Emeritus Professor Stewart Campbell
Emeritus Professor
UNSW Canberra
School of Science
- 2005: Emeritus Professor, UNSW Canberra
- 1986-2005: Senior Lecturer, Assoc. Prof., Professor, School of Physics/School of PEMS, UNSW Canberra
- 1983-1986: Lecturer, UNSW, Duntroon, Canberra (University College, UNSW at the Australian Defence Force Academy 1986)
- 1979-1983: Research Fellow, Australian National University
- 1976-1979: ARGS Research Fellow, Faculty of Military Studies, UNSW, Canberra
- 1974-1976: Cryogenic Research and Development, Oxford Instruments, UK
- 1974: PhD M...
- 2005: Emeritus Professor, UNSW Canberra
- 1986-2005: Senior Lecturer, Assoc. Prof., Professor, School of Physics/School of PEMS, UNSW Canberra
- 1983-1986: Lecturer, UNSW, Duntroon, Canberra (University College, UNSW at the Australian Defence Force Academy 1986)
- 1979-1983: Research Fellow, Australian National University
- 1976-1979: ARGS Research Fellow, Faculty of Military Studies, UNSW, Canberra
- 1974-1976: Cryogenic Research and Development, Oxford Instruments, UK
- 1974: PhD Monash University (BSc (Hons), Aberdeen University, 1966; MSc. Salford Univ, 1969)
- Visiting Fellow – Australian National University (1983- 2006)
- Visiting Professor (Special Studies Programmes) – Universität des Saarlandes (1989); University of Reading (1994); Johannes Gutenberg Universität (2000); Technische Universität München (2003)
Research Activities
- Experimental, analytical research in condensed matter and materials physics
- Rare Earth Magnetism, particularly intermetallic compounds and magnetocaloric materials
- Nanostructured materials; shape memory alloys and compounds
- Spin crossover materials
- Research Techniques
- Mössbauer effect spectroscopy; diffraction - x-rays, synchrotron radiation, neutrons; inelastic neutron scattering and neutron polarisation analysis; MuSR (Muon Spectroscopy); DC and AC magnetic measurements
- Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics (1982)
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow - Universität des Saarlandes (1983; 1989); Johannes Gutenberg-Universität (2000); Technische Universität München (2003)
- Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK; 1985); Chartered Physicist
- 2005 - Emeritus Professor, UNSW
- 2007 - AINSE Gold Medal - awarded by the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering for Excellence in Research
- Over 140 externally funded research grants with co-workers: includes 9 ARC Discovery Projects/Large Grants; 13 ARC LIEF grants
- Around 300 refereed publications
- 3 book chapters (1989; 1993; 1996)
- Chief editor for 10 volumes of international conference proceedings;
- Mössbauer Spectroscopy (ICAME1987); Magnetism (ICM1997); Neutron Scattering (ICNS2005)
Professional Activities (Selection):
- Vice-President/ President/Past President ANBUG (2003-2008)
- Member AINSE Specialist Committee (Materials, Structure and Dynamics; 2004-2007)
- Member BIAG, Beam Instrument Advisory Group (2004-2007), OPAL, Australia's Replacement Research Reactor
- Member, Diffraction Instruments Advisory Teams, OPAL (2000-2006)
- Meeting Chair, Time-of-Flight/Neutron Polarisation Analysis Instrument, Pelican, Instrument Advisory Team, OPAL (2005-2012)
- Member PAC, Program Advisory Committee (2007-2009), Bragg Institute, ANSTO
- Australian Representative on IBAME (1994 - 2012)
- Editorial Advisory Board - MIX, Mössbauer Information Exchange (1996-1999)
- Editorial Advisory Board - Journal of Alloys and Compounds (1996-2003)
- Editorial Advisory Board - Mössbauer Effect Reference Data Journal (1996-2012)
- International Advisory Board - Mössbauer Effect Data Centre (Asheville, USA; 2004- 2009)
