Post-Pandemic Australia. Paper presented at International Conference on Open and Innovative Education. Hong Kong.
- Kwee, C.T.T., Nguyen, H.T.M. & Baker, S. (2022, December). Factors Contributing to Immigrant Teachers’ Persistence in Their Career Progression in Australia: A Longitudinal Phenomenological Study. Paper presented at The Australian Association for Research in Education. Adelaide, Australia.
- Kwee, C.T.T., Tatik, T., Peprah, P., Subandi, S T., Abdullah, A., Nguyen, H.T.M. (2022, November). Developing a Blended Peer Mentoring Model for Doctoral Students: An Australian Study of Doctoral Students' Lived Experiences. Paper presented at The Australian Association for Research in Education.Adelaide, Australia.
- Kwee, C.T.T., & Dos Santos, L.M. (2022, February). An international study of parents’ motivation for their children’s online English learning. Paper presented at the 5th IEEE Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2022, Keelung, Taiwan.
- Kwee, C.T.T., & Dos Santos, L.M. (2022, February). Incorporating the United Nations’ sustainable development goals into ESL/EFL curriculum: An international study. Paper presented at the 18th Annual CamTESOL Conference, Cambodia.
- Kwee, C.T.T., & Dos Santos, L.M. (2022, February). Show, don’t tell: An international study of teaching narrative writing among ESL/EFL students. Paper presented at the 18th Annual CamTESOL Conference, Cambodia.
- Kwee, C.T.T., & Dos Santos, L.M. (2021, December). Adult learners’ motivation and experiences of learning English online: A case study in Hong Kong. Paper presented at The Value of Languages in Multicultural World. Sydney, Australia.
- Kwee, C.T.T., & Dos Santos, L.M. (2021, December). Overseas Chinese parents’ motivation for their children’s online Chinese as Second Language learning: A case study in Australia. Paper presented at International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2021. Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.
- Kwee, C.T.T., & Dos Santos, L.M. (2021, November). An international study of Chinese language teachers’ motivation in education for sustainable development. Paper presented at 13th Asian Conference on Education, Tokyo, Japan.
- Kwee, C.T.T., & Dos Santos, L.M. (2021, July). Will I continue teaching sustainable development online? An international study of teachers’ experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at International Conference on Open and Innovative Education 2021, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.
- Kwee C.T.T. (2021, April). Will I Continue Online Teaching? Language Teachers’ Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (online streaming). Lisbon, Portugal.
- Teacher and Teaching Education (Elsevier)
- European Journal of Higher Education (Taylor & Francis)
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (Taylor & Francis)
- Journal of Education for Teaching (Taylor & Francis)
- Island Studies Journal
- SAGE Open Nursing
- Journal of Computers in Education (Springer)
- International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (Emerald)
- European Journal of Applied Linguistics (De Gruyter)
Guest Editor:
- Special Collection on Stress, Burnout, and Career Decision-Making Processes of Nurses, SAGE Open Nursing, 2023.
- Special Issue on Decisions, decision-making processes and behaviours: Before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, Heliyon Psychology, 2023.
Research Officer
Tanya works as a research assistant on the following projects:
- Impact of online mentoring on the first-year doctoral students in School of Education (UNSW)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Vietnam (UNSW)
- Exploring the lifelong career development of international school teachers in Hong Kong (Woosong University, South Korea)
Team Manager
Teacher Education and Professional Development Research Committee, UNSW
HDR Representative (2021-2022)
School of Education, UNSW
My Teaching
EDST 5325 TESOL Professional Practice
EDST 5440 Advanced TESOL Methodology
EDST 5452 Issues in Language Education
Instructor/ Tutor
EDST1104 Social Perspectives in Education
EDST2003 Language, Literacy and Numeracy
EDST5117 Professional Inquiry
EDST5139 Language, Literacy and Numeracy
EDST5888 Projects