Mrs Shima Saniei

Mrs Shima Saniei

Casual Academic
Arts, Design & Architecture
School of the Arts and Media
  • Book Chapters | 2024
    Saniei S, 2024, 'Social license to operate', in Elgar Encyclopedia of Corporate Communication, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 186 - 188,
    Book Chapters | 2018
    Sakhdari K; Saniei S, 2018, 'Effectuation, causation and the revised uppsala model: A behavioral analysis of Iranian SMEs’ internationalization', in Contributions to Management Science, pp. 567 - 590,
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Ali HM; Saniei S; O'Leary P; Boddy J, 2022, 'Activist public relations in developing contexts where rules and norms collide: insights from two activist organizations against gender-based violence in Bangladesh', Journal of Communication Management, 26, pp. 149 - 165,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Saniei S; Kent ML, 2021, 'Social License to Operate in Crowdfunding Campaigns', Public Relations Review, 47, pp. 102008,

Refereed Articles

Ali, H. A., Saniei, S., Boddy, J., O'Leary, P. (2022). Activist public relations in developing contexts where rules and norms collide: Insights from two activist organizations against gender-based violence in Bangladesh. Journal of Communication Management. 26(2), 149165. (Q1 Journal)

Saniei, S., & Kent, M. L. (2021). Social license to operate in crowdfunding campaigns. Public Relations Review47(2), 18. (Q1 Journal)

Moradi, M. A., Sakhdari, K., & Saniei, S. (2017). The impact of institutional factors on the rate of international entrepreneurship in developing countries. Journal of Entrepreneurship Development, 10(2), 339358. (URL:

Refereed Book Chapters

Saniei, S. (in press). Social License to Operate (Encyclopedia Entry). In, K. Podnar (Ed), Encyclopedia of Corporate Communication. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Sakhdari, K., & Saniei, S. (2018). effectuation, causation and the revised Uppsala model: A behavioral analysis of Iranian SMES’ internationalization. in entrepreneurship ecosystem in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) (pp. 567590). Springer, Cham. (URL: chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-75913-5_21)


Competitive Papers

Saniei, S., Kreemers, D. (2022, November). Developing an Advocacy Group: An Action Research of Building Support for Refugee and Asylum Seeker Students at University. Paper presented to the 108th Annual National Association Communication Conference (NCA 2022), New Orleans, USA.

Saniei, S. & Kent, M. L. (2022, May). Intersectionality and activist public relations: Insights from the enactment of intersectional rhetoric in three activist groups. Paper presented to the 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2022), Paris, France.

Saniei, S. (2021, May). Extending co-creational strategies in activist public relations: Insights from collective intelligence. Paper presented to the 71st Annual International Communication Association Conference (ICA 2021).

Saniei, S. (2021, July). The co-creational narratives in public relations research: A pilot study. Paper presented to the Australian & New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference (ANZCA 2021).

Saniei, S. (2019, July). Identity and reputation management in the entrepreneurial context: Uniting public relations and entrepreneurship models. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Australian & New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA 2019), Canberra, Australia.

Saniei, S. & Kent, M. L. (2019, July). Shifting the focus from corporate to community: What entrepreneurial communication teaches public relations professionals. Paper presented to the Annual Conference of the Australian & New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA 2019), Canberra, Australia. (Full paper submission)

Kent, M. L. & Saniei, S. (2019, July). Teaching storytelling in the public relations classroom: Using music and entertainment to teach storytelling skills. Panel: Once upon a time in the communication classroom: Teaching storytelling as fundamental to effective communication. Paper presented to the Australian & New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference (ANZCA 2019), Canberra, Australia.

Invited Presentations

Saniei, S. (2022, July). Respondent at the Public Relations Definitions Panel, Sydney Lecture Webinar Series (

Saniei, S. (2022, June). Perceptions, Definitions, and Directions of AI Among Professional Communicators. Presented to the 6th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Public Relations Scholars Community (PRSC).

Saniei, S. (2021, December). Activist groups' intersectional rhetoric and cross-movement relationships: work in progress. Presented to the Media Futures Hub Session, UNSW Arts, Design & Architecture HDR Conference 2021.

Saniei, S. (2021, April). The dynamics of identity in activist organisations: How narratives of identity are co-created with different stakeholders: Work in progress. Presented to the Media Futures Hub Works in Progress Workshop.

Saniei, S. (2019, August). The dynamics of identity in activist organisations: How narratives of identity are co-created with different stakeholders: Work in progress. Presented to the UNSW Arts and Social Science HDR Student Conference 2019, Sydney, Australia.

My Teaching

Media and Public Relations (postgraduate)

Public Opinion, Policy and Public Sphere (postgraduate)

Communication Strategies (undergraduate)