Mr Tanvir Saurav

Mr Tanvir Saurav

Casual Academic

Ph.D., Mathematics & Statistics, UNSW Canberra, Australia, 2026 (expected).

M.Phil., Mechanical Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2021.

B.S., Mechanical Engineering, magna cum laude, Temple University, USA, 2018.

UNSW Canberra
School of Science

I graduated from Temple University with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering in 2018. In the same year, I joined the Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) program at The University of Melbourne where I worked on direct numerical simulation (DNS) of rough-wall turbulent flows using high performance computing. I completed my degree in 2021, and later joined the PhD program at UNSW Canberra in 2022. As a part of UNSW Bushfire, I work on developing computational models to simulate ember storms in wildfire...

Building 26, Room 108

Australian HPC-AI Talent Program Scholarship, National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), 2023.

University International Postgraduate Award, UNSW Canberra, 2022 -- Present. 

Melbourne Research Scholarship, The University of Melbourne, 2018 -- 2020.

Presidential Scholarship, Temple University, 2014 -- 2018.

Honors Merit Scholarship, Temple University, 2014 -- 2018.

computational fluid dynamics, spectral element method, high performance computing, large-eddy simulation, bushfire modelling

My Teaching

Tutor and Lab Demonstrator - ZPEM1307 - Computational Problem Solving [S1 2023]

Lab Demonstrator - ZPEM1503 - Engineering Physics 1A [S1 2023]

Math and Physics Support - Learning and Teaching Group (LTG)