Dr Mohamed Fahim Abdul Cader
PhD (Medicine), MappMgt (Health), MRpharmS, B.Pharm
Dr. Fahim is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer with extensive experience in conducting clinical research in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs). Additionally, he serves as an acting research manager/fellow at the Edith Collins Centre for Translational Research in Alcohol, Drugs, and Toxicology. He is also a council member of the NSW Drug and Alcohol Clinical Research and Improvement Network (DACRIN).
His key research skills lie in research management, toxicology, clinical pharmacy, and clini...
- Publications
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Teaching and Supervision
Co-investigator: Burden of polypharmacy and attitudes towards deprescribing among older patients in Kandy district, Sri Lanka: a cross-sectional study. URG/2022/16/AHS 2022-2023). University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. SLR 197,500
• Co-investigator: Investigating antibiotic use and knowledge of antibiotics and AMR among general public of selected provinces in Sri Lanka (URG/2021/02/AHS 2021-2023). University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. SLR 467,000
• Co-investigator. Epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Aetiology in Sri Lanka (2020-2021). From SACTRC and the George Institute for Global Health, Australia. Au$ 19,650
• Investigator. Seed funding as part of Program grant APP1055176. Long-term effects on kidney function and health after severe snake envenomation (2020-2022). From SACTRC and University of Sydney. Au$ 42,382
• Co-investigator: A study to evaluate the effect of clinical pharmacy interventions on management outcome in CKDU patients undergoing haemodialysis in Sri Lanka (RG/2017/HS/04-(2018-2019). SLR. National Sciences Foundation, Sri Lanka. SLR 3,233,750.00
• Early Career Researcher, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) in Translational Venom and Antivenom Research. Application ID: APP1110343 (2016-2020)- Au$ 844,779
• Early Career Researcher/Research Manager, NHMRC Program Grant. An integrated research program in human toxicology to ensure rapid translation of results into practice and regulation. (NHMRC; Grant number: 1055176 (2014-2019)- Au$6,846,800
• Co-investigator/Coordinator. Risk Factors of Chronic Kidney disease in the Developing World (2016). Seed funding from SACTRC and University of Sydney. Au$ 6,200
• Australian Endeavour Postgraduate Research Award (2012-2014)-Au$230,000)
• UNSW partial Tuition Fee Scholarship (2014-2015)- Au$10,000
2023 Conference Registration Support (1500 AUD) clinicaltrialsNSW Unit, Office for Health and Medical Research, NSW Health
2020 Research Excellence Awards Based on the Transparent Research Performance Scheme 2020, University of Peradeniya
2018-2023 Faculty Research Awards for Scientific Publication 2019-2022, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya.
2017 Merit Awards for Scientific Publication 2017
2003-2019 Presidential award for outstanding scientific publications
(Consecutively since year 2003-2008 & 2010-2019). Last awarding ceremony was held in April 2021 for awarding 2018 publications (www.nrc.gov.lk)
2014 University of New South Wales tuition fee top-up scholarship
2014 Travel Grant-Prince of Wales Clinical School (POWCS)
2013 Travel Grant-UNSW Postgraduate Research Support Scheme (PRSS)
2013 Travel Grant-Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT)
2011-2014 Endeavour Postgraduate Research Award
2011-2014 Australian Development Scholarship (awarded but not taken)
Nov 2010 Travel Grant-International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), FIP PSWC/AAPS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
Sept 2009 FIP Congress Travel Scholarship- International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), 69th FIP Congress, Istanbul, Turkey
Dec 2007 Travel Grant-Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology (APAMT), 6th APAMT Congress, Bangkok
March 2003 Scholarship and Travel Grant to attend Oxford-UK Randomized Clinical Trial Short Course, Oriel College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
1998-2001 Full Scholarship, Government of Pakistan through Pakistan Technical Assistance Program and Colombo Plan to study four-year course of Bachelor of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan
My research interests include the epidemiology of self-poisoning and suicide, exploring the role of novel biomarkers and mRNAs in the early detection of AKI/CKD, investigating the clinical effects of solvents and alcohol on pesticide poisoning, and evaluating the impact of a ward-based clinical pharmacy service in the resolution of drug-related problems. Other key research areas include integrated approaches to improve the appropriate use of antibiotics and Quality Use of Medicines (QUM), as well as community pharmacy interventions to reduce suicide.
Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Toxicology, Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical trials on effective treatment of poisoning and OUD, Descriptive studies on emerging pesticide poisoning, Effect of solvent on clinical outcomes of acute poisoning, Biomarkers of AKI/CKD, Long-term clinical effects of acute pesticide exposure, Clinical pharmacy interventions in LMIC, Community pharmacy interventions to reduce suicide, RCT to study repurposed drug to reduce post-cardiac surgery AKI.
My Research Supervision
M.Phil and PhD students
My Teaching
Pharmacology and therapeutics, toxicology, clinical pharmacy