Associate Professor Susanne Schweizer

Associate Professor Susanne Schweizer

Scientia Fellow (Level D)

PhD Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Cambridge

MSc Research & Clinical Masters in Psychopathology, Maastricht University

BSc Honours Psychology, Tilburg University

School of Psychology

At the Developmental Affective Science Lab we study the role of cognitive, social and affective processes in the development and maintenance of common mental health problems across the lifespan, with a particular focus on adolescence and the perinatal period.


  • Journal articles | 2024
    Kade SA; du Toit SA; Danielson CT; Schweizer S; Morrison AS; Ong DC; Prasad A; Holder LJ; Han J; Torok M; Wong QJJ, 2024, 'Aberrant cognitive empathy in individuals with elevated social anxiety and regulation with emotional working memory training', Cognition and Emotion, 38, pp. 605 - 623,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Okayama S; Minihan S; Andrews JL; Daniels S; Grunewald K; Richards M; Wang W; Hasan Y; Schweizer S, 2024, 'Intolerance of uncertainty and psychological flexibility as predictors of mental health from adolescence to old age', Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Reed J; Meiser-Stedman R; Dalgleish T; Goodall B; Wright I; Boyle A; Burgess A; Murphy F; Hitchcock C; Schweizer S; Travers-Hill E; Dixon C; Mul CL; Smith P; Newby J; McKinnon A, 2024, 'Trauma Memory Characteristics and Neurocognitive Performance in Youth Exposed to Single-Event Trauma', Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, 52, pp. 997 - 1008,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Schiller D; Yu ANC; Alia-Klein N; Becker S; Cromwell HC; Dolcos F; Eslinger PJ; Frewen P; Kemp AH; Pace-Schott EF; Raber J; Silton RL; Stefanova E; Williams JHG; Abe N; Aghajani M; Albrecht F; Alexander R; Anders S; Aragón OR; Arias JA; Arzy S; Aue T; Baez S; Balconi M; Ballarini T; Bannister S; Banta MC; Barrett KC; Belzung C; Bensafi M; Booij L; Bookwala J; Boulanger-Bertolus J; Boutros SW; Bräscher AK; Bruno A; Busatto G; Bylsma LM; Caldwell-Harris C; Chan RCK; Cherbuin N; Chiarella J; Cipresso P; Critchley H; Croote DE; Demaree HA; Denson TF; Depue B; Derntl B; Dickson JM; Dolcos S; Drach-Zahavy A; Dubljević O; Eerola T; Ellingsen DM; Fairfield B; Ferdenzi C; Friedman BH; Fu CHY; Gatt JM; de Gelder B; Gendolla GHE; Gilam G; Goldblatt H; Gooding AEK; Gosseries O; Hamm AO; Hanson JL; Hendler T; Herbert C; Hofmann SG; Ibanez A; Joffily M; Jovanovic T; Kahrilas IJ; Kangas M; Katsumi Y; Kensinger E; Kirby LAJ; Koncz R; Koster EHW; Kozlowska K; Krach S; Kret ME; Krippl M; Kusi-Mensah K; Ladouceur CD; Laureys S; Lawrence A; Li CSR; Liddell BJ; Lidhar NK; Lowry CA; Magee K; Marin MF; Mariotti V; Martin LJ; Marusak HA; Mayer AV, 2024, 'The Human Affectome', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 158,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Schweizer S; Leung JT; Trender W; Kievit R; Hampshire A; Blakemore SJ, 2024, 'Changes in affective control covary with changes in mental health difficulties following affective control training (AffeCT) in adolescents', Psychological Medicine, 54, pp. 539 - 547,
    Journal articles | 2024
    du Toit SA; Schweizer S; Moustafa AA; Wong QJJ, 2024, 'Can Emotional Working Memory Training Improve Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Outcomes for Social Anxiety Disorder: A Pilot Study', Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, 38, pp. 33 - 52,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Andrews JL; Dalgleish T; Stretton J; Schweizer S, 2023, 'Individual differences in reappraisal capacity are unrelated to depressive and anxiety symptoms', Scientific Reports, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Andrews JL; Li M; Minihan S; Songco A; Fox E; Ladouceur CD; Mewton L; Moulds M; Pfeifer JH; Van Harmelen AL; Schweizer S, 2023, 'The effect of intolerance of uncertainty on anxiety and depression, and their symptom networks, during the COVID-19 pandemic', BMC Psychiatry, 23,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Andrews JL; Schweizer S, 2023, 'The Need for Functional Assessments in School-Based Mental Health Intervention Research', JAMA Psychiatry, 80, pp. 103 - 104,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cohen ZD; DeRubeis RJ; Hayes R; Watkins ER; Lewis G; Byng R; Byford S; Crane C; Kuyken W; Dalgleish T; Schweizer S, 2023, 'The Development and Internal Evaluation of a Predictive Model to Identify for Whom Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Offers Superior Relapse Prevention for Recurrent Depression Versus Maintenance Antidepressant Medication', Clinical Psychological Science, 11, pp. 59 - 76,
