Dr Samuel Camden Duckett White

Dr Samuel Camden Duckett White

Visiting Fellow
  • Doctorate of Philosophy (University of Adelaide)
  • Master of Laws (University of Adelaide)
  • Master of Laws (Hons I) (University of Melbourne)
  • Master of War Studies (University of New South Wales)
  • Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Laws (Hons) (University of Queensland)
UNSW Canberra
School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Dr Samuel White is the inaugural Adelaide Law School Cybersecurity Postdoctoral Research Fellow and currently holds positions as a Visiting Fellow at the Australian Defence Force Academy and as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of New England. He is Editor of the Adelaide Law Review and the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society. 

Samuel has served as both a Royal Australian Infantry Corps and an Australian Army Legal Corps officer in a var...


He has particular research interests in international and domestic military law, and its intersection with other branches of law - industrial relations and disputes, administrative law and judicial review, as well as international and domestic criminal law. He has published numerous books, book chapters and journal articles on these topics.

My Research Supervision

  • PhD - University of New England - Teferi Hailemichael - Constitutionalism in Ethiopia (Primary supervisor)
  • MPhil - University of New England - Gary Jones - Powers of Military Police Officers