Associate Professor Sally Nathan
2007 - 2013 PhD awarded in November 2013
1996 – 1999 Master of Public Health, University of New South Wales
1985 - 1988 Bachelor of Science (Psychology) with Honours, University of New South Wales
My research program as a public health social scientist is characterised by active partnerships with non-government organisations, including the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health (ACCH) Sector, to improve health equity and opportunities for young people, key groups and communities. New knowledge through this research is used to improve health equity through advocacy, health promotion, and changes to policy and service delivery. This commitment to equity is also reflected in convening o...
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Teaching and Supervision
2022-2025: NHMRC Ideas Grant $980K. Chief Investigator in grant led by Prof. Angela Dawson at UTS – Health in a New Home. This project will significantly advance knowledge in refugee health by conducting the first national population-based data linkage study and mixed methods research involving a cross-sectional survey with individuals and discussion-based participatory research with communities in NSW and Victoria, Australia.
2021-2024: Creating Chances (Social Enterprise) $240K. Lead Investigator undertaking the monitoring and evaluation of Creating Chances Positive Youth Development programs using sport in schools in https://creatingchances.org.au/
2017-2019: The Lowtija Institute. Career pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals, $254,351 over 2 years. Lead Investigator. Project is a partnership with other key academics from UNSW and Western Sydney University, as well as Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organistions and local area health districts in NSW, Australia. https://www.lowitja.org.au/page/research/research-categories/health-services-and-workforce/workforce/projects/career-path
2017-2018: UNSW Medicine funded Qualitative Network Hub to build qualitative research capacity at UNSW, $217,258 over 2 years. Dr Husna Razee, Dr Sally Nathan (SPHCM) and Professor Katherine Boydell (Black Dog Institute)
2015-2019: ARC Linkage LP140100429 funded in 2014; Positive life pathways for vulnerable adolescents: The role of a life management program approach. Investigators: Nathan Sally, Rawstorne Patrick, Hayen Andrew, Bryant Joanne, Baldry Eileen (UNSW Australia), Ferry Mark (Ted Noffs Foundation) and Dr Megan Williams (WSU/UTS); Budget: $477,323 over 3 years including $329,557.00 ARC and Partner Organisation cash funding and in-kind partner commitments of $147,766.00.
2012-2015: NHMRC Grant APP1043693 (Awarded 2012) . Scientific Title: Sexual and reproductive health and behaviours of young offenders (14-18 years) in NSW & Qld. Budget: $869,730 over 4 years led by Tony Butler at the Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity.
2009-2011: ARC Linkage LP0989930 funded three-year study: Social Cohesion through Football, Investigators; Nathan S, Evers C, Jackson-Pulver L, Henley R. A cohort impact study investigating the implementation of a football program over a three year period examining processes and impacts on individual health/wellbeing, social inclusion and cohesion in areas of Sydney with high humanitarian refugee settlement. $341,000 plus partner funds over 3 years.
2024 UNSW School of Population Health Excellence in HDR Mentoring
2020 Australian Therapeutic Communities Association Excellence in Research and Evaluation: Therapeutic Community Research award for ARC Linkage LP140100429, for contributions to the evidence-base for Therapeutic Communities for AOD treatment.
2019 UNSW Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence in Teaching
2018 School and Faculty Awards for Excellence in Higher Degree Research Student Supervision
2014 Dean's Rising Star Award: Significant Contributions to Research
2013 UNSW Faculty of Medicine, Young Investigator Prize
2010 UNSW Faculty of Medicine, Learning and Teaching Award, Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning
Nathan S, Evers C, Jackson-Pulver L, Henley R 2009 UNSW Staff Excellence Awards, Excellence in Community Engagement Group Award, Football United
Current Projects
2022-2025: NHMRC Ideas Grant $980K. Chief Investigator in grant led by Prof. Angela Dawson at UTS – Health in a New Home. This project will significantly advance knowledge in refugee health by conducting the first national population-based data linkage study and mixed methods research involving a cross-sectional survey with individuals and discussion-based participatory research with communities in NSW and Victoria, Australia.
2021-2024: Creating Chances (Social Enterprise) $240K. Lead Investigator undertaking the monitoring and evaluation of Creating Chances Positive Youth Development programs using sport in schools in NSW, Australia.
My Research Supervision
1) PhD, Primary - Exploration of supportive and/or protective factors relating to mental health and wellbeing for psychosocial workers working with Refugees, Asylum Seekers and displaced persons including mentoring, supervision and social support; 2) DrPH, Primary - Guiding principles for health policy evaluation in rural and remote Australia; 3) PhD, Primary - The Aboriginal experience of accessing Rheumatology services in a metropolitan hospital: a qualitative study; 4) PhD, Joint Primary - Evaluating the Implementation of Integrated Care for Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Recovery; 5) PhD, Co-supervisor - Co-designing peer navigation to support victim-survivors of domestic, family, and sexual violence; 6) MPhil, Primary - Staff experiences of implementation and working in drive-through COVID-19 screening clinics in a NSW Local Health District - a qualitative study
Previous research student supervision:
DrPH, Primary Supervisor (Joint) - Examining performance measurement in the NGO drug and alcohol treatment sector awarded in 2023; DrPH, Primary Supervisor - examining teaching Aboriginal health and well being to post graduate public health students awarded in 2023; PhD, Co-Supervisor of student at UTS examining health data linked to records of adolescents who have attended drug and alcohol residential treatment awarded in 2023; PhD, Primary Supervisor - examining experiences and attitudes to couples HIV testing and counselling in Ethiopia awarded in 2021; PhD, Primary Supervisor - examining young adults life experiences following involvement with Football United awarded in 2021; MRes, Co-supervisor, The case of the SugaMama proof of concept. Barriers to translation into practice of an mHealth system in an Australian public health context awarded in 2019; DrPH, Primary Supervisor, examining health systems strengthening in Papua New Guinea awarded in 2018; MPhil, Primary Supervisor, examining the lived experiences of fathers of boys diagnosed with Duchenne 's Muscular Dystrophy awarded in 2018; Master by Research, Primary Supervisor - Factors contributing to non-occupational falls from ladders in men 50 years and over awarded in 2017; PhD, Co-Supervisor: The role of peer educators in promoting quality use of medicines among seniors, awarded in 2008.
Numerous Medicine ILPs and Honours and Master Research Projects including as part of research on Creating Chances, Sport for Positive Youth Development; Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Treatment; Seuxal health; Medical Education.
My Teaching
Sally is the Co-Convenor of Foundations in Public Health and Health Systems, Qualitative Research Methods and Community Development in the postgraduate programs in the School of Population Health Sally has been recognised for her excellence in teaching with consistently high student ratings of her teaching and as a recipient of the following awards:
2019 UNSW Vice Chancellors Award for Excellence in Teaching
2010 UNSW Faculty of Medicine, Learning and Teaching Award, Outstanding Contribution to Student Learning