    Journal articles | 2023
    McGuire R; Halligan SL; Schweizer S; Leung JT; Hiller RM, 2023, 'Cognitive and affective control for adolescents in care versus their peers: implications for mental health', Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 17,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Minihan S; Kumle L; Maston K; Bal D; Werner‐Seidler A; Christensen H; Schweizer S, 2023, 'The relationship between cognitive and affective control and adolescent mental health', JCPP Advances,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Minihan S; Kwok C; Schweizer S, 2023, 'Social rejection sensitivity and its role in adolescent emotional disorder symptomatology', Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 17,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Minihan S; Songco A; Fox E; Ladouceur CD; Mewton L; Moulds M; Pfeifer JH; Van Harmelen AL; Schweizer S, 2023, 'Affect and Mental Health Across the Lifespan During a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Mental Flexibility', Emotion, 24, pp. 67 - 80,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schweizer S; Andrews JL; Grunewald K; Kumle L; Grunewald Zola K; Minihan S, 2023, 'Association of Antenatal COVID-19-Related Stress with Postpartum Maternal Mental Health and Negative Affectivity in Infants', JAMA Network Open, 6, pp. e232969,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Schweizer S; Lawson RP; Blakemore SJ, 2023, 'Uncertainty as a driver of the youth mental health crisis', Current Opinion in Psychology, 53,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Songco A; Minihan S; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds M; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen AL; Schweizer S, 2023, 'Social and cognitive vulnerability to COVID-19-related stress in pregnancy: A case-matched-control study of antenatal mental health', Journal of Affective Disorders, 325, pp. 739 - 746,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Werner-Seidler A; Maston K; Calear AL; Batterham PJ; Larsen ME; Torok M; O’Dea B; Huckvale K; Beames JR; Brown L; Fujimoto H; Bartholomew A; Bal D; Schweizer S; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei JL; Venkatesh S; Lingam R; Perry Y; Hudson JL; Boydell KM; Mackinnon A; Christensen H; O'Dea B, 2023, 'The Future Proofing Study: Design, methods and baseline characteristics of a prospective cohort study of the mental health of Australian adolescents', International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 32, pp. e1954,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Andrews JL; Khin AC; Crayn T; Humphreys K; Schweizer S, 2022, 'Measuring Online and Offline Social Rejection Sensitivity in the Digital Age', Psychological Assessment, 34, pp. 742 - 751,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Grunewald K; Deng J; Wertz J; Schweizer S, 2022, 'The effect of online social evaluation on mood and cognition in young people', Scientific Reports, 12,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Lewis B; Garcia CC; Price JL; Schweizer S; Nixon SJ, 2022, 'Cognitive training in recently-abstinent individuals with alcohol use disorder improves emotional stroop performance: Evidence from a randomized pilot trial', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 231,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Minihan S; Orben A; Songco A; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds ML; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen A-L; Schweizer S, 2022, 'Social Determinants of Mental Health During a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic.', Development and Psychopathology, pp. 1 - 13,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Minihan S; Songco A; Andrews