- International Advisory Board - Mössbauer Effect Data Centre (Dalian, China; 2010 - )
- Chair, Publications Committee:
- ICAME87 (International Conference on Applications of the Moessbauer effect, Melbourne 1987)
- ICM97 (The International Conference on Magnetism, Cairns 1997)
- ICNS2005 (The International Conference on Neutron Scattering, Sydney 2005)
- Referee for over 35 International Journals; Referee for International Conference Proceedings
- International Advisory Board and Programme Committee - over 30 International Conferences in the series:
- ICAME; ISIAME; Hyperfine Interactions; Seeheim Conference on Magnetism; Seeheim Mössbauer Workshop; ISAMM; IMTCE2006; INCOME
- Organising Committees:
- 1982 AIP National Physics Congress (Canberra, Australia)
- ICAME87 (Co-Chair, Publications Chair, Melbourne, Australia)
- 1992 - 12th Int. Workshop; 7th Int. Symposium Rare-Earth Metals (Tech. Committee, Canberra, Australia)
- ICM97 (Publications Chair, Cairns, Australia)
- ICNS2005 (Publications Chair, Sydney, Australia)
- MML2007 (Australian Advisory Committee, Perth, Australia)
- Wagga2012 (Organising Committee; Condensed Matter and Material Physics, AIP)
Research Collaborators
- Colleagues, School of Science, UNSW, Canberra - Magnetic Materials
- Dr Michael Hofmann, FRM-II, Technische Universität München - Magnetic Materials, Neutron Scattering
- Dr Jianli Wang, Professor S X Dou, University of Wollongong - Magnetic Materials
- Bragg Institute, ANSTO; Dr Shane Kennedy, Dr Richard Mole, Dr Andrew Studer, Dr Max Avdeev - Neutron Scattering, Magnetic Materials
- Prof Dr Ekkes Brück, Delft University of Technology - Magnetocaloric Effect and Materials
- Dr Mohammad Ghafari; Dr Vladimir Šepalàk, Prof Dr Horst Hahn, Prof Dr Herbert Gleiter, Karlsruhe Institute of Nanotechnology - Disordered Materials
- Prof Yann Garcia, Universität Catholique de Louvain - Spin Crossover Compounds, MuSR, Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Prof Dr Philipp Gütlich, Johannes-Gutenberg Universität - Spin Crossover Compounds, MuSR, Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- Prof Dr Klaus Becker, Technische Universitüt Braunschweig - Mechanochemical Treatment of Materials
- Neutron Beam Experiments: OPAL reactor, ANSTO; FRM-II, Germany; ISIS, UK; BENSC, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin; LLB Saclay, France; ILL, France.
School of Science, The University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, PO Box 7916, Canberra BC ACT 2610, AUSTRALIA
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Over 140 externally funded research grants with co-workers: includes 9 ARC Discovery Projects/Large Grants; 13 ARC LIEF grants
- Beamtime awards and related funding – extensive peer-review access to major Australian and International neutron, muon and synchrotron facilities; OPAL ANSTO; Australian Synchrotron; ISIS UK; BENSC HMI; FRM-II Garching, Germany; ILL; LLB, France (e.g. 2001-2011, ~140 days, over 30 proposals)
- 2019 - IBAME Fellow - awarded for Distinguished work in Mössbauer Spectroscopy; Exceptional Services to international Mössbauer community
- 2019 – ANBUG Career Award - awarded for sustained contribution to scientific subfields using neutron scattering techniques
- 2007 - AINSE Gold Medal - awarded by the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering for Excellence in Research
- 2005 - Emeritus Professor, UNSW
- 2003; 2000; 1989; 1983 - Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow
- 2003 - Technische Universität München;
- 2000 - Johannes Gutenberg-Universität;
- 1989 - Universität des Saarlandes;
- 1983 - Universität des Saarlandes
- 1985 - Fellow of the Institute of Physics, UK; Chartered Physicist
- 1982 - Fellow of the Australian Institute of Physics