Professor Pallab Kumar Maulik
M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc.
Pallab Maulik leads the Research department at The George Institute for Global Health, India. He trained as a psychiatrist at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, received training in public health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, as well as Johns Hopkins School of Public Health where he pursued his Masters and Doctoral training. He brings a wealth of experience to the Institute, with an expertise in mental health.
Dr. Maulik has worked with the World Health Organisation (WHO), Geneva on Project Atlas and other mental health programs, and clinically as a psychiatrist in India and Australia.
His particular research interests include social determinants of health, especially mental health services, mental disorders, international mental health, and intellectual disability.
He is an Intermediate Career Wellcome Trust/DBT India Alliance Fellow and is leading a program called SMART Mental Health, which is on provision of mobile-based affordable evidence based mental health services in rural India.
His research focus is in global mental health with specific focus on LMICs, stigma in mental health, mental health services, translational research, intellectual disability, using technology to enhance mental health services delivery.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- PI on MRC grant (MR/S023224/1) - Adolescents' Resilience and Treatment nEeds for Mental health in Indian Slums (ARTEMIS)
- CoI on ICMR grant (2019-0531) - MentAl Health Risk Factors among Older AdolesceNts living in Urban SluMs: An InTervention to Improve ResIlience (ANUMATI)
- PI on Arting Health for Impact – Public Engagement Award
- PI on WT/DBT India Alliance – Public Engagement Award
- Co-I on MRC grant (MR/R023697/1) - Indigo (International study of discrimination and stigma outcomes)
- CoPI on NHMRC grant (APP1143911) - Systematic Medical Appraisal, Referral and Treatment for Common Mental Disorders in India - SMART Mental Health
- Co-I on NIHR grant (GHR Group 16/137/16) - Developing a Global Health Research Group for Stroke
- Co-I on NIH grant (U19MH113211-01) - ESSENCE - Enabling translation of Science to Service to ENhance Depression CarE
- PI on Navajbhai Ratan Tata Trust fund - Evaluation of Urban Mental Health Project by Iswar Sankalpa
- PI on WT/DBT Event support – Practical Research 2014.
- PI on a Grand Challenges Canada Project (0524-01-10) – Systematic Medical Appraisal Referral and Treatment (SMART) Mental Health Programme for rural India.
- PI on a WT-DBT Fellowship (IA/I/13/1/500879) – Innovative Prvision of Primary Mental Health Care in India: The Systematic Medical Appraisal Referral and Treatment (SMART) Mental Health Programme.
- PI on a ICMR funded seminar (7/641/13-Seminars) – Practical Research 2013.
- Co-I on a NIMH grant (1R01MH100332-01) – Integrating depression care for ACS patients in low-resource hospitals in China.
- Co-I on a NHMRC grant (APP1040147) - A smartphone-based clinical decision support system for primary health care workers in rural India.
- Co-I on a NHMRC grant (APP1040152) - Randomised controlled trial of early use of a simplified treatment regimen incorporating a half-dose, three-in-one blood pressure lowering pill vs. usual care for improving hypertension control in India.
- Co-I on a NHMRC grant (APP1040179) - Developing, implementing and evaluating national salt reduction programs.
- Co-I on a NHMRC grant (APP1040030) - Improving the control of hypertension in rural India: Overcoming barriers to diagnosis and effective treatment.
- Co-I on a NHMRC grant - Family-Led Rehabilitation after Stroke in India – the ATTEND Trial
Focused on technology enabled mental health services delivery, stigma, intellectual disability, alcohol and substance use
My Research Supervision
1. PhD student - completed one student in Community opthalmology
2. PhD student - ongoing supervision of one student in adolescent mental health