J; Grunewald K; Werner-Seidler A; Blakemore S-J; Christensen H; Fox E; Goodyer I; Raffe W; Schweizer S, 2022, 'Development of a gamified cognitive training app “Social Brain Train” to enhance adolescent mental health: a participatory design study protocol', ,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Mirabolfathi V; Schweizer S; Moradi AR; Jobson L, 2022, 'Affective Working Memory Capacity in Refugee Adolescents', Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 14, pp. 983 - 988,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Schweizer S; Auer T; Hitchcock C; Lee-Carbon L; Rodrigues E; Dalgleish T, 2022, 'Affective Control Training (AffeCT) reduces negative affect in depressed individuals', Journal of Affective Disorders, 313, pp. 167 - 176,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Songco A; Patel SD; Dawes K; Rodrigues E; O’Leary C; Hitchcock C; Dalgleish T; Schweizer S, 2022, 'Affective Working Memory in Depression', Emotion, 23, pp. 1802 - 1807,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Stretton J; Schweizer S; Dalgleish T, 2022, 'Age-Related Enhancements in Positive Emotionality across The Life Span: Structural Equation Modeling of Brain and Behavior', Journal of Neuroscience, 42, pp. 3461 - 3472,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zhang J; Meiser-Stedman R; Jones B; Smith P; Dalgleish T; Boyle A; Edwards A; Subramanyam D; Dixon C; Sinclaire-Harding L; Schweizer S; Newby J; McKinnon A, 2022, 'Trajectory of post-traumatic stress and depression among children and adolescents following single-incident trauma', European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Cohen Z; DeRubeis R; Hayes R; Watkins E; Lewis G; Byng R; Byford S; Crane C; Kuyken W; Dalgleish T; Schweizer S, 2021, 'The Development and Internal Evaluation of a Predictive Model to Identify for Whom Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy Offers Superior Relapse Prevention for Recurrent Depression Versus Maintenance Antidepressant Medication', Biological Psychiatry, 89, pp. s36 - s37,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Minihan S; Samimi Z; Schweizer S, 2021, 'The effectiveness of affective compared to neutral working memory training in university students with test anxiety', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 147,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Stretton J; Walsh ND; Mobbs D; Schweizer S; van Harmelen AL; Lombardo M; Goodyer I; Dalgleish T, 2021, 'How biopsychosocial depressive risk shapes behavioral and neural responses to social evaluation in adolescence', Brain and Behavior, 11,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Dolcos F; Katsumi Y; Moore M; Berggren N; de Gelder B; Derakshan N; Hamm AO; Koster EHW; Ladouceur CD; Okon-Singer H; Pegna AJ; Richter T; Schweizer S; Van den Stock J; Ventura-Bort C; Weymar M; Dolcos S, 2020, 'Neural correlates of emotion-attention interactions: From perception, learning, and memory to social cognition, individual differences, and training interventions', Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 108, pp. 559 - 601,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Fritz J; Stretton J; Askelund AD; Schweizer S; Walsh ND; Elzinga BM; Goodyer IM; Wilkinson PO; Van Harmelen AL, 2020, 'Mood and neural responses to social rejection do not seem to be altered in resilient adolescents with a history of adversity', Development and Psychopathology, 32, pp. 411 - 423,
    Journal articles | 2020
    McKinnon A; Kuyken W; Hayes R; Werner-Seidler A; Watson P; Dalgleish T; Schweizer S, 2020, 'The psychometric properties of the cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire (CERQ) in a clinical sample of adults with recurrent depression', Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, pp. 212 - 219,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Schweizer S; Gotlib IH; Blakemore SJ, 2020, 'The role of affective control in emotion regulation during adolescence', Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 20, pp. 80 - 86,
    Journal articles | 2020
