Dr Sumiko Iida
BEd, Osaka University of Education MA, UNSW Grad. Cert. in Higher Education, UNSW, PhD, UNSW
Born in Kyoto, Japan. BEd Osaka University of Education, MA in Linguistics, Graduate Diploma in HIgher Education, PhD in Linguistics, UNSW.
- Publications
- Awards
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
2013 Vice-Chancellor's Award for Teaching Excellence, The University of New South Wales.
2012 Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning, Australian Awards for University Teaching (as UNSW Japanese Studies Team)
2011 The Dean's Learning and Teaching Award for Excellence in the Application of TELT, Faculty of Arts, The University of New South Wales.
Japanese Studies Association of Australia
The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
Interviewee for an article about Video games for Japanese female players in Hyper Vol 241, November 2013
Author of 'International Education at UNSW' JASSO(Japan Student Services Organization) Web magazine, Ryugaku Kouryuu [Study Abroad Association] December 2013
My Teaching
Intermediate Japanese A/B
Japan in Popular Culture
Learning Japanese by Manga and Anime
Approaches to Japanese Discourse Analysis
Honours supervision topics:
2020 Cannon Anime
2016 Visual Representation: Hoe image icon of sport teams are perceived by Japanese and Australians
2013 Transnationality and the consumption of Japaense popular music
2011 Identity of Gal in Japan
2010 North Korean Education of Japan
2008 Current Trend of the Debayashi in Rakugo
2008 Efficacy of Questions Assessing Student Science LIteracy: case study of
a Japanese and New South Wales primary school
PhD Supervision topic:
2013 An Investigation of Japanese foreign language learners' out-of-classroom online learning processes (joint-supervision)