Dr Scott Brown

Dr Scott Brown

  • PhD Art, Design and Media (UNSW Sydney, Australia)
  • B Digital Media, Hons First Class (UNSW Sydney, Australia)
Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Art & Design

I am a Lecturer at UNSW Arts, Design and Architecture (ADA) using interactive technologies and human-centred design approaches to work with neurodiverse populations. Based in the School of Art & Design, I bring an interaction design and UX perspective to inclusive practices, co-design and assistive technology. My teaching and research examines creative implementations of embodied and sensory interaction and the value of accessible technology in eliciting social engagement between people. I’...

+61-2-9065 6094
Paddington Campus Cnr Oxford St & Greens Rd, Paddington, NSW 2021

My Research Supervision

  • Wei Wang, Will visual scaffolding with elaborated letterforms make a difference for dyslexic readers? An experimental research on font and reading difficulty, PhD