    Werner-Seidler A; Huckvale K; Larsen ME; Calear AL; Maston K; Johnston L; Torok M; O'Dea B; Batterham PJ; Schweizer S; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei JL; Patton G; Wong I; Beames J; Wong QJJ; Lingam R; Boydell K; Salmon AM; Cockayne N; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2020, 'A trial protocol for the effectiveness of digital interventions for preventing depression in adolescents: The Future Proofing Study', Trials, 21, pp. 2,
    Journal articles | 2020
    du Toit SA; Kade SA; Danielson CT; Schweizer S; Han J; Torok M; Wong QJJ, 2020, 'The effect of emotional working memory training on emotional and cognitive outcomes in individuals with elevated social anxiety', Journal of Affective Disorders, 261, pp. 76 - 83,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Askelund AD; Schweizer S; Goodyer I; van Harmelen A-L, 2019, 'Positive memory recall reduces cognitive and neuroendocrine vulnerability to depression', PSYCHONEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, 100, pp. S47 - S47,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Askelund AD; Schweizer S; Goodyer IM; van Harmelen AL, 2019, 'Author Correction: Positive memory specificity is associated with reduced vulnerability to depression (Nature Human Behaviour, (2019), 3, 3, (265-273), 10.1038/s41562-018-0504-3)', Nature Human Behaviour, 3, pp. 758,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Asklund DA; Schweizer S; Goodyer IM; van Harmelen A-L, 2019, 'Positive memory specificity is associated with reduced vulnerability to depression', Nature Human Behaviour, 3, pp. 265 - 273,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Fuhrmann D; Schweizer S; Leung J; Griffin C; Blakemore SJ, 2019, 'The neurocognitive correlates of academic diligence in adolescent girls', Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, pp. 88 - 99,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Gómez de la Cuesta G; Schweizer S; Diehle J; Young J; Meiser-Stedman R, 2019, 'The Relationship between Maladaptive Appraisals and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Meta-Analysis', European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 10, pp. 1620084,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Krause-Utz A-G; Walther J-C; Schweizer S; Lis S; Hampshire A; Schmahl C; Bohus M, 2019, 'Effectiveness of an Emotional Working Memory Training in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Proof-of-Principle Study', Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 89,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Schweizer S; Leung JT; Kievit R; Speekenbrink M; Trender W; Hampshire A; Blakemore SJ, 2019, 'Protocol for an app-based affective control training for adolescents: Proof-of-principle double-blind randomized controlled trial', Wellcome Open Research, 4, pp. 91,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Schweizer S; Parker J; Leung JT; Griffin C; Blakemore SJ, 2019, 'Age-related differences in affective control and its association with mental health difficulties', Development and Psychopathology, 32, pp. 329 - 341,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Schweizer S; Satpute AB; Atzil S; Field AP; Hitchcock C; Black M; Barrett LF; Dalgleish T, 2019, 'The impact of affective information on working memory: A pair of meta-analytic reviews of behavioral and neuroimaging evidence', Psychological Bulletin, 145, pp. 566 - 609,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Schweizer S; Stretton J; Van Belle J; Price D; Calder AJ; Cam-CAN ; Dalgleish T, 2019, 'Age-related decline in positive emotional reactivity and emotion regulation in a population-derived cohort', Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14, pp. 623 - 631,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Werner-Seidler A; Huckvale K; Larsen M; Calear A; Maston K; Johnston L; Torok M; O’Dea B; Batterham P; Schweizer S; Skinner R; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei J-L; Patton G; Wong I; Beames J; Wong Q; Lingam R; Boydell K; Salmon A; Cockayne N; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2019, 'A Trial Protocol for the Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Depression in Adolescents: The Future Proofing Study', ,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Werner-Seidler A; Huckvale K; Larsen ME; Calear AL; Maston K; Johnston L; Torok