Professor Pauline Grosjean
2006 Ph.D Economics, Toulouse School of Economics
Advisor: P. Seabright. Committee: T. Besley, E. Auriol, J.P. Azam, A. Thomas.
2003 Toulouse School of Economics, M. Phil, Economics. With distinction.
2001 Agrégation in Economics.
2001 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan. MA, Economics and MA, Finance.
1998 BA, Economics, University Paris X. BA, History, University Paris X.
Pauline Grosjean is a Professor in the School of Economics at UNSW,a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, and a Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Previously at the University of San Francisco and the University of California at Berkeley, she has also worked as an Economist at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. She completed her PhD in economics at Toulouse School in Economics in 2006 after graduating from the Ecole Normale S...
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
2020 Fellowship of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia.
2019 Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (2019-2023) (AUD 998,000).
2018 Excellence in Refereeing Award, American Economic Review.
2018 Excellence in Refereeing Award, Journal of the European Economic Association.
2018 Scientia Fellowship (4 years fellowship with AUD 40,000 annual research budget).
2017 Centre for Social Impact (AUD 9,969) “Child human capital investment: a field experiment with new data technology”.
2016 Australia Research Council Discovery Grant (AUD 592,000 – 4 years funding) “On the origins and persistence of gender: Combining evolutionary and economic approaches to study sex differences and cultural variation”, with Rob Brooks (UNSW) and Paul Seabright (IAST, Toulouse School of Economics).
2015 Rising Star Award. Nominated as 1 of the 20 “research leaders” of UNSW.
2015 UNSW Business School Grant (AUD 22,855) “The roles of gender and economic inequalities in the post Arab Spring Islamic Revival: experimental and survey evidence from Tunisia”.
2014 Excellence in Refereeing Award, Journal of the European Economic Association.
2013 Australian School of Business Grant (AUD 24,000) "Beyond local development: the role of local institutions building in fostering trust and cooperation: evidence from the Solomon Islands".
2013 World Bank (USD 86,000) support for evaluation of the Rural Development Project in the Solomon Islands.
2012 Research Achievement Award – Australian School of Business.
2012 Australian School of Business Grant, AUD 9000.
2011 US Department of State Title VIII Research Award (USD 20,000): “The Co-Evolution of Trust and Institutions: Evidence from the Balkans”.
2010 US Department of State Title VIII Research Award (USD 18,750): “Violence, and Socio-Economic Preferences: An Empirical Investigation in Tajikistan and Kosovo”.
2007 Ciriacy-Wantrup Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Natural Resources Economics and Political Economy - University of California at Berkeley (2 years).
2004 China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development – USD 80,000 for evaluation of the Sloping Land Conversion Program.
2004 Marie Curie Research Fellowship of the European Commission (9 months)
2003 Doctoral Scholarship (3 years), French Government.
1998 Scholarship for Ecole Normale Supérieure (4 years).