Emeritus Professor Roger Simnett

Emeritus Professor Roger Simnett

Emeritus Professor
Business School
School of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation

Professor Roger Simnett

Professor of Accounting, Scientia Professor

School of Accounting - MEc, Monash | PhD, UNSW |  AO FCPA

About Roger

Roger Simnett is an Emeritus Professor at UNSW Sydney and a Professorial Research Fellow and Research Director at the Deakin Integrated Reporting Centre at Deakin University. He has over 25 years background in international standard setting, including being a member of the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (2002-2005, 2019-2021), an...

+61 2 9385 5825
Room 3052, Quadrangle building – Ref E15

My Research Supervision

PhD continuing 

  • Adam S., Social Investments and Integrated Reporting (2012-current)
        Supervisors: Professor R Simnett (primary supervisor) & Professor K. Trotman (co-supervisor)   
  • Hoang H., Integrated Assurance(2013-current)
        Supervisors: Professor R Simnett (primary supervisor) & Professor K. Trotman (co-supervisor)  
  • Prasad A., Title to be determined (2012-current)
        Supervisors: Professor R Simnett (joint supervisor) & A/Professor E Carson (joint supervisor)  
  • Yang J., Title to be determined (2014-current)
        Supervisors: Professor R Simnett (joint supervisor) & A/Professor E Carson (joint supervisor)

MCom / MPhil (Hons) continuing

  • Fu D., Behind the Transparency Report: Examining the Influence of the Partner Remuneration Schemes on Audit Quality (current)
        Supervisors: Professor R Simnett & Professor E Carson

My Teaching

Professor Simnett is proficient in teaching any aspect of an auditing or assurance, corporate governance or financial accounting related course. In both 1992 and 1995, he was nominated by the School of Accounting and the Faculty of Commerce and Economics for the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence.

Some highlights of Professor Simnett’s teaching include:

  • Teaching evaluations consistently well above School and University average.
  • Development of a number of new subjects, including in the area of assurance services and auditing, corporate governance, with recent involvement in the development of assurance of greenhouse gas reporting course.
  • Course evaluations well above average. Last two years of course rating have scored an average score of 6 out of 6, for overall rating of presenter.
  • Twice evaluated as outstanding instructor Australia-wide for Australian Graduate School of Management- EMBA, Introductory Accounting.
  • Co-ordinating teaching and supervisory seminars for the School
  • Text book co-author (with Grant Gay), of Auditing & Assurance Services, McGraw-Hill, with textbook being the leading seller in Australia, as well as writer of support teaching information, and a number of case studies.
  • External PhD examiner for theses submitted at many institutions including: The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Griffith University; The University of Western Australia; Sydney University; University of Technology, Sydney; Edith Cowan University; University of Melbourne.