M; O’Dea B; Batterham PJ; Schweizer S; Skinner SR; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; Oei J-L; Patton G; Wong I; Beames J; Wong QJJ; Lingam R; Boydell K; Salmon AM; Cockayne N; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2019, 'A Trial Protocol for the Effectiveness of Digital Interventions for Preventing Depression in Adolescents: The Future Proofing Study', ,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Schweizer S; Kievit RA; Emery T; Henson RN, 2018, 'Symptoms of depression in a large healthy population cohort are related to subjective memory complaints and memory performance in negative contexts', Psychological Medicine, 48, pp. 104 - 114,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Schweizer S; Navrady L; Breakwell L; Howard RM; Golden AM; Werner-Seidler A; Dalgleish T, 2018, 'Affective enhancement of working memory is maintained in depression', Emotion, 18, pp. 127 - 137,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Werner-Seidler A; Hitchcock C; Bevan A; McKinnon A; Gillard J; Dahm T; Chadwick I; Panesar I; Breakwell L; Muller V; Rodrigues E; Rees C; Gromley S; Schweizer S; Watson P; Raes F; Jobson L; Dalgleish T, 2018, 'A cluster randomized controlled platform trial comparing group Memory Specificity Training (MEST) to group psychoeducation and supportive counselling (PSC) in the treatment of recurrent depression.', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 105, pp. 1 - 9,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Gadeikis D; Bos N; Schweizer S; Murphy F; Dunn B, 2017, 'Engaging in an experiential processing mode increases positive emotional response during recall of pleasant autobiographical memories', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 92, pp. 68 - 76,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Krause-Utz A; Walther J-C; Schweizer S; Lis S; Dalgleish T; Schmahl C; Bohus M, 2017, '404. The Effectiveness of an Emotional Working Memory Training in Borderline Personality Disorder', Biological Psychiatry, 81, pp. S165 - S165,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Schweizer S; Kievit R; Emery T; Henson R; Cam-CAN , 2017, 'Symptoms of Depression in a Large Healthy Population Cohort are related to Subjective Memory Complaints and Memory Performance in Negative Contexts', ,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Schweizer S; Samimi Z; Hasani J; Moradi A; Mirdoraghi F; Khaleghi M, 2017, 'Improving cognitive control in adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 93, pp. 88 - 94,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Dalgleish T; Walsh ND; Mobbs D; Schweizer S; Van Harmelen AL; Dunn B; Dunn V; Goodyer I; Stretton J, 2017, 'Social pain and social gain in the adolescent brain: A common neural circuitry underlying both positive and negative social evaluation', ,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Kuyken W; Warren FC; Taylor RS; Whalley B; Crane C; Bondolfi G; Hayes R; Huijbers M; Ma H; Schweizer S; Segal Z; Speckens A; Teasdale JD; Van Heeringen K; Williams M; Byford S; Byng R; Dalgleish T, 2016, 'Efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in prevention of depressive relapse an individual patient data meta-analysis from randomized trials', JAMA Psychiatry, 73, pp. 565 - 574,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Schweizer S; Dalgleish T, 2016, 'The impact of affective contexts on working memory capacity in healthy populations and in individuals with PTSD', Emotion, 16, pp. 16 - 23,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Schweizer S, 2016, 'Bringing Emotion (Science) Into the ClinicBringing Emotion (Science) Into the Clinic', PsycCRITIQUES, 6161,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Dalgleish T; Goodall B; Chadwick I; Werner-Seidler A; McKinnon A; Morant N; Schweizer S; Panesar I; Humphrey A; Watson P; Lafortune L; Smith P; Meiser-Stedman R, 2015, 'Trauma-focused cognitive behaviour therapy versus treatment as usual for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in young children aged 3 to 8 years: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial', Trials, 16, pp. 116,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Schweizer S; Walsh ND; Stretton J; Dunn VJ; Goodyer IM; Dalgleish T, 2015, 'Enhanced emotion regulation capacity and its neural substrates in those exposed to moderate childhood adversity', Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11, pp. 272 - 281,
