Dr Sara Ballouz
2013 - PhD, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute and the University of New South Wales, Sydney - Australia
2008 - BE Bioinformatics First Class Honours, University of New South Wales, Sydney – Australia
2008 - BSc Genetics, University of New South Wales, Sydney – Australia
My central scientific interest has been to understand the genetic architecture of disease. With data from the genome, transcriptome, epigenome and proteome increasing exponentially, robust tools and practices need to be established to analyse this deluge, in particular if to be applied to personalized medicine.
I obtained my PhD from the University of New South Wales and the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in 2013, working with Drs Merridee Wouters and Bruno Gaeta. I then moved to ...
- Publications
- Research Activities
- Teaching and Supervision
• Transcriptomics (single-cell and bulk)
• Co-expression
• X-linked disorders
• Sex differences in disease
• Meta-analysis
• Personalized medicine
My Research Supervision
Lachlan Gray - eXamining the role of the X chromosome in female autoimmune disease