Dr Mengistu Amberber
BA MA (Addis Ababa), PhD (McGill)
Dr Mengistu Amberber is a Senior Lecturer in Linguistics in the School of Languages and Linguistics (FASS). His main research interests include lexical semantics, grammatical theory, the semantics-syntax interface, and linguistic typology.
He is the author of Verb Classes and Transitivity in Amharic (Lincom Studies in Afro-Asiatic Linguistics, 2002), and editor of The Language of Memory in a Cross-linguistic Perspective (in Human Cognitive Processing, volume 21, John Benjamins, 2007), and ...
- Publications
- Teaching and Supervision
My Teaching
(I) Undergraduate:
The Structure of Language
The Use of Language
Generative Grammar
Language Universals and Linguistic Typology
(II) Postgraduate:
Introduction to Linguistic Analysis