Professor Shinichi Nakagawa
Adjunct Professor
- PhD, University of Sheffield, UK (2007)
- BSc(Hons), University of Waikato, New Zealand (2003)
School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences
Professor Shinichi Nakagawa heads at the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences. He is interested in Behavioural Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology and Research Synthesis, especially developing statistical methods for meta-analysis
Room 5102, Biological Sciences Building (E26)
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, BEES
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2021 ARC Discovery (DP210100812): Towards a balanced view of parental effects: gaps, biases and opportunities
- 2020 ARC Discovery (DP200100367): Transgenerational consequences of different environmental experiences
- 2020 NHMRC Targeted Research (APP1185002): Multi-disciplinary approach to investigating PFAS in humans and wildlife
- 2018 ARC Discovery (DP180100818): Increased phenotypic variation via evolutionarily novel stressors
- 2017 CRC (Cooperative Research Centre) for Low Carbon Living: Research Synthesis for Built Environment
- 2015 Future Fellowship (FT130100268): Environmentally Induced Non-genetic Effects on Ageing and Fitness
- 2018-2021 On the lists of 2018, 2019, 2020 & 2021 Highly Cited Researchers (Category: Cross-Field; recognizing 1% of scientists whose work of last 10 years have been highly cited; Clarivate Analytics)
- 2000 Short-listed for Max Plank-Humboldt Research Award (joint award from Max Planck Society and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 1 of 5 finalists)
- 2017 William R. Shadish Award 2017 (aka, Extraordinary Service Award) from the Society for Research Synthesis Methodology (SRSM)
- 2013 Rowheath Trust Award and Carl Smith Medal, University of Otago, NZ
- 2011 Early Career Award for Distinction in Research, University of Otago, NZ
- 2010 New Supervisor of the Year 2010, Otago University Student Association, NZ
My research interests are very diverse but usually fall into three categories: 1) Animal Behaviour, 2) Evolutionary Biology and 3) Applied Statistics.
Please visit my lab's webpage:
My Research Supervision
- Lorenzo Ricolfi (2022 - ; main supervisor)
- Coralie Williams (2022 - ; main supervisor)
- Kyle Morrison (2022 - ; main supervisor) with
- Jessica Tam (2022 - ; joint supervisor) with Prof Richard Kingsford (main supervisor)
- Samantha Burke (2020 - ; main supervisor)
- Patrice Pottier (2020 - ; main supervisor)
- Dony Indiarto (2018 - ; joint supervisor) with A/Prof Daniel Falster (main supervisor)
My Teaching
- BEES3041 (Big Data in BEES, T2, course coordinator)
- BIOS2100 (Evolution in Modern World, T2)
- SCIF1131 (T1&T3) & SCIF1111 (T1)