    Journal articles | 2014
    Dalgleish T; Bevan A; McKinnon A; Breakwell L; Mueller V; Chadwick I; Schweizer S; Hitchcock C; Watson P; Raes F; Jobson L; Werner-Seidler A, 2014, 'A comparison of MEmory Specificity Training (MEST) to education and support (ES) in the treatment of recurrent depression: Study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial', Trials, 15, pp. 293,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Schweizer S; Grahn J; Hampshire A; Mobbs D; Dalgleish T, 2013, 'Training the emotional brain: Improving affective control through emotional working memory training', Annals of Internal Medicine, 158, pp. 5301 - 5311,
    Journal articles | 2013
    Schweizer S, 2013, 'Affective working memory training: Insight from training studies', Psychophysiology, 50, pp. S7 - S7
    Journal articles | 2012
    Feldman Hall O; Dalgleish T; Thompson R; Evans D; Schweizer S; Mobbs D, 2012, 'Differential neural circuitry and self-interest in real vs hypothetical moral decisions', Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 7, pp. 743 - 751,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Schweizer S; Dalgleish T, 2011, 'Emotional working memory capacity in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)', Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49, pp. 498 - 504,
    Journal articles | 2011
    Schweizer S; Hampshire A; Dalgleish T, 2011, 'Extending brain-training to the affective domain: Increasing cognitive and affective executive control through emotional working memory training', PLoS ONE, 6, pp. e24372,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Aldao A; Nolen-Hoeksema S; Schweizer S, 2010, 'Emotion-regulation strategies across psychopathology: A meta-analytic review', Clinical Psychology Review, 30, pp. 217 - 237,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Schweizer S; Peeters F; Huibers M; Roelofs J; Van Os J; Arntz A, 2010, 'Does illness attribution affect treatment assignment in depression?', Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 17, pp. 418 - 426,
    Journal articles | 2010
    Winkel FW; Schweizer S; Pemberton A, 2010, 'Victim offender dialogue: An analogue study examining the impact of apology on anger', Acta Criminologica, 23, pp. 1 - 13
    Journal articles | 2009
    Dalgleish T; Yiend J; Schweizer S; Dunn BD, 2009, 'Ironic Effects of Emotion Suppression When Recounting Distressing Memories', Emotion, 9, pp. 744 - 749,
    Journal articles | 2009
    Mobbs D; Yu R; Meyer M; Passamonti L; Seymour B; Calder AJ; Schweizer S; Frith CD; Dalgleish T, 2009, 'A key role for similarity in vicarious reward', Science, 324, pp. 900,
  • Preprints | 2024
    Wang W; Evans K; Schweizer S, 2024, The Effects of Depressive Symptoms and Self-Perceived Social Value on Adolescent Social Risk-Taking, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Grunewald K; Andrews J; Minihan S; Songco A; Werner-Seidler A; Blakemore S-J; Fox E; Goodyer I; Raffe W; Schweizer S, 2023, Protocol for a proof-of-principal study comparing engagement with a gamified versus standard affective control training app targeting emotional wellbeing in adolescents, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Nagrodzki J; Passamonti L; Schweizer S; Stretton J; Knights E; Henson R; Wolpe N, 2023, Behavioral and neuroimaging correlates of attentional biases to angry faces in individuals in remission from depression: a population-derived study, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Okayama S; Minihan S; Andrews JL; Daniels S; Grunewald K; Richards M; Wang W; Hasan Y; Schweizer S, 2023, Intolerance of Uncertainty and Psychological Flexibility as Predictors of Mental Health from Adolescence to Old Age, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    Songco A; Minihan S; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds ML; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen A-L; Schweizer S, 2023, Social and Cognitive Vulnerability to COVID-19-Related Stress in Pregnancy: A Case-Matched-Control Study of Antenatal Mental Health, ,
