Scientia Professor Shan Pan
PhD in Operation Research and Systems, University of Warwick
Professional Experience
2022 - Current Scientia Professor
2020 - Current Founder and Director, Digital Sustainability Knowledge Hub, UNSW
2014 – 2022 Professor, School of Information Systems and Technology Management, UNSW
2018 – Current Deputy Head of School (Research), School of Information Systems and Technology Management, UNSW
2018/1 – 2018/7 Acting Head of School, SISTM, UNSW
2009 – 2014 Academic Director, Strategic Technology Management Institute, National University of Singapore
2011 – 2014 Deputy Head, IS Department, National University of Singapore
2000 – 2014 Assistant Professor and Associate Professor, IS Dept, School of Computing, National University of Singapore
Scientia Professor Shan L Pan is an AGSM Scholar and Deputy Head of School (Research) at the School of Information Systems and Technology Management, UNSW Business School. He is the founding director of the Digital Sustainability Knowledge Hub (DS Hub), which specialises in research and education on digital sustainability and aims to contribute to achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs). He is also a chief investigator at the ARC Next-Gen Manufacturing ITTC Centre, Australian Research Council (ARC).
Shan’s research interests include digital technologies' enabling roles in sustainability and climate resilience, focusing on the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) and Agriculture sectors. He is the chief investigator at the UNSW Institute of Climate Risk and Response (ICRR). As a design science researcher, Shan has invented a sustainability intelligence system that tracks leading business organisations’ Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) performance.
As a phenomenon-based researcher employing qualitative and action design research methods, Shan has investigated some of the most valuable digital transformation best practices derived from businesses, cities, remote villages, and government agencies during their rapid development over the last two decades. As an action design science researcher, he is particularly interested in designing digital technologies that address sustainability challenges. He frequently travels to developing economies to study the indigenous practices of information systems.
Shan has published extensively in prestigious journals, including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of the AIS, Information Systems Journal, European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, and Communications of the ACM. He serves on several editorial boards, notably Senior Editor for the Journal of the AIS and Strategic Information Systems. He was a member of the editorial boards for Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Journal, Information and Management, and the European Journal of Information Systems.
Shan received the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Fellow Award in 2022, recognizing his outstanding contributions to research, teaching and service in the information systems discipline.
In 2020, Shan received the inaugural AIS Impact Award for his research contributions. This award acknowledges his foundational work on digital enablement and his development of a knowledge-sharing platform used by over 100 educators to support remote teaching for children facing educational inequality in remote villages. Shan has been committed to creating scientific inventions, holding a patent for a knowledge-based system he invented. Moreover, he recently developed an intelligence system that monitors the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies of leading organizations, which is currently in the process of IP registration. Shan has been honoured with the AIS Technology VISION Award twice for his technological innovation leadership and contributions to the IS community in 2020 and 2021.
As a dedicated educator keen on advancing pedagogical innovations, Shan has received several awards for educational excellence, recognizing his pedagogical innovation and commitment to teaching excellence. In 2022, he was awarded the AIS COVID-19 Learning Action Award for inventing a mobile application designed to support rapid learning during the pandemic's onset. Additionally, his development of the Sandbox Method for Translational Research was recognized with the AACSB Innovations that Inspire Award in 2019.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
Research Grants
2024 - 2026 Chief Investigator. DFAT Koneksi Australia - Indonesia Research Collaborative Grants. $350,000
2023-2026. Chief Investigator. ARC Next-Gen Manufacturing ITTC Centre, Australian Research Council (ARC - IC220100030). $ 4,978,958
2023. PI. Bank of China (Dubai Branch). "ESG Development in UAE", Commissioned Report. $30,000
2023. PI. Mahidol University. "ESG Development and Opportunities in Thailand". Commissioned Report. $15,000
2021. PI. Institute of Analytics Professional Australia (IAPA). "Customer-Centric Digital Transformation and Future-Ready Workforce", Commissioned Report. $20,000
2020-2023. PI. GYC. "Sandbox Innovation", Technology Leasing. $100,000
2018. PI. "Future of Retail: Towards Loyalty Analytics Capability Building". Translational Research. $350,000
2019. PI. "Food Innovation Maturity Model". Translational Research, $209,000
2018. PI. "Blockchain Technology Research and Development". Translational Research, $50,000
Association For Information Systems
- 2022 AIS Fellow
Industry Engagement and Societal Impact Awards
2021 AIS Technology VISION Award, Association For Information Systems (AIS)
2021 Winner, NSW Innovation Districts COVID-19 Challenge (partnership with PeepsRide; Dr Veronica Jiang and Xinyue Zhang)
2020 AIS Impact Award, Association For Information Systems (AIS)
2020 AIS Technology VISION Award, Association For Information Systems (AIS)
Education Awards
2020 AIS COVID Learning Action Award, Association For Information Systems (AIS)
2019 Innovations that Inspire Award (AACSB)
2009 Annual Teaching Excellence Award Winner, National University of Singapore
2006 Faculty Excellent Teacher Award Winner, National University of Singapore
2006 Annual Excellent Teacher Award Winner, National University of Singapore
2004 Annual Excellent Teacher Award Winner, National University of Singapore
2003 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award Winner, National University of Singapore
Research Awards
2024 AIS SIG Sourcing Best Paper Award. Association For Information Systems (AIS)
2022 AIS SIGGreen Best Journal Paper for 2021. Association For Information Systems (AIS)
2021 SDG Research Impact Award, UNSW Business School
2021 Research Excellence Award, UNSW Business School
2017 Best Practice Track Paper Award in International Conference on Information Systems, Association For Information Systems (AIS)
2016 Nominated Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Information Systems, Association For Information Systems (AIS)
2016 Nominated Best European Research Paper of the Year Award, CIO CIty.com, Netherland
2011 Best Paper Runner-up, International Conference on Information Systems, Association For Information Systems (AIS)
2010 Best Paper Award, Honourable-Mention, J of Strategic IS
2010 Best Paper Award, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
2007 Best Paper Runner-Up, International Conference on Information Systems
2004 Best Paper Runner-Up. Americas Conference on Information Systems, Association For Information Systems
2001 Best Theme Runner Up, International Conference on Information Systems (2001), Association For Information Systems
As a phenomenon-based case researcher, Shan has contributed to the Information Systems community by studying and documenting contemporary digitally-enabled phenomena through his substantial fieldwork over the last two decades. He frequently travels to developing Asian economies, studying indigenous perspectives of information systems practices. His empirical work, published in various journal outlets, has documented some of the most valuable digital transformation experiences from Asian businesses, cities, remote villages, and government agencies in its rapid development over the last two decades.
Research Interests: Digital Sustainability; SDG and ESG; Climate Resilience