Associate Professor Rebecca Collie

Associate Professor Rebecca Collie

Scientia Fellow (Level D)

BEd (Hons) (University of Melbourne), MA (University of British Columbia), PhD (University of British Columbia)

Arts, Design & Architecture (ADA)
School of Education

I am a Scientia Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the UNSW School of Education. I conduct research in the areas of motivation, wellbeing, and social-emotional development using quantitative research methods. My research also encompasses related factors such as adaptability, engagement, interpersonal relationships, and achievement. I examine predictors and outcomes of these different factors among children, youth, and adults in educational settings. Broadly speaking, my resear...

+61 2 9065 2218
Goodsell Building

2023: Outstanding Reviewer Award for Learning and Instruction, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)

2023: Ranked Top 10 of most productive female educational psychology researchers in the world in the 5-yearly International Rankings of Top-Producing Female Educational Psychology Researchers (Source: Griffin et al., Educational Psychology Review, 2023)

2023: Featured in Stanford’s List of Most Cited Researchers (Top 2%) in 2022 – Globally and in Primary Discipline (Education)

2022: Ranked Top 25 of all researchers in 5-yearly International Rankings of the Most Published Educational Psychologists (Source: Fong et al., Educational Psychology Review, 2022)

2022: Ranked Top 5 of early career researchers in 5-yearly International Rankings of the Most Published Educational Psychologists (Source: Fong et al., Educational Psychology Review, 2022)

2022: Featured in Stanford’s List of Most Cited Researchers (Top 2%) in 2021 – Globally and in Primary Discipline (Education)

2021: Richard E. Snow Award for Early Career Research Contributions, American Psychological Association Division 15 (Educational Psychology)

2021: Supervisor Award, Postgraduate Council, University of New South Wales

2021: Featured in “Educational Psychology Early Career Award Winners: How Did They Do It?” (Source: Kiewra et al., Educational Psychology Review, 2021)

2021: Featured in Stanford’s List of Most Cited Researchers (Top 2%) in 2020 – Globally and in Primary Discipline (Education)

2021: Rising Star of Research in “Educational Psychology and Counselling” - Listed as a Top 40 early career researcher in The Australian newspaper’s Research Magazine 2021

2020: Australian Research Council DECRA (Discovery Early Career Researcher Award)

2020: Outstanding Early Career Scholar, American Educational Research Association Division C (Learning and Instruction)

2018: Young Scientist Award, International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development

2018: Supervisor Award, Postgraduate Council, University of New South Wales

2016: American Educational Research Journal Outstanding Reviewer, American Educational Research Association

2016: Supervisor Award, Postgraduate Council, University of New South Wales

2011-2014: Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

2010-2014: Four-Year PhD Fellowship, University of British Columbia

2013: Dean of Education Scholarship, University of British Columbia

2013: Donald and Ellen Poulter Scholarship, University of British Columbia

2005-2006: Dean’s Honours Award for Academic Excellence, University of Melbourne

Examples of research projects I am currently conducting include:

  • Teachers' motivation and wellbeing
  • The role of motivation in social and emotional development among children
  • Academic resilience among female students
  • Academic success among migrant students

Professional Society Memberships: 

  • Australian Association for Research in Education
  • American Educational Research Association, Division C (Learning & Instruction), Motivation SIG
  • American Psychological Association, Division 15 (Educational Psychology)
  • European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction, Motivation and Emotion SIG
  • British Educational Research Association
  • International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development

My Research Supervision

Some current/recent topics examined by students I supervise include:

  • Teachers' workplace experiences and links with their engagement and wellbeing
  • Students' goal setting and adaptability
  • Students' academic effort and links with achievement
  • Social-emotional motivation and links with students' wellbeing
  • The academic transition to high school and post-school