Professor Sanjay Jha
Sanjay K. Jha is a full Professor at the School of Computer Science and Engineering since 2006. He is also the Director of Research and Innovation at the School of Computer Science and Engineering. He served as the Interim Director, Research Director and Chief Scientist of the UNSW Institute for Cybersecurity (IFCYBER). He holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia. Sanjay has published over 300 articles in high-quality journals and conferences. He is the principal author of the book Engineering Internet QoS and a co-editor of the book Wireless Sensor Networks: A Systems Perspective. He has been very active in attracting ARC Discovery and linkage grants, CRC and other industries. He leads UNSW's participation in the Cooperative Research Centre for Cyber Security (CSCRC).
His current research focuses on Cybersecurity. In particular, he is interested in research at the intersection of networking, both wired and wireless networking, and security. His research areas include:
- Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity
- Generative AI for Voice Cloning.
- Wired and Wireless Network Security
- Security of Mobile Devices, Body worn devices, and Internet of Things (IoT), Application security
Sanjay supervises a large number of graduate students (graduated 32 PhD candidates so far). He has worked as a consultant for major organisations such as Canon Research Lab (CISRA), DSTO, Lucent, Fujitsu and Mitsubishi. In his previous job, he was a Lecturer at the School of Computing Sciences, University of Technology (UTS), Sydney. He also worked as Systems Engineer at the National Informatics Centre, New Delhi. He was a visiting scholar at the Distributed Computing and Communications Laboratory, Computer Science Department, Columbia University and a visiting professor with IIT-Bombay. In 2016, he spent his sabbatical at Oxford University and IIT-Delhi. He was also been a visiting researcher with Fujitsu Australia Ltd, Sydney and CSIRO ICT Center, Australia.
He was an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC) and the IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) for five years and a member of the editorial advisory board of Wiley/ACM International Journal of Network Management. Sanjay also served on the editorial board of the ACM Computer and Communication Review journal. He was a Member-at-Large, the Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC), IEEE Computer Society for a number of years.
Sanjay served on program committees of several high-quality conferences: ACM WiSec 2014 and ACM CCS'2014/19, AsiaCCS'23, Codaspy20/21 security conferences. He Technical Program Committee Chair of WowMoM'2014, ICC'14 (vice chair), WPMC'14, LCN'04 and ATNAC'04. Sanjay was the General Chair of IEEE BuildSec'24, Local Org Chair of ACM Sigcomm'24, Industry Track chair of IEEE PST'24, ACM Sensys 2007 symposium, co-chair and general chair (founder) of the Ements-1 and Emnets-II workshops respectively. He also served on the steering committee of the ACM Sensys and Emnets. He is a senior member of IEEE and has been involved with IEEE Computer Chapter NSW, Australia as chair/secretary for number a of years.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
My Research Supervision
Nimesha Wickramasinghe ( joint with Dr Arash Shaghaghi)
Meghali Nandi ( with Dr Arash Shaghaghi)
Hassan Ali (joint with Prof Salil Kanhere)
Marium Malik (with Dr Jiaojiao Jiang and A/Prof Yang Song)
Wenbin Wang (joint with A/Prof Yang Song)
Jinho Go (joint with Dr Jiaojiao Jiang)
Zakia Zaman (with Prof Wen Hu)
Aryan Sharma (Joint with Prof Aruna Seneviratne)