Ms Qinglu Cheng

Ms Qinglu Cheng

Research Fellow

MSc, PhD

Medicine & Health
The Kirby Institute

Qinglu Cheng is a Research Fellow at the Surveillance Evaluation & Research Programs at the Kirby Institute. She completed her PhD in 2019 at Queensland University of Technology. She currently works on projects under the Centre for Research Excellence on the implementation of point of care testing for infectious diseases.

+61 (2) 9385 0550
  • Journal articles | 2025
    Cheng Q; Fattah RA; Susilo D; Satrya A; Haemmerli M; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Thabrany H; Asante A; Wiseman V, 2025, 'Determinants of healthcare utilization under the Indonesian national health insurance system – a cross-sectional study', BMC Health Services Research, 25,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cheng Q; Hoad VC; Bentley P; Harley R; Schenberg K; Wiseman V, 2024, 'Optimal malarial screening strategy in Australian blood donors: A cost-effectiveness analysis', Vox Sanguinis, 119, pp. 936 - 944,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Cheng Q; Valerio H; Cunningham EB; Shih STF; Silk D; Conway A; Treloar C; Murray C; Henderson C; Amin J; Read P; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Bath N; Milat A; Dunlop A; Holden J; Leadbeatter K; Day E; Habraken N; Dawson O; Degenhardt L; Scott C; Tillakeratne S; Marks P; Jayasinghe I; Martinez M; Reid H; Gleeson V; Van Dyk J; Mercade GE; Marshall AD; Obeid S; Wheeler A; Hooshyar SH; Catlett B; Verich A; Erratt A; Wheeler A; Ezard N; Reid D; Gorton C; Hayllar J; Lam T; Datta P; Wade A; Spruce S; Cock V; Cornwell M; Zohrab K; Christmass M; Connelly C; Cooper A; Montebello M; Cherry R; Dyer J; Arawal S; Press E; Horasak N; Lewis R; Carthew A; Morris D; Donohue K; Griffiths K; Lana JD; Shin S; Graf C; Hampson A; Qian S; Brown D; Lautier A; Curran C; Burns C; Raidu R; Stolzenhein K; Brabender W; Somes K; Abram N; Turne R; Larter S; Goodberg F; Luksza J; Hall M; Hazelwood S; Ismay C; McClurg B; Mincham C; Barlow K; Hoskins A; Salisbury K; Markham J; Talmet J; Dunn S; Mitchell A; McKinnon A; Smyth F; Snell L; Laing E; Clark M; Dorigo J, 2024, 'Health-Related Quality of Life of People Who Inject Drugs: The Enhancing Treatment of Hepatitis C in Opioid Substitution Settings Engage Study', Value in Health, 27, pp. 216 - 225,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Asante A; Cheng Q; Susilo D; Satrya A; Haemmerli M; Fattah RA; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Thabrany H; Wiseman V, 2023, 'The benefits and burden of health financing in Indonesia: analyses of nationally representative cross-sectional data', The Lancet Global Health, 11, pp. e770 - e780,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cheng Q; Bajis S; Cunningham E; Shih STF; Schulz M; Marshall AD; Martin NK; Miners A; Hajarizadeh B; Wiseman V; Dore GJ; Grebely J, 2023, 'Health-related quality of life among people who inject drugs in Australia', Quality of Life Research, 32, pp. 3195 - 3207,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cheng Q; Cunningham EB; Shih S; Amin J; Bruneau J; Artenie AA; Powis J; Litwin AH; Cooper C; Dalgard O; Hellard M; Bruggmann P; Marks P; Lacombe K; Stedman C; Read P; Hajarizadeh B; Dunlop AJ; Conway B; Feld JJ; Dore GJ; Grebely J; Dore G; Crawford S; Swan T; Byrne J; Coordinating Centre—Amanda Erratt ML; Marks P; Shaw I; Siriragavan S; Quiene S; Petoumenos K; Schmid P; Castro E; Moriggia A; Daulouede JP; Fraser C; Feld J; Gane E; Matthews G; Kronborg I; Shaw D; Norton B; Thurnheer MC; Weltman M; Dillon J; Kessler S; Knapp C; Oprandi L; Messina P; Pantic M; Le Cam M; Maitre C; Andreassen J; Melkeraaen I; Tollefsen MM; Pagarigan H; Milne R; Mason K; Kaznowski D; Zou L; Bouchard R; Kotsoros B; Muir M; Milloy J; Oliver V; Noonan T; Sevehon A; Hazelwood S; Hall M; Hagenauer M; Liddle R; Ferguson C; Agyemang L; Patel H; Soloway I; Cerocchi O; Lacalamita M; Fragomeli V; Gilliver R; Lothian R; Cleary S; Johnston L; Middleton S; D'Amico R; McGovern B; Anderson J; Zhong Z; Keane F; Tatsch F; Brainard D; McHutchison J, 2023, 'Patient-Reported Outcomes During and After Hepatitis C Virus Direct-Acting Antiviral Treatment Among People Who Inject Drugs', Value in Health, 26, pp. 883 - 892,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cheng Q; Dang T; Nguyen TA; Velen K; Nguyen VN; Nguyen BH; Vu DH; Long CH; Do TT; Vu TM; Marks GB; Yapa M; Fox GJ; Wiseman V, 2023, 'MHealth application for improving treatment outcomes for patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Vietnam: An economic evaluation protocol for the V-SMART trial', BMJ Open, 13,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cheng Q; Hoad VC; Roy Choudhury A; Seed CR; Bentley P; Shih STF; Kwon JA; Gray RT; Wiseman V, 2023, 'Removing hepatitis C antibody testing for Australian blood donations: A cost-effectiveness analysis', Vox Sanguinis, 118, pp. 471 - 479,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cheng Q; Poynten IM; Jin F; Grulich A; Ong JJ; Hillman RJ; Hruby G; Howard K; Newall A; Boettiger DC, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of screening and treating anal pre-cancerous lesions among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men living with HIV', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 32,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Cheng Q; Poynten IM; Jin F; Grulich A; Ong JJ; Hillman RJ; Hruby G; Howard K; Newall AT; Boettiger DC, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of treating serendipitously diagnosed anal pre-cancerous lesions among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men living with HIV', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 37,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Fattah RA; Cheng Q; Thabrany H; Susilo D; Satrya A; Haemmerli M; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Gilson L; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Asante A; Wiseman V, 2023, 'Incidence of catastrophic health spending in Indonesia: insights from a Household Panel Study 2018–2019', International Journal for Equity in Health, 22,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Hoad V; Cheng Q; Bentley P; Seed C; Harley R; Wiseman V; Gosbell I; Schenberg K, 2023, 'Optimizing Donor Malaria Management in Australia Using a Risk and Cost Effectiveness Analysis', TRANSFUSION, 63, pp. 131A - 132A,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon JA; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, 2023, 'Optimizing point-of-care testing strategies for diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in Australia: a model-based cost-effectiveness analysis', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 36,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Zhang Y; Carter HE; Lazzarini PA; Cramb S; Pacella R; van Netten JJ; Cheng Q; Derhy PH; Kinnear EM; McPhail SM, 2023, 'Cost-effectiveness of guideline-based care provision for patients with diabetes-related foot ulcers: A modelled analysis using discrete event simulation', Diabetic Medicine, 40,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Cheng Q; Asante A; Susilo D; Satrya A; Man N; Fattah RA; Haemmerli M; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Gilson L; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Thabrany H; Wiseman V, 2022, 'Equity of health financing in Indonesia: A 5-year financing incidence analysis (2015–2019)', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 21,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Haemmerli M; Asante A; Susilo D; Satrya A; Fattah RA; Cheng Q; Kosen S; Novitasari D; Puteri GC; Adawiyah E; Hayen A; Gilson L; Mills A; Tangcharoensathien V; Jan S; Thabrany H; Wiseman V, 2022, 'Using measures of quality of care to assess equity in health care funding for primary care: analysis of Indonesian household data', BMC Health Services Research, 22,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Jadambaa A; Graves N; Cross D; Pacella R; Thomas HJ; Scott JG; Cheng Q; Brain D, 2022, 'Economic Evaluation of an Intervention Designed to Reduce Bullying in Australian Schools', Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 20, pp. 79 - 89,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Zhang Y; Cramb S; McPhail SM; Pacella R; van Netten JJ; Cheng Q; Derhy PH; Kinnear EM; Lazzarini PA, 2022, 'Multiple factors predict longer and shorter time-to-ulcer-free in people with diabetes-related foot ulcers: Survival analyses of a large prospective cohort followed-up for 24-months', Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 185,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhang Y; Carter H; Lazzarini P; Cramb S; Pacella R; Netten JV; Cheng Q; Derhy P; Kinnear E; McPhail S, 2021, '1505Cost-effectiveness of guideline-based care for diabetes-related foot ulcers: using discrete event simulation in economic evaluation', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhang Y; Cramb S; McPhail S; Pacella R; van Netten J; Cheng Q; Derhy P; Kinnear E; Lazzarini P, 2021, '1506Flexible parametric survival models investigating factors associated with diabetes-related foot ulcer time-to-healing', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhang Y; Cramb S; McPhail SM; Pacella R; van Netten JJ; Cheng Q; Derhy PH; Kinnear EM; Lazzarini PA, 2021, 'Factors associated with healing of diabetes-related foot ulcers: Observations from a large prospective real-world cohort', Diabetes Care, 44, pp. e143 - e145,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Zhang Y; van Netten JJ; Baba M; Cheng Q; Pacella R; McPhail SM; Cramb S; Lazzarini PA, 2021, 'Diabetes-related foot disease in Australia: a systematic review of the prevalence and incidence of risk factors, disease and amputation in Australian populations', Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 14,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Barnsbee L; Cheng Q; Tulleners R; Lee X; Brain D; Pacella R, 2019, 'Measuring costs and quality of life for venous leg ulcers', International Wound Journal, 16, pp. 112 - 121,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Brain D; Tulleners R; Lee X; Cheng Q; Graves N; Pacella R, 2019, 'Cost-effectiveness analysis of an innovative model of care for chronic wounds patients', PLoS ONE, 14,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Cheng Q; Kularatna S; Lee XJ; Graves N; Pacella RE, 2019, 'Comparison of EQ-5D-5L and SPVU-5D for measuring quality of life in patients with venous leg ulcers in an Australian setting', Quality of Life Research, 28, pp. 1903 - 1911,
    Journal articles | 2019
    McCosker L; Tulleners R; Cheng Q; Rohmer S; Pacella T; Graves N; Pacella R, 2019, 'Chronic wounds in Australia: A systematic review of key epidemiological and clinical parameters', International Wound Journal, 16, pp. 84 - 95,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Pacella RE; Tulleners R; McCosker L; Cheng Q; Harding K; Edwards H; Yelland S; Dyer A; McGuiness W; Graves N, 2019, 'Reimbursement for the cost of compression therapy for the management of venous leg ulcers in Australia', International Wound Journal, 16, pp. 1069 - 1072,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Tulleners R; Brain D; Lee X; Cheng Q; Graves N; Pacella RE, 2019, 'Health benefits of an innovative model of care for chronic wounds patients in Queensland', International Wound Journal, 16, pp. 334 - 342,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cheng Q; Gibb M; Graves N; Finlayson K; Pacella RE, 2018, 'Cost-effectiveness analysis of guideline-based optimal care for venous leg ulcers in Australia', BMC Health Services Research, 18,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cheng Q; Graves N; Pacella RE, 2018, 'Comparison of EQ-5D-5L and SPVU-5D for Measuring Quality of Life Among Patients with Venous Leg Ulcers', Value in Health, 21, pp. S91 - S91,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cheng Q; Graves N; Pacella RE, 2018, 'Economic Evaluations of Guideline-Based Care for Chronic Wounds: a Systematic Review', Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 16, pp. 633 - 651,
    Journal articles | 2018
    Cheng Q; Kinner SA; Lee XJ; Snow KJ; Graves N, 2018, 'Cost-utility analysis of low-intensity case management to increase contact with health services among ex-prisoners in Australia', BMJ Open, 8,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Cheng Q; Lazzarini PA; Gibb M; Derhy PH; Kinnear EM; Burn E; Graves N; Norman RE, 2017, 'A cost-effectiveness analysis of optimal care for diabetic foot ulcers in Australia', International Wound Journal, 14, pp. 616 - 628,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Mathews B; Bromfield L; Walsh K; Cheng Q; Norman RE, 2017, 'Reports of child sexual abuse of boys and girls: Longitudinal trends over a 20-year period in Victoria, Australia', Child Abuse and Neglect, 66, pp. 9 - 22,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Cheng Q; Church J; Haas M; Goodall S; Sangster J; Furber S, 2016, 'Cost-effectiveness of a Population-based Lifestyle Intervention to Promote Healthy Weight and Physical Activity in Non-attenders of Cardiac Rehabilitation', Heart Lung and Circulation, 25, pp. 265 - 274,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Cheng Q; Greenslade JH; Parsonage WA; Barnett AG; Merollini K; Graves N; Peacock WF; Cullen L, 2016, 'Change to costs and lengths of stay in the emergency department and the Brisbane protocol: An observational study', BMJ Open, 6,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Graves N; Wloch C; Wilson J; Barnett A; Sutton A; Cooper N; Merollini K; McCreanor V; Cheng Q; Burn E; Lamagni T; Charlett A, 2016, 'A cost-effectiveness modelling study of strategies to reduce risk of infection following primary hip replacement based on a systematic review', Health Technology Assessment, 20, pp. 1 - 144,
    Journal articles | 2016
    Norman RE; Gibb M; Dyer A; Prentice J; Yelland S; Cheng Q; Lazzarini PA; Carville K; Innes-Walker K; Finlayson K; Edwards H; Burn E; Graves N, 2016, 'Improved wound management at lower cost: A sensible goal for Australia', International Wound Journal, 13, pp. 303 - 316,
    Journal articles | 2015
    Cheng Q; Church J; Haas M; Goodall S; Sangster J; Furber S, 2015, 'Cost-effectiveness of a Population-based Lifestyle Intervention to Promote Healthy Weight and Physical Activity in Non-attenders of Cardiac Rehabilitation', Heart Lung and Circulation,
  • Preprints |
    Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon J; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,
    Preprints |
    Shih STF; Cheng Q; Carson J; Valerio H; Sheehan Y; Gray RT; Cunningham EB; Kwon J; Lloyd AR; Dore GJ; Wiseman V; Grebely J, Optimizing Point-of-Care Testing Strategies for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Australia: A Model-Based Cost-Effectiveness Analysis,