Dr Sagar Shirsath
Visiting Fellow
School of Materials Science & Engineering
Professional Experience:
- Visiting Fellow, School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW), July 2019 - Till date
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales (UNSW), July 2017 - July 2019
- Lecturer, Vivekanand College, Aurangabad, MS, India, April 2014 - July2017, July 2019 - Till date
- JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan, April 2012 - April 2014
- Lecturer, Vivekanand College, Aurangabad, MS, India, March 2006 - April 2012
Research Contribution:
My research field is mainly focused on magnetism and magnetic materials; ferroelectrics, and extending my research area to spintronics, multi-walled carbon nano-tubes and multiferroics. Published more than 200 research papers in international peer reviewed journals and also a reviewer of more than 50 research journals. I am also working as an editorial board member of 6 international peer reviewed journals.
Honours, Awards and Memberships:
- Listed in the ranking of scientists of 2% by Stanford University, USA
- JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
- Member of Magnetic Society of Japan
- Member of Indian Science Congress
- Member of Indian Physics Association
Research Funding:
- UGC-CSR DAE, Mumbai, India, 'Magnetic structure of monodispersed FePt nanoparticles by neutron scattering', 2016 - Present.
- Japan Society for the the Promotion of Science, Japan, ‘Study of self-assembled ferrite nano-dot for high density patterned recording media’, 2012-2014.
- University Grants Commission, India, 'Magnetic ordering and hyperfine interactions in magnetic semiconducting nanoparticles', 2011 - 2016
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, IF: 2.9 (Publisher: Elsevier)
- Nanomaterials, IF: 5.07 (Publisher: MDPI)
- Sustainability, IF: 3.89 (Publisher: MDPI)
- Nano, IF: 1.56 (Publisher: World Scientific)
- Electrochemistry, IF: 5.22 (Publisher: Frontiers)
Selected Publications:
Click here for all publications
- Sagar E. Shirsath, M. Hussein N. Assadi, Ji Zhang, Nitish Kumar, Anil S. Gaikwad, Jack Yang, Helen E. Maynard-Casely, Yee Yan Tay, Jianhao Du, Haoyu Wang, Yin Yao, Zibin Chen, Jinxing Zhang, Shujun Zhang, Sean Li, Danyang Wang, Interface-Driven Multiferroicity in Cubic BaTiO3-SrTiO3 Nanocomposites, ACS Nano 16, (2022) 15413–15424, doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.2c07215
- Sagar E. Shirsath, Claudio Cazorla, Teng Lu, Le Zhang, Yee Yan Tay, Xiaojie Lou, Yun Liu, Sean Li, Danyang Wang, Interface-Charge Induced Giant Electrocaloric Effect in Lead Free Ferroelectric Thin-Film Bilayers, Nano Letters 20 (2020) 1262-1271
- Sagar E. Shirsath, Danyang Wang, Ji Zhang, Akimitsu Morisako, Sean Li, and Xiaoxi Liu, Single-Crystal-like Textured Growth of CoFe2O4 Thin Film on an Amorphous Substrate: A Self-Bilayer Approach, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater, 2 (2020) 3650-3657.
- Sagar E Shirsath, R H Kadam, K M Batoo, Danyang Wang, Sean Li, Co–Al-substituted strontium hexaferrite for rare earth free permanent magnet and microwave absorber application, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 024001 (10pp).
- Sagar E. Shirsath, Xiaoxi Liu, M.H.N. Assadi, Adnan Younis, Yukiko Yasukawa, Sumanta Kumar Karan, Ji Zhang, Jeonghun Kim, Danyang Wang, Akimitsu Morisako, Yusuke Yamauchi, Sean Li, Au quantum-dots engineered room temperature crystallization and magnetic anisotropy in CoFe2O4 thin film, Nanoscale Horizons, 4, (2019) 434-444, doi: 10.1039/C8NH00278A
- Sagar E. Shirsath, Xiaoxi Liu, Yukiko Yasukawa, Sean Li, Akimitsu Morisako, Switching of magnetic easy-axis using crystal orientation for large perpendicular coercivity in CoFe2O4 thin film, Scientific Reports, 6, 30074 (2016).
- Yukiko Yasukawa, Xiaoxi Liu, Sagar Shirsath, Hisayuki Suematsu, Yukio Kotaki, Yoshihiro Nemoto, Masaki Takeguchi, Akimitsu Morisako, Control of the spatial distribution and crystal orientation of self-organized Au nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, 27, 385605 (2016).
- Sagar E. Shirsath, Yukiko Yasukawa, Ali Ghasemi, Xiaoxi Liu, and Akimitsu Morisako, Bi2O3 liquid phase assisted and Mn substituted permeability and magnetic properties of Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite for MLCI application, J. Appl. Phys. 115 (2014) 17A515.
- Sagar E. Shirsath, Mahesh L. Mane, Yukiko Yasukawa, Xiaoxi Liu and Akimitsu Morisako, Self-ignited high temperature synthesis and enhanced super-exchange interactions of Ho3+-Mn2+-Fe3+-O2- ferromagnetic nanoparticles, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 2347 (2014).
- Sagar E. Shirsath, R. H. Kadam, S. M. Patange, M. L. Mane, Ali Ghasemi, Akimitsu Morisako, Enhanced magnetic properties of Dy3+ substituted Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite nanoparticles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 042407 (2012).
- Sagar E. Shirsath, Santosh S. Jadhav, B. G. Toksha, S. M. Patange, and K. M. Jadhav, Remarkable influence of Ce4+ ions on the electronic conduction of Ni1-2xCexFe2O4, Scripta Materialia 64, 773 (2011).
- B. G. Toksha, Sagar E. Shirsath, M. L. Mane, S. M. Patange, S. S. Jadhav, K. M. Jadhav, Auto-combustion high-temperature synthesis, structural and magnetic properties of CoCrxFe2-xO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0), J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 20905 (2011).
+61 (0)2 9385 4923
Room 321,
School of Materials Science and Engineering,
E 10, Hilmer Building,
University of New South Wales,
Sydney NSW 2052.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision