Dr Minran Liu

Dr Minran Liu

UNSW Canberra
School of Humanities & Social Sciences

Dr. Minran Liu is a Lecturer in International & Political Studies at the School of Humanities & Social Sciences (HASS) at UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA). Previously, he was a Lecturer in International Relations within the Discipline of Government and International Relations (GIR) at the University of Sydney, where he also earned his PhD. Minran's research primarily focuses on Chinese foreign and security policy, the interplay between domestic and international affairs, Asia-Pacific security and Australia-China relations. He is a Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee of the International Studies Association (ISA) Asia-Pacific and an Adjunct Fellow at the Australia-China Relations Institute (ACRI) at the University of Technology Sydney(UTS).

  • Journal articles | 2024
    Liu M, 2024, 'Identity-policy discrepancy: crisis perception, third-order change and the shifting foreign policy trajectories of China and Japan toward Northeast Asia', Contemporary Politics, 30, pp. 678 - 703, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13569775.2024.2311985

Minran Liu. (2024). Identity-Policy Discrepancy: Crisis Perception, Third-Order Change and the Shifting Foreign Policy Trajectories of China and Japan Toward Northeast Asia, Contemporary Politics, online first.

Minran. Liu. (2022) Translation (English to Chinese), the Comparative Method: Moving beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies by Charles C. Ragin. Shanghai People’s Publishing House.

Minran Liu & Jingdong Yuan. (2021) Confidence Building, Early Warning and Fact Finding in Sino-ROK Disputes: Can Preventive Diplomacy work in a Bilateral Context? In Yanjun Guo and Zhili Han Eds. Achieving Sustaining Peace through Preventive Diplomacy, Series on Asian Regional Cooperation Studies. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. pp. 139-155.