    Preprints | 2023
    du Toit SA; Schweizer S; Wong QJJ, 2023, Emotional Working Memory Training and Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Reduce Symptoms of Social Anxiety Disorder: A Randomised Controlled Trial (Preprint), ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Andrews J; Dalgleish T; Stretton J; Schweizer S, 2022, Individual Differences in Emotion Regulation Capacity are Unrelated to Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Griffiths K; Dunning DL; Parker J; Bennett MP; Schweizer S; Foulkes L; Ahmed S; Leung JT; Griffin C; Sakhardande A; Kuyken W; Williams M; Blakemore S-J; Dalgleish T; Stretton J, 2022, Affective control in adolescence: The influence of age and mental health status on working memory, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Grunewald K; Deng J; Wertz J; Schweizer S, 2022, The Effect of Online Social Evaluation on Mood and Cognition in Young People, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Minihan S; Songco A; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds ML; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen A-L; Schweizer S, 2022, Affect and Mental Health Across the Lifespan During a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Mental Flexibility, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Schiller D; Yu ANC; Alia-Klein N; Becker S; Cromwell HC; Dolcos F; Eslinger P; Frewen P; Kemp AH; Pace-Schott E; Raber J; Silton RL; Stefanova E; Williams J; Abe N; Aghajani M; Albrecht F; Alexander R; Anders S; Aragón O; Arias J; Arzy S; Aue T; Baez S; Balconi M; Ballarini T; Bannister S; Amole M; Barrett KC; Belzung C; Bensafi M; Booij L; Bookwala J; Boulanger-Bertolus J; Boutros SW; Bräscher A-K; Bruno A; Busatto G; Bylsma L; Caldwell-Harris C; Chan R; Cherbuin N; Chiarella J; Cipresso P; Critchley H; Croote D; Demaree H; Denson T; Depue B; Dernt B; Dickson J; Dolcos S; Drach-Zahavy A; Dubljević O; Eerola T; Ellingsen D-M; Fairfield B; Ferdenzi C; Scarpa-Friedman B; Fu CHY; Gatt J; de Gelder B; Gendolla G; Gilam G; Goldblatt H; Kotynski A; Gosseries O; Hamm A; Hanson JL; Hendler T; Herbert C; Hofmann S; Ibanez A; Joffily M; Jovanovic T; Kahrilas I; Kangas M; Katsumi Y; Kensinger E; Kirby L; Koncz R; Koster E; Kozlowska K; Krach S; Kret M; Krippl M; Kusi-Mensah K; Ladouceur C; Laureys S; Lawrence A; Li C-S; Liddell B; Lidhar N; Lowry C; Magee K; Marin M-F; Mariotti V; Martin L; Marusak H; Mayer A; Merner A; Minnier J; Moll J; Morrison R; Moore M; Mouly A-M; Mueller S; Mühlberger A; Murphy N; Muscatello MRA; Musser E; Newton T; Noll-Hussong M; Norrholm SD; Northoff G; Nusslock R; Okon-Singer H; Olino T; Ortner CNM; Owolabi M; Padulo C; Palermo R; Palumbo R; Palumbo S; Papadelis C; Pegna A; Pellegrini S; Peltonen K; Penninx B; Pietrini P; Pinna G; Pintos Lobo R; Polnaszek K; Polyakova M; Rabinak C; Richter H; Richter T; Riva G; Rizzo A; Robinson J; Rosa P; Sachdev P; Satomi W; Schroeter M; Schweizer S; Shiban Y; Siddharthan A; Siedlecka E; Smith R; Soreq H; Spangler D; Stern E; Styliadis C; Sullivan GB; Swain J; Urben S; Van den Stock J; van der Kooij M; van Overveld M; Van Rheenen T; VanElzakker M; Ventura-Bort C; Verona E; Volk T; Wang Y; Weingast L; Weymar M; Williams C; Willis M; Yamashita P; Zahn R; Zupan B; Lowe L, 2022, The Human Affectome, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Songco A; Patel S; Dawes K; Rodrigues E; O’Leary C; Hitchcock C; Dalgleish T; Schweizer S, 2022, Affective Working Memory in Depression, ,
    Preprints | 2022
    Werner-Seidler A; Maston K; Calear A; Batterham P; Larsen M; Torok M; O’Dea B; Huckvale K; Beames J; Brown L; Fujimoto H; Bartholomew A; Bal D; Schweizer S; Skinner R; Steinbeck K; Ratcliffe J; oei J; Venkatesh S; Lingam R; Perry Y; Hudson J; Boydell K; Mackinnon A; Christensen H, 2022, The Future Proofing Study: Design, Methods and Baseline Characteristics of a Prospective Cohort Study of the Mental Health of Australian Adolescents, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Andrews J; Khin AC; Crayn T; Humphreys K; Schweizer S, 2021, Measuring Online and Offline Social Rejection Sensitivity in the Digital Age, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Andrews