Associate Professor Miriam Levy

Associate Professor Miriam Levy

Conjoint Associate Professor
Medicine & Health
School of Clinical Medicine

Associate Professor Miriam Levy is a Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist, and Head of Department at Liverpool Hospital, now the largest teaching hospital in Sydney, Australia. Miriam is a conjoint Associate Professor at University of NSW and Western Sydney University, Member of the Clinical Trials Network for Australian Liver Association and NSW Representative, Australian Liver Association Chapter of Gastroenterology Society of Australia.

Her research has addressed clinical questions in vi...

Liverpool Hospital

I have been able to support the research over the years with a combination of Pharma sponsored investigator initiated Grants for specific projects, New South Wales  Ministry of Health and EC Australia support for the Emergency Department screening pilot SEARCH research. 

Research Interests:
The Viral Hepatitis Research Group has a number of key areas of active clinical research. My group has already published unique Australian data on the rates of mother to child transmission of hepatitis b infection and currently investigating the role of anti viral therapy to prevent transmission of hepatitis B in this setting. The natural history of women with Hepatitis B infection remains to be defined, as much of the international literature on natural history does not reflect the course of the disease in women, which tends to be less severe. We are researching clinical characteristics that can facilitate clinical outcome prediction . These might  serve to influence therapeutic decisions at an early phase and disease.

Patients with viral hepatitis and cirrhosis have significant risk of hepatocellular cancer which has a poor prognosis without treatment. There are many therapeutic modalities depending on the stage of liver disease and stage of tumour. I am interested in the management of advanced hepatocellular cancer with recent research emphasis on the analysis of unmet supportive care needs. 

More recently I have investigated the role of screening those and risk for viral hepatitis within an emergency department presentation in an automated fashion. The goal is to maximise the opportunity during and engagement with the health service. We have a number of Grants supporting pilots  designed to model and iteratively improve testing  algorithms in this setting. the research incorporates cost analysis work, patient on health care worker and acceptance of screening research and further pilots of the (screening emergency admissions at risk of chronic hepatitis) that is SEARCH 1, 2 and 3-extension program.


Broad Research Areas:
Gastrointestinal Diseases, Infectious Diseases, Health Promotion, Clinical Research