Dr Taehwan Kim
Ph.D. (Civil Engineering), Purdue University, IN, USA
M.Sc. (Civil and Environmental Engineering), KAIST, South Korea
B. Sc. (Civil and Environmental Engineering), KAIST, South Korea
Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Taehwan Kim is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CVEN) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), a position he has held since June 2016. He received his BS and MS from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea and PhD from Purdue University, US. After gaining PhD, Dr Kim worked as a research associate at Oklahoma State University until June 2016. He wa...
- Publications
- Grants
- Research Activities
2023 - 2025 CRC Project "Creating construction materials from thermal treatment facility wastes" with A. Hajimohammadi, A. Kashani, and N. Khalili. Industry: Enviropoacific Services Pty limited, Flexiroc Australia Pty Ltd, and Membrane Systems Asutralia Pty Ltd.
2022 - 2024 ARC Discvery "Self-Healing Concrete for Mitigation of Chloride Induced Steel Corrosion" with A. Castel and W. Li
2021 - 2023 ARC Linkage "Decarbonizing built environments with hempcrete and green wall technology" with A. Castel, S. Wilkinson, C.G. da Rocha, F. Torpy, P. Irga, Y. Gan, A. Hajimohammadi, M. Karimi, D. Moreau, K. Marosszdky, W. Srubar
2021 - 2023 E3Sixtry Solar: Circular Solar Trial, NSW EPA "Investigation the reuse of glass from waste photovoltaic modulus for construction application", with A. Hajimohammadi
2021 BHP's Tailings Challenge consrotium proposal (Leading Theme 3: Repurposing), (with Application leader: S. Kara, S. Saydam)
2020 - 2023 NSW EPA "Next generation sustainable concrete trialling recycled glass in geopolymer concrete"with A. Hajimohammadi and S. Foster
2020 - 2022 An Innovation Connection Grant by XL Concrete "Development of Sustainable Concrete with Glass Waste Mixes" with A. Kashani and S. Foster
Current Members
PhD Students (Primary/Joint supervisor):
Ram Pal (2024 ~ present, Primary Supervisor): Investigation of reaction kinetics and phase assemblage of alkali-activated materials. (with Dr Ailar Hajimohammadi)
Ahmed Alnahhal (2023 ~ present, Primary Supervisor): Investigation of recycling wastes from waste/contaminated soil treatment. (with Dr Ailar Hajimohammadi)
Zuobang Yao (2021 ~ present, Primary Supervisor): Investigation of converting mine wastes as cementitious materials. (with Dr Ali Kashani)
Emad Golafshani (2022 ~ present, Joint Supervisor): Developing a sustainable mix design of concrete containing waste materials using machine learning and metaheuristic optimization algorithms (With Dr Ali Kashani)
Rizwan Hameed (2023 ~ present, Joint Supervisor): Carbonated steel slag as a supplementary cementitious materials (With Dr Ali Kashani)
PhD Students (Secondary supervisor):
Md. Ibrahim Mostazid (2023 ~ present): Evaluation and development of durability testing methods for alkali-activated system (Primary: Prof Stephen Foster, Joint: A/Prof Ailar Hajimohammadi)
Research Associate/Visiting Research Fellow (Primary supervisor):
Dr Haemin Song (2022 ~ present): Understanding the pore structures of Hempcrete and their effects on thermal and acoustic properties, Self-healing concrete using the crystal admixtures
Jiehong Li (2020 ~ present, Joint supervisor): Mechanical properties and durability of fibre-reinforced foam concrete (Assistant Professor at Chongqing University of Science and Technology, China)
Abdelrahman Hamdan (2019 ~ 2023, Primary supervisor): Effect of chemical oxides on the reaction kinetics of alkali activated materials. (Post Doctoral Fellow at Princeton University, USA)
Sumaiya Afroz (2019 ~ 2023, Primary supervisor): Durability of low-carbon concrete in severe environment. Shrinkage of low-carbon concrete. (Assistant Professor at BUET, Bangladesh)
Yingda Zhang, PhD (2018 ~ 2022, Primary supervisor): Prevention of early age cracking in concrete through mix design parameters (Assistant Professor at Xihua University, China)
Mohammed Alnahhal, PhD (2018 ~ 2022, Primary supervisor): Rheology and durability of alkali-activated materials made of rice husk ash-derived sodium silicates (Research Associate at UNSW Sydney)
Quang Dieu Nguyen, PhD (2016 ~ 2020, Secondary-supervisor): Durability properties of low-carbon concrete incorporating alternative supplementary cementitious materials and manufactured aggregate (Research Associate at UTS, Australia)