J; Li M; Minihan S; Songco A; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds ML; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen A-L; Schweizer S, 2021, The effect of intolerance of uncertainty on anxiety and depression, and their symptom networks, during the COVID-19 pandemic, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Minihan S; Kwok C; Schweizer S, 2021, Social Rejection Sensitivity and its Role in Adolescent Emotional Disorder Symptomatology, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Minihan S; Orben A; Songco A; Fox E; Ladouceur C; Mewton L; Moulds ML; Pfeifer J; Van Harmelen A-L; Schweizer S, 2021, Social Determinants of Mental Health During a Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Stretton J; Schweizer S; Dalgleish T, 2021, Age-related enhancements in positive emotionality across the lifespan: structural equation modelling of brain and behaviour, ,
    Preprints | 2021
    Zhang J; Meiser-Stedman R; Jones B; Smith P; Dalgleish T; Boyle A; Dixon C; Sinclaire-Harding L; Schweizer S; Newby J; McKinnon A, 2021, Trajectory of Post-traumatic Stress and Depression among Children and Adolescents Following Single-incident trauma, ,
    Preprints | 2020
    Cohen ZD; DeRubeis R; Hayes R; Watkins E; Lewis G; Byng R; Byford S; Crane C; Kuyken W; Dalgleish T; Schweizer S, 2020, The development and internal evaluation of a predictive model to identify for whom Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) offers superior relapse prevention for recurrent depression versus maintenance antidepressant medication, ,
    Preprints | 2019
    Schweizer S; Gotlib I; Blakemore S-J, 2019, The Role of Affective Control in Emotion Regulation during Adolescence, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Askelund AD; Schweizer S; Goodyer IM; van Harmelen A-L, 2018, Positive memory specificity reduces adolescent vulnerability to depression, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Fritz J; Stretton J; Askelund AD; Schweizer S; Walsh N; Elzinga BM; Goodyer I; Wilkinson PO; Van Harmelen A-L, 2018, Mood and neural responses to social rejection are not altered in resilient adolescents with a history of adversity, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Schweizer S; Leung JT; Kievit R; Speekenbrink M; Tender WR; Hampshire A; Blakemore S-J, 2018, Protocol for an App-Based Affective Control Training for Adolescents, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Schweizer S; Leung JT; Kievit R; Speekenbrink M; Tender WR; Hampshire A; Blakemore S-J, 2018, Protocol for an App-Based Affective Control Training for Adolescents, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Schweizer S; Satpute A; Atzil S; Field AP; Hitchcock C; Black M; Barrett LF; Dalgleish T, 2018, The impact of affective information on working memory: A pair of meta-analytic reviews of behavioral and neuroimaging evidence, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Schweizer S; Stretton J; van Belle J; Price D; Calder AJ; CamCAN ; Dalgleish T, 2018, Age-related decline in positive emotional reactivity and emotion regulation in a population-derived cohort, ,
    Preprints | 2018
    Stretton J; Walsh N; mobbs D; Schweizer S; Van Harmelen A-L; Lombardo M; Goodyer I; Dalgleish T, 2018, How biopsychosocial depressive risk shapes behavioral and neural responses to social evaluation in adolescence., ,
    Conference Papers | 2016
    Krause-Utz AD; Walther J-C; Schweizer S; Lis S; Schmahl C; Bohus M, 2016, 'Cognitive Control of Disturbing Social Information and Heart Rate Variablility in Borderline Personality Disorder: A Randomized-controlled Trial on the Effects of an Emotional Working Memory Training', in BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, pp. 415S - 415S,
    Conference Papers | 2015
    Schweizer S; Grahn J; Hampshire A; Mobbs D; Dalgleish T, 2015, 'Emotional Working Memory Training Improves Affective Control', in BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, CANADA, Toronto, pp. 292S - 292S, presented at 70th Annual Scientific Convention and Meeting of the Society-of-Biological-Psychiatry on Stress, Emotion, Neurodevelopment and Psychopathology, CANADA, Toronto, 14 May 2015 - 16 May 2015,