Associate Professor Mohammed Razzaque

Associate Professor Mohammed Razzaque

Adjunct Associate Professor

I  obtained my PhD from the School of Marketing, University of New South Wales. I also have MBA from Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, and a BSc (Engineering) from East Pakistan University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka (1968). I also have an Advanced Diploma in Business Consultancy from RVB, The Netherlands.

Business School
School of Marketing

My research interests include Cross-cultural Marketing, Islamic Marketing, Social Marketing, distribution, and channel management as well as Marketing Education.

ASB Profile:


Room 3017, Quadrangle building

  1. Awarded “Bill Birkett Award for Teaching Excellence” in 2007
  2. Awarded “Vice Chancellor’s Award for Teaching Excellence” in 2008
  3. Awarded ALTC Citation, July 2009 (National Award)


I have conducted research on various aspects of marketing and authored/co-authored many research and conceptual papers which have been published in reputed internationally refereed journals and conference proceedings. Currently working on a global research project -"Branding and Young Muslims". Data for this research was collected from a number of Muslim countries.