Ms Maureen MacGinley

Ms Maureen MacGinley


DSW (current candidate)

MCSW (with Excellence)  Master Counselling Social Work 


Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Social Sciences

Maureen MacGinley is a lecturer in social work and a doctoral candidate. Maureen has extensive experience in working therapeutically alongside survivors of interpersonal violence and child abuse, especially adult and child sexual abuse. She also has extensive experience in working therapeutically with people experiencing a broad range of adversity and psychosocial developmental challenges. Maureen has worked for around 30 years in the field providing counselling, consultation, management and education.  She is an experienced educator in social work, counselling, therapy, trauma informed and trauma-focused practice. She is committed to the intersections of practice and research. 

134 Morven Brown Building
  • Journal articles | 2022
    Nugus P; Travaglia J; MacGinley M; Colliver D; Mazaniello-Chezol M; Claudio F; Lewis LD, 2022, 'Conceptual foundations of organizational structure: re-structuring of women's health services', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 36, pp. 332 - 350,
    Journal articles | 2019
    MacGinley M; Breckenridge J; Mowll J, 2019, 'A scoping review of adult survivors’ experiences of shame following sexual abuse in childhood', Health and Social Care in the Community, 27, pp. 1135 - 1146,

Maureen's current doctoral project explores the experiences of shame for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse.


To enhance institutional, community and therapeutic responses to survivors of childhood sexual abuse by using grounded theory to investigate the self reported lived experience of shame following childhood sexual abuse.

To contribute to understandings about shame experiences and responses

I engage collaboratively with counselling, advocacy and support agencies and practitioners who work together with survivors of violence, abuse and neglect, their families and friends, to challenge the psychological, structural and relational harms caused by violence. Current projects include:

Engagement with SAMSN, providing input and research translation in training programs for health and community workers. Survivors and Mates Support Network (SAMSN) is a not-for-profit charity that employs qualified staff and men with lived experience to provide services to male survivors, their families, and supporters. 

Ghosthunter The Film: Member of the clinical advisory team for the development of  Professional Training Resources - Playing A Part in Recovery  -

My research engages with people with lived experience of child sexual abuse and practitioners and agencies providing counselling and support. 


My Research Supervision


  • Jordii Burke (2021 Principal)

  • Madeleine Pearson Gotting (2021 Principal)


Completions - Honours: 

  • Elizabeth (Abby) Wales (2019) ‘I don’t feel like I belong at all’ :  An exploration of the experiences of stigma for people with co-occurring mental illness and substance use.

  • Sophie Abrahams (2020) The use of Role-Playing Games as Therapeutic Intervention Tools